Wow Eden, that is taking 'special pleading' to another level!
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
'Trusted' Jehovahs Witness raped and sexually abused girls
by cliff in'trusted' jehovahs witness raped and sexually abused girls.
court: barry furlong arrives at bournemouth crown court.
first published tuesday 9 december 2014 in news by jane reader.
Do Jws even need Jesus?
by TTWSYF injust thinking out loud becauseof some things my elder brother has said in the past.
how his works help ensure his future w/the great crowd on earth.. .
well, i need jesus for my salvation,but perhaps some of you do not.. just asking.
Ask a JW what they believe is an absolute requirement to get to the new order.
Faith in Jesus as their lord and savior, or being a member in good standing of the Jehovah's Witness organization?
They would hedge and say both of course, but in reality Jesus is a footnote in their doctrinal teachings.
What's next, Food Banks?
by Quarterback injust thinking, and speculating here.
who would have even immagined a tv channel as a change.
what could top that?.
BWAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good one, Quarterback!
Not only that, Jehovah told them the end was coming, in just six short years.
That alone proves to me that no such appointment ever happened.
Media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from ABC News New York
by Londo111 in
see last item:.
"media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from abc news new york".
Hopefully they have a large expose' on this cult in the pipeline!
So when?
by crazyhorse inso when at all will other jws wake up from their deep mind control and realize its all lies???.
i can't wait to see jws wake up from their control like it happened in "the stepford wives".. .
Any elders out there? How to Local needs talks work?
by Letts Party inso a local needs talk was lovingly given at our hall last week that i'm positive targeted me specifically.
it had to do with missing meetings for work.
they even had a demo on what we should do if our boss asks us to stay overtime on a meeting night (basically say "no" and risk losing your great job which you have no desire whatsoever to lose)... so i'm aware that there's a sort of protocol the elders follow when someone in the hall needs to work on something.
Still a MS?
Again, a great reason to step down.
"Brothers, after last weeks local needs part, I realize that I am not an exemplary servant and must step down until my employment situation improves". Then shut your mouth and do not allow them any wiggle room to talk you into staying.
You gotta stick it to these guys when the opportunity drops right into your lap.
crisis of conscience
by venting inif you were going to skip some parts of this book which ones would they be?
whats the best part?
i know i sound lazy, but i can't read this in bed next to my wife.
Skip the next four meetings and read it at home while she goes.
All of it is good.
Do you think the GB ever mentions these abuse cases directly?
by thedepressedsoul inthe title says it all, do you think that the gb will ever bring up these cases in their literature or in a talk?
i'm not talking about them just mentioning "persecution" i'm talking about actually bringing up child abuse cases and trying to justify it.. or will it just remain the elephant in the room until years have passed?.
How many topics have they come clean about in the past?
After 1975 they blamed the troops in 1976. A mealy mouthed semi apology that wasn't really an apology finally came 5 years later. That is the only thing I ever remember they sort of admitting was wrong.
Otherwise they just revise history.
Any elders out there? How to Local needs talks work?
by Letts Party inso a local needs talk was lovingly given at our hall last week that i'm positive targeted me specifically.
it had to do with missing meetings for work.
they even had a demo on what we should do if our boss asks us to stay overtime on a meeting night (basically say "no" and risk losing your great job which you have no desire whatsoever to lose)... so i'm aware that there's a sort of protocol the elders follow when someone in the hall needs to work on something.
The topic may be discussed by the whole body or just among the CBOE and the person giving the talk. If it was an actual marking talk then in theory it should have been agreed upon by the whole body.
If the talk was strongly worded, the gist is to get the rest of the congo to informally shun you because of your selfish decision to support yourself and your family instead of attending brainwashing sessions. If its well known that you are the target of the talk, expect your JW social life to drop to near zero, hopefully that won't break your heart!
Sounds to me like the perfect opportunity to "be stumbled" and quit the meetings altogether. If the elders call later, you can say how it really hurt your feelings that they would talk about you like that in front of the whole hall instead of lovingly counseling you in person, privately.