Pinterest is just plain weird to me. Chicks seem to love it. Any chicks here care to explain the appeal?
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
What's up with pinterest?
by mynameislame inafter trying to find the picture that blondie posted on the "whose kh has the blue square on it?
" i noticed this under every jw related pin:. has the bible bible based study aids to read, watch, listen download in 300+ (sign included) languages.
The Watchtower 3/15/2015 Parables! New Understanding! plus More!
by wifibandit in
Thank You From Captives of a Concept
by Cameron_Don ini wanted to thank so many who have taken the time and effort to read and recommend captives of a concept over the past decade.. for those who have not seen it, there is an interview on youtube that may have helped some witnesses begin the process of getting the sense of the way the watchtower religion actually works....
don cameron.
It nailed shut the WT coffin for good in my case!
Excellent research and writing.
If you don't have an "electronic device" you aren't ready for service!
by LostGeneration infrom the feb 2015 km, page 2:.
have a publisher demonstrate how he.
prepares for the ministry by reviewing the tracts,.
From the Feb 2015 KM, page 2:
Have a publisher demonstrate how he
prepares for the ministry by reviewing the tracts,
magazines, or brochures that he will be using. He
then organizes his service bag and makes sure
that his electronic device is ready to play.
'Trusted' Jehovahs Witness raped and sexually abused girls
by cliff in'trusted' jehovahs witness raped and sexually abused girls.
court: barry furlong arrives at bournemouth crown court.
first published tuesday 9 december 2014 in news by jane reader.
Wow Eden, that is taking 'special pleading' to another level!
Do Jws even need Jesus?
by TTWSYF injust thinking out loud becauseof some things my elder brother has said in the past.
how his works help ensure his future w/the great crowd on earth.. .
well, i need jesus for my salvation,but perhaps some of you do not.. just asking.
Ask a JW what they believe is an absolute requirement to get to the new order.
Faith in Jesus as their lord and savior, or being a member in good standing of the Jehovah's Witness organization?
They would hedge and say both of course, but in reality Jesus is a footnote in their doctrinal teachings.
What's next, Food Banks?
by Quarterback injust thinking, and speculating here.
who would have even immagined a tv channel as a change.
what could top that?.
BWAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good one, Quarterback!
Not only that, Jehovah told them the end was coming, in just six short years.
That alone proves to me that no such appointment ever happened.
Media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from ABC News New York
by Londo111 in
see last item:.
"media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from abc news new york".
Hopefully they have a large expose' on this cult in the pipeline!
So when?
by crazyhorse inso when at all will other jws wake up from their deep mind control and realize its all lies???.
i can't wait to see jws wake up from their control like it happened in "the stepford wives".. .