Yet man day-by-day becomes more and more unhappy and discontented, and world is becoming bitter and bitter
An unsupported platitude and a massive generalization to boot. Do you have an 'unhappy meter' on the world? A bitterness ruler?
I'm sure millions in Africa who are getting basics like clean drinking water would have a thing to say about your false premise.
Science isn't a religion. It isn't about providing comforts or luxuries. Its about studying reality without unprovable statements like this getting in the way:
He is essentially a “spirit” that acts through the medium of his body. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) If we are truly objective, we can experience that everything depends on that IMMATERIAL PART that animates and sustains our bodies—once the SPIRIT departs, our bodies (including our brain which some feel as the source of our intelligence) become a terribly foul-smelling trash.