I have to admit as an American everytime I see the Iraq army I would have a tringe of guilt. All the T-72 tanks that are made in ohio. Those mirage jet fighters made right here in california. AK-47's which are of coursed produced in florida. And all thoughs wonderfull extras like, night vision gear, GPS jammers. Yes, America just made a bundle selling Saddam all that stuff.
Also, just FYI stuff to make gas is dual use, the equipment used to make pesticide (purchased from europe) can also be sued to make posion gas. Honestly, pesticide was developed from military research on gas and is just dilluted nerve agent.
- During the Iran Iraq war we did give Saddam some sattelite inteligence. Primarly because we did not want to see him over run by Iran. In the messy reality of that part of the world not a bad decision.
- France and Russia were by far the biggest supplies of millitary equipment to Iran. That should be obvious by simply looking at its composition.
- We did give Iraq some samples of anthrax (was that what he used on the kurds? no?). stupid idea but remember anthrax occurs naturally and this was not weapons grade anthrax. A world of difference between the two.