The Watchtower 3/15/2015 Parables! New Understanding! plus More!
by wifibandit 65 Replies latest watchtower bible
Poor old Freddie Franz! The Governing Body 2.0 is ripping to shreds the religion that took him decades to craft.
Freddie Franz is rolling in his grave tonight!
QFR: In the past, our publications often mentioned types and antitypes, but in recent years they have seldom done so. Why is that?
Still working my way through it, it is an astonishing magazine. Here are some thoughts so far -
Meaning of Discreet as in F&DS
W 2007 9/1
Hence, when Jesus described the faithful slave as discreet, he indicated that those represented by that slave would display discernment, foresight, and good judgment because they base their faith, actions, and teachings on God’s Word of truth.
“Discreet” translates the Greek word phro′ni·mos. The work Word Studies in the New Testament, by M. R. Vincent, comments that this word most frequently refers to practical wisdom and prudence.
In the current Watchtower they explain why there are changes, they state
As we might expect, over the years Jehovah has helped “the faithful and discreet slave” to become steadily more discreet. Discretion has led to greater caution when it comes to calling a Bible account a prophetic drama unless there is a clear Scriptural basis for doing so.
They state this even though nothing in the parable indicates that the FDS would become more faithful and more discreet over the years. The same magazine goes on about how they are keeping things clear and simple in explaining parables and not putting a meaning to every little aspect of the parable. Instead, they obviously are still sticking to the idea of making things up whenever they please. The FDS even goes on to state that the master would return and if they were still faithful & discreet he would reward them, it was not contingent on them becoming more faithful and discreet.
By claiming the the FDS has become more discreet, the current members of the GB are elevating themselves above their predecessors, they are also putting into question whether their predecessors were even wise and prudent at all. Without doubt, they are saying that in the past not much caution was being displayed.
The Good Samaritanand their ‘clear’ understanding of this parable -
Today, our literature uses that illustration to remind all Christians that we must be impartial in rendering aid to those in need, especially in a spiritual sense. Does it not make us happy to see that Jehovah makes his teachings clear to us?
So this account now means that Jesus is saying that we should be helping our neighbour, mostly in a spiritual sense even though he stated nothing of the sort in the parable. Again, they are just making things up.
See pages 26 and 27 regarding the sheep and goats parable. For a second, I thought they were going to agree with Russells timeline (Sheep and Goats judgement takes place after 1,000 years is over). Was disapointed. It is very obvious that they don't want people to be students of the Bible anymore. "Just listen to us and pray Christ won't kill you" is the message. Gah!!!!
More of the old "Marry only in the Watchtower" song and dance. Women catch no breaks in this religion.
w2015 3/15 pg. 30
Those who make such comments may feel that there is an imbalance in the number of eligible brothers and sisters. In many countries, that is indeed the case. Consider two examples: In Korea, on average, out of 100 single Witnesses, 57 are sisters and 43 are brothers. Colombia reports that 66 percent of the Witnesses are sisters and 34 percent are brothers.
In some lands, a complicating factor is that unbelieving parents may demand an elaborate dowry, making it difficult for brothers of modest means to get married. Considering such obstacles, a sister may feel that the possibility of finding a mate “in the Lord” is slim. So she might ask, “Is it realistic to think that I can find a suitable mate among fellow Christians?”
problemaddict 2
Anyone have a redux of the changes and other mess contained therin? Or do I have to (gulp) it for myself.
Found this on Facebook:
The Watchtower (Study Edition), March 2015
This issue contains the study articles for May 4 to 31, 2015, and features a number of doctrinal changes to the beliefs and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses concerning: Jesus' parable of the ten virgins, Jesus' illustration of the talents, the actions of the "wicked slave" in relation to the "faithful and discreet slave", as well as types and antitypes.
“This Is the Way You Approved” - Why have our publications in recent years often given simpler, clearer explanations of some Bible accounts?
"Will You 'Keep on the Watch'?" - Read this clarified understanding of Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins, which focuses on the parable’s simple, urgent message.
"Questions From Readers" - In the past, our publications often mentioned types and antitypes, but in recent years they have seldom done so. Why is that?
"Learn From the Illustration of the Talents" - This article refines our understanding of the parable of the talents.
"Loyally Supporting Christ’s Brothers" - How do those whom Christ judges to be sheep support his brothers? (This article encourages us to be loyal to our brothers and the "faithful and discreet slave" despite the major doctrinal changes they are currently making.)
They have already decided how Jesus will judge people, eh??? He will judge them on the GB's interpretation of what " supporting Christ's brothers" means. Nice....