Thats ok I had told the guardian about an incident that occurred when I was in my late teens so not a child. I had explained to them why as a witness I had never considered calling the police even though what had happened to me was a crime. I was providing more background information on what the JC was like and how the process presumed guilt and the emphasis was more on providing evidence of repentance rather than appreciating the long term effect that could have on a victim. I told them the impact this had had on my life and how victims of child abuse would suffer even more long term psychological damage since victims of abuse are not signposted to any support systems, may have to see their perpetrator at meetings and other religious events and remain civil to them if they remain in good standing. So in my case she wasn't looking for a one off story but for some insight into why I as a JW made the choice to seek support from the elders first and trust them to deal with an issue that in any other setting would be seen as a crime.
I was surprised they contacted me to be honest as I had said that I was providing information only.