I really thought we had something special I am sobbing into my tea.
Posts by nugget
i'm leaving this site forever
by stan livedeath inas the title says--i'm out of here for good.. the site is full of atheists, communists, 7th day adventists, creationists, believers, deceivers, receivers, football supporters,.
dodgy types, cantleave---and assorted wankers.. so no place for me--because i'm none of the above so dont fit in.
so--this is goodbye forever my friends--its been almost average knowing you.
My son is coming home to me soon. Yey!!!
by KateWild inmy son sent me a wonderful song a month ago on this thread.
it's amazing how a bad experience can trigger action.
It is good news but never underestimate the capacity of someone with a spiteful nature to make trouble. Hope for the best and plan for the worst. Fingers crossed that this works out well for both of you.
I came here three years ago for support and to make friends
by KateWild inthis site is such a great and valuable resource and simon is to be commended for running it for so long.
when i first came i was in such a bad state and really needed support and friendship.
so many posters commented on my threads and showed genuine care some are real life friends, some are facebook friends, some i talk to on the phone and some are forum friends.. i have just realised though that everyone online is not your friend.
On line is a hard way to get to know people. When we are face to face we see the wry smile when an insult is given in jest. We can see when someone is becoming agitated or heated and change the subject. It is sometimes hard to pick up the same cues when all we have is the black and white. We also don't know the struggles that others are facing that may make them short tempered or intolerant of a point of view that is different from theirs.
Do not worry too much everyone is on their own life journey and a person may go through many transitions as they acquire knowledge that may cause them to modify what they believe to be true. Whilst it may be tempting to try impose an idea on someone else, personal growth needs us to work for our own answers to listen to opinions yes but look at the evidence ourselves and form conclusions. Robust debate that challenges our ideas is helpful providing it doesn't tip over into bullying. I haven't read the posts that spawned this one but carry on your research don't be discouraged be open minded and be excited by the challenge.
Don't judge others too harshly I found that the posters that seemed the harshest in my early months were ultimately the ones that stopped me falling back into old patterns of thinking and made me ask valuable questions.
Just found out their about to baptise my 14 year old boy.
by Crazyguy inthere doing this right under my nose but i just found out.
not sure what to do but would like your help on getting me wt information on my headship role and how they shouldn't be doing this with out my permission.
also would like some help on showing my son the ramifications on what happens to someone when they get baptized and how they'll expect him to treat me.
If he has any form of special need then he may be more susceptible to peer pressure than most. This is certainly true of my son who is eager to please.
It is great news that he has changed his mind but I would stop the study stating that if the study conductor felt he was ready to be baptised then there is no need to continue or he did not fully understand your son's needs and it is not appropriate for him to visit. Use the time to spend time with your son and talk. If the study is allowed to continue then this will come up again. Your son doesn't need the pressure and you can act as his champion.
There will be a Funeral service for Prince in the Kingdom Hall this sunday
by Farai inabout 30-50 high profile guests are expected among 300 other guests.
the kingdom hall has requested for support from the police for crowd/traffic control .
They will be grossly disappointed unless they do a special memorial for Prince rather than the advertoral funerals usually are.
According to the link this memorial hasn't been requested by the family either.
To the lurkers: This cult of a religion keeps killing my marriage over and over
by goingthruthemotions infirst let me say, if i could turn back time and never get involved with this cult.
i would.. to the lurkers: .
if you on the fence and could leave.
It is true that despite their propaganda the truth is that no one in the religion has a normal family life. The family is of less value to them than the organisation they worship. Family relationships are conditional on belief and non believers can be treated cruelly and harshly and they feel justified in doing it. They will tell people they love them and are being cruel to be kind but they don't really know what love is.
The pain and misery they cause through their attempts at control is unforgiveable and the religions intrusion into marriage is sickening. Married couples should talk to one another, share their thoughts and plans and make decisions about their life together based on mutual respect. In the witness world this doesn't truly happen because husbands and wives are constantly policing how their spouse conforms to the policies of an organisation. They make few decisions together since they have limited choices they can make. Elders intrude into the most intimate aspects of marriage and if one partner slips they lose all control since they are sidelined and elders step in and take control of the spouse that is still in.
I have seen the pain in my fathers marriage and how unreasonable and intolerable it is. This is not a religion of love and never has been it is a religion about control and profit and people who follow it don't need to be happy they just need to be obedient.
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
I bet this is what my Mum signed. Hard hearted cult that is happy to kill off members for publicity.
The difference is more around making sure that other people are in a position to police the directive taking away all power from the individual or family members to change their mind and to give the cult the permission to walk into your hospital room and take charge. That is the scary part.
300 books and magazines placed outside The Shard
by pleaseresearch inhi all.. so i got a txt today from a very proud mum claiming that, the jw cart produced 300 book and magazine placements.
mostly from foreign speakers.. the shard is the tallest building in the uk.
this is where the cart was placed.. not a bad day they had really.
If it is right by a tourist attraction people may have picked up literature thinking there was some connection. However thy won't necessarily have read it or even kept it but tossed it at the earliest opportunity. It would be interesting to check the local bins to see if any were thrown away. -
Ronnie Corbett.
by karter inand it's good nite from him.. one of the greatest comedians of my lifetime,he never used foul language he and ronnie barker were just truly funny.. i always enjoyed he two ronnie's.. rip.. karter.
Been a part of my life forever he will be missed but leaves happy memories. -
Breaking news - from reliable insider source - GB member Sanderson to wed
by sir82 innot only that, but apparently it is to a transgender female.. new light wt article regarding "born that way" transgenders as a "conscience matter" to be released in the august 15 wt.. more details here..
Very funny