JanH had considerable powers of sarcasm, he was entertaining. But the guy looked like Jesus on crack. He must have weighed 90 lbs. So I would have to go with Simon who appears to have more bulk and a healthy metabolism on his side.
remember that mtv show "celebrity deathmatch" where comic characters of famous people battle it out in the ring?
(is that show still on?
) well, what would our own little "deathmatch" be like?
JanH had considerable powers of sarcasm, he was entertaining. But the guy looked like Jesus on crack. He must have weighed 90 lbs. So I would have to go with Simon who appears to have more bulk and a healthy metabolism on his side.
sharon: iran next on war list
friday, nov. 8, 2002
israeli prime minister ariel sharon says the u.s. war on terror shouldn't end with iraq.
dictators that were supported by past American administrations
Two things, cold war logic and so what. Does that mean we can never oppose dictators because at one time we failed to?
Afghan massacre
I remember, one source, no confirmation. That had more to do with it than any other reason.
being Godless people and all
I dont condone killing godless people because I am a godless person.
Why do others hate us so much? Its that type of arrogant attitude that the gets you hated through out the world. After 9/11 would't have been better to work through the rest of the world community to come up with a resolution?
So they hate us because we dont want their pity?The world community of which you speak is incapable of ever solving any problem. Rawanda, etc, etc,. The world community wanted the status quo to exist to protect French, German and Russian contracts for weapons and oil.
No one wants terrorism and would like to see the end of it all
Not true, some groups and nations thrive off terrorism.
We can justify anything with shallow minded, school Yard bullying mentality Why don't we all go back to watching WWF wrestling?
Nice attack, was there a point to it?
there is a time when war is necessary, when all other options are exhausted
How many UN resolutions does it take for that to become an exhausted means?
Seems to me that coming from a control religion like the JW's we would be a little more skeptical of what is being fed to us as truth and question it a little. The world is not all black and white. You can talk around the question all you want but the problems all go back to an old book written 4,000 years ago. A book full of old superstitious ideologies.
I am sekptical but I dont have my head in the clouds. I do question, but dont accept biased sources. I agree the world is not black or white... actually I agree with the rest of that sentence.
Anyway it is costing you the tax payers billions of dollars just occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, that could be spent on things like home land security, medical care, schooling, veterans benefits etc. Also its costing you American lives everyday.
How much did 9/11 cost the American tax payer? Anyway it seems like some of the same people screaming over the cost of Iraq where screaming that we were not spending enough in Afghanistan.
Other Points:
sharon: iran next on war list
friday, nov. 8, 2002
israeli prime minister ariel sharon says the u.s. war on terror shouldn't end with iraq.
My honest take is that no one is next. We are going to try to get Iraq right. If we can get some form of functional stable democratic in Iraq it would go along way to winning the WOT. IMHO.
NK, thats China's baby they are going to fix it.
http://www.megat.co.uk/quizmo/quiz.php?quiz=2508 .
so, how american are you?.
questions 10145-80095
Time to load my gun and shoot somebody. YEEHAWW.
http://www.megat.co.uk/quizmo/quiz.php?quiz=2508 .
so, how american are you?.
questions 10145-80095
WTF? I got like 30% American.
sharon: iran next on war list
friday, nov. 8, 2002
israeli prime minister ariel sharon says the u.s. war on terror shouldn't end with iraq.
we are trying to push our ideaologies and way of life on them
Please define how we are doing that.
right to self govern themselves
Who does not want to allow them to govern themselves? Please respond within the context of the deal Clinton offered the pals and the plan the US is using in Iraq to attempt to create a stable government.
People in some parts of the world live through 9/11's every day of their lives
Yes, the taliban killed more afghans than we did. So should the US become isolantionist and allow people to kill themselves like in Cambodia, Rawanda, our is it our responsibility to fix these problems it.
you won't get a lot of sympathy
I and I believe most Americans do not want anyones sympathy. We just want a way to fix it.
i'm like mr. bean!.
30% Brittish just like madonna.
it will be interesting to see how this develops.
my viewpoint is that california is quite simply the most segregated state in the union.
Craker = Cracker
it will be interesting to see how this develops.
my viewpoint is that california is quite simply the most segregated state in the union.
Because California is quite simply insane. In the late 80's and 90's everyone hung out together. Now when I look around college too many people stick to their own little racial group. I think its mindless.
I agree that there should be no groups based on color. But if there is going to be goups based on color than every group should be allowed.
However, I willing to bet money she does not get her 'white club'. The NAACP is against it and the school administrators will cave.
david blaine has been in his box for two weeks now.
during that time it's become a daily event for people to go and throw eggs and other food at the box, people have also fired golf-balls at him and other objects and someone has even tried to cut the cables holding the box from the crane.
people have also tried to shine lasers into his eyes and othe 'clever' tricks.. it's disgusting but typical of the yobbish, mindless behavior that is becoming too common in the uk.. i'm ashamed to be british.
I agree with Dakota. Things are the same here in the states, you know the story it just takes a few idiots to make everyone look bad.