They might be feeling touchy feely right now, but if the CO is a hard ass expect to be summoned to a JC in a New York second.
People are throw away commodities in a cult. Expect and plan for the absolute worst with these guys.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
They might be feeling touchy feely right now, but if the CO is a hard ass expect to be summoned to a JC in a New York second.
People are throw away commodities in a cult. Expect and plan for the absolute worst with these guys.
i was thinking about this anouncment at the zone visit today.
this so called test of faith may be that the wt is going bust.
let's face it, for a while now we have seen the wt trying to scrimp and save as much as possible such as .
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Heh heh, Olive Garden. That was the nice place to go when I was a JW.
Good times.
excerpts from my old meeting notebook.. i think i identified what my problem was: attitude!.
morning session: symposium, (something about god's will).
pt 1: what is god's will?.
Sounds like you didn't have the 'three H's' now did you sparrow?
What were they, humble, honest and I can't even remember the last one.
i've, over the years, looked into many religions.
obviously, from those that have seen me post here, i've become an atheist simply because i couldn't find any reason to believe in god.
recently, though, over the past few months, a new change has started.
Similar feelings to the OP. I get irritated when so and so celebrity or sports figure reference "GOD" as the reason for their success. So if he gets the credit, does he also get the blame for the starvation in Africa, or the abuse of children across the globe? Only makes sense now doesn't it, until they pull their special pleading argument out of their backside.
The sheer size of the universe itself tells me that those of us here are just lucky ones who get to spend a few decades on a tiny rock before we go to sleep. Enjoy it while you can.
Being judged or even talked about, based on the following:
missing meetings
missing serve-us
not studying
being late for meetings
missing the DC or CA
Fears drive 98% of the activity in the cult.
i know there are recordings out there of jcs and more to come.
i imagine the average drone wouldn't dream of recording a jc but those who are aware of the tatt might record jcs if they bother to attend.. i'm wondering (yes, another idle speculation post...sorreeeeeee), with the advent of more being recorded if the wbt$ will change their tack on how jcs are conducted?
leave it the same?.
While the matter was trivial, the attitude bothered me even more. Having been such a trivial issue, there was no need to pull her.
This is the basis for the whole 'authority' structure. If they feel they can pull anyone back at any given time for any reason, and the sheep comply, they have nothing to ever worry about. The first thing to always ask is "To discuss what?" the second they try this shit. They don't like that one bit, as you are questioning their right to even do their back room trick. Next step is to always decline the invitiation and tell them you need a little time to pray about it, as you need to be in the right mindset. From there you can decide if you even want to proceed.
Oh, and if you have a JW wife tell her that she needs to speak with you first before any meetings will ever happen.
jw love to make a big deal about christmas but the reality is alot of people have time off work from christmas to new years.
we like to go home.
with me being an ubm does it become an issue within the cong ?
There is no hard and fast rule, but lots of JWs are concerned about appearances.
If there are a lot of douche bag elders in your hall they may suspect your wife is secretly celebrating Xmas behind their backs.
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Four, five and six congos to a building, I can see it now. Driving 20 miles one way for meetings even though you live in a populated city.
Yeah that will be a test of faith when they are scheduling meetings on Friday Nights and Watchtower studies on Saturday at 2pm, absolutely ruining the weekend of JWs everywhere.
Hopefully more will simply say "Screw it, I'm done here"
its been done for a long time.
relieved with the idea of finally being free without the fight.
As tough as it is, your kids will thank you in both the short and long run.
Freeing yourself and your children from a cult is a brave thing to do.