Stuckin, sounds like the perfect opportunity to step down.
"Brothers, my inability to aux pioneer made me realize I cannot be looked upon as an example in our hall any longer."
we have been told this week that all in the elder and ms body will be read a letter from the gb about "make this the greatest month of activity ever"..... has anyone else had such a letter read out in their cong / servant body?.
i presume it will be all about "recommending strongly/insisting" that all these men should pioneer for the month?.
Stuckin, sounds like the perfect opportunity to step down.
"Brothers, my inability to aux pioneer made me realize I cannot be looked upon as an example in our hall any longer."
we're always saying the way to reach someone still "in" is to share parallel information about other religions and bro.
jake's videos (with very minor variations) are almost interchangeable between mormons and witnesses.. .
All of this guys content is awesome!
it's about a year since i started visiting this website.
it all started with the july 15 wt last year and all the changes.
lazy me had not read it online so when one bro said to me at the hall, 'have you read all the new stuff in that issue' i didn't know what he was talking about.
Rather than "making room" for bullshit, why not shovel it out of your life and stop smelling it?
At least quit being an elder and propogating lies, you'll feel much better about yourself even if some self-righteous JWs look down their noses at you for resigning your cult-enforcer job.
are "stuck in" jws in a toxic relationship?
this past two weeks, i've been realizing that a few of my jw relatives are very toxic people (they fit the description below).
i realized that alot of ex-jws who are stuck dealing with jws may also be in a toxic relationship.
So what did you tell the relative? Just that you are done with him/her?
A really big problem with the JW religion is that it does nothing to help people deal with their issues. Rather, its the kick the can down the road theory that everything will be solved when Jehoopla kills off everyone else and awards panda bears and fruit platters to his faithful servants. So the messed up JW simply persists in all of their crazyness under the guise of serving Jehoopla.
Being five years removed makes me realize there is no way in hell I would submit to a relationship with 98% of JWs simply because of the cult glasses they have to wear around. The idiotic statements they make about the world around them simply are too stupid to tolerate.
i have a cousin who claims to have disassociated from the faith over 10 years ago.
recently he told me that our family has never learned about this.
honestly i dont see how he has continued to keep this up.
My guess is that he's lying.
i have had this document for some time.
i think it was either given out at pioneer school or at one of the pioneer meetings with the circuit overseer.. .
how things have changed in 15 years.
Only third in line to be masters of the universe?
These days they are virtual co-rulers with Jehoobie himself, Jesus seems to have been demoted in most literature.
if there was a pill you could give to your jw family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?.
most would probably say yes.. but what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?.
some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs.
Any time you say anything at all to an active JW that challenges their belief system, its like giving them that red/blue pill option.
As most can relate to doing that at some time, the JW almost always chooses the blue pill option.
the gb is guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes.
blasphemy against god by claiming they "speak for jehovah".
they said it again recently in an article..that they speak the words of jehovah and we should listen to those words.
Your talking about symptoms, not the disease.
The real problem is the idea of GOD being up there in the sky, letting all of this happen down below.
Until humans get over themselves and their self importance, this will continue as is.
has the gb ever explained exactly how they supposedly communicate with god and get new light or other "inspiration" for their "spiritual dog food"?.
do they all sit in a room together and hold hands and join one conciousness??.
do they fall asleep and go to the dream world and talk to jehovah there like the movie inception or something??.
Nah, they don't mess with the little details. Tell a lie, make it a big lie, and keep repeating it.
Of course IF you can get a JW to concentrate for more than 30 seconds, the points to make are 1) Does God lie to the GB, or 2) Is the GB not listening to the communications coming from God? (based on their 100% failure rate when it comes to prophecy)
Admission of either means there is no need to live your life as a JW for one additional minute.
so have we got any additional clarification since the initial announcement on this?
the change is almost 1 month away and we still don't know how this is going to work exactly?
so what's the deal?
The CO is the now the new boss in town, (probably about the same as the old boss in town).
Probably takes the names recommended, plugs them into a secret WT database for pedos and apostates, and if no red flags come up its a rubber stamp approval.
Just a nice little layer of protection that the old WTBTS cooked up in their lab to keep lawsuits another step away from HQ and their huge stacks of cash.