Wow, good story.
Was he a convert after he became a psychiatrist?
he's gone apostate!
as some may remember, when i started my fade, my husband freaked out and thought i was going to leave him.
he wanted to see someone about our marriage.
Wow, good story.
Was he a convert after he became a psychiatrist?
i know someone who has been at bethel 2.5 years as a temporary worker.
he recently recieved a 3 year extension through 2017. i read his letter.
he is being extended as a 3-year temporary worker, even though he's already been there nearly 3 years already!
Do the temps get the huge paycheck that the regular Bethelites get?
I guess my satire isn't obvious enough.
i know someone who has been at bethel 2.5 years as a temporary worker.
he recently recieved a 3 year extension through 2017. i read his letter.
he is being extended as a 3-year temporary worker, even though he's already been there nearly 3 years already!
Do the temps get the huge paycheck that the regular Bethelites get? Or do they completely fend for themselves?
Really, what benefit do you get from being labelled regular vs temporary? Bragging rights?
with the crisis in gaza, the rise of islamist militants in iraq and syria and the international stand-off ongoing in ukraine, it can sometimes feel like the whole world is at war.. but experts believe this is actually almost universally the case, according to a think-tank which produces one of the world's leading measures of "global peacefulness" - and things are only going to get worse.. it may make for bleak reading, but of the 162 countries covered by the institute for economics and peace's (iep's) latest study, just 11 were not involved in conflict of one kind or another.. worse still, the world as a whole has been getting incrementally less peaceful every year since 2007 - sharply bucking a trend that had seen a global move away from conflict since the end of the second world war.. the uk, as an example, is relatively free from internal conflict, making it easy to fall to thinking it exists in a state of peace.. but recent involvement in foreign fighting in the likes of afghanistan, as well as a fairly high state of militarisation, means britain actually scores quite poorly on the 2014 global peace index, coming 47th overall.. .
So enlighten us InsidetheKH, does this mean Armageddon is "imminent'? Or maybe "just around the corner"?
isn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
I'll say it again, that dude Lett is creating apostates every time he speaks to a crowd.
I love it.
i couldn't stay away from jwn, nor could i stay away from my favorite elder.. my email to my favorite elder:.
since the wt org.
is tightening its grip on the membership at the same time it is running the organization like a business (flipping real estate, downsizing and promoting a brand name, an idol and a flag such as, i feel that membership numbers are going to be affected; my bet is downward.
Agree with tigersuit, FACTS don't matter to JWs.
Add to that the idea that the bible can support just about any position and JWs will never run out of proof-texts to support their sick cult.
lets say jw's were right about paradise.
i'm resurrected,.
a mentally deceased dreaded apostate, you look up and there i'am.. now you shunned me for over 10 -20 years when i was .
Hitler, Stalin and Mao get resurrections.
Ex-JWs do not.
God's gotta draw the line somewhere.
im just thinking outloud and, of course, you are welcome to think aloud with me.. (1) there are the metrics used in the yearbook totals.
the average publisher count measures only those who reported time.
likely, most of those who attend the memorial are those inactive or somehow associated in some way, shape, or form.. (2) there is meeting attendance.
What new rules? Have I missed something?
every paragraph and every article in this issue is nonstop heavy artillery fire propaganda.
i have never seen a wt so full of logical fallacies, appeals to emotion, appeals to authority, guilt tripping and bite techniques all in one issue!
paragraph 9 states clearly that even though the gb is imperfect, that does not matter, we must obey them anyways.
Blind obedience.
Thats all they care about anymore.
math has never been a strong suit of wtbts.. see the question from readers on page 30:.
"how long did this inspection and cleansing.
work take?
Looks right to me. So one reference of 3.5 years is literal and the next one a few versus later is figurative? Sheesh these guys have balls the size of basketballs with the way their fit the scriptures around their fairy tale agenda.
Of course 1919 is probably what they want because that's when Boozeford got out of the slam right?