Just forget about it.
Get out. Live your life.
Its great outside the walls of the asylum.
what would be your plan or ideal reason the walls came crashing down?
Just forget about it.
Get out. Live your life.
Its great outside the walls of the asylum.
has anyone else seen the hbo scientology documentary 'going clear' - wow...cults are just mind-blowing you wonder how people can fall for that garbage, then you (those of us former/fading jws) look in the mirror.. i would love for someone to make a major jw documentary like this.
'going clear' is getting a lot of press.
poor tom cruise...he looks like quite the whack job in it too.
If you have a spouse who you are trying to get out, you absolutely must casually get them to sit down and watch this program with you. Carefully watch their reaction if possible for possible talking points to use in the future.
I'm surprised too OneEyedJoe that your wife didn't pull some of the similarities. The section at the end where they talk about disconnection (Scientology version of DF) should cause any JW to feel extremely uncomfortable.
this is my first post here though i've been a long time lurker.
my story in a nutshell:.
started having doubts after the new silver sword and watchtower study regarding overlapping generations.
I'd be very careful using the meh-morial to try to wake them up.
Remember, this is their Christmas, Easter, birthday, Halloween, New Years, and every thing else all wrapped into one. Yeah, pretty damn pathetic, but it is what it is.
Let them have their day, find other methods.
i am totally new to this.
i was raised as a jehovah's witness.
i made it my own at the age of 5. i was a "true believer ".
Welcome to the board!
Your question triggered a lot of memories for me, I think I spend a solid six months simply reading and re-reading information online once the floodgates opened. I too questioned myself, wondering why I was reading the same things over and over again.
I'm no psychologist, but I really think it has to do with our brains trying to fully process the new information. We have read it, we understand it, yet we still don't accept it because of the decades of indoctrination.
I felt foolish wasting time reading it over and over, asking myself why I couldn't stop. Eventually it did stop, when my brain was ready. Best of luck on your spiritual journey!
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
You can watch all you want, just like the billions who have lived before you, and the billions that will come after.
Nothings gonna happen.
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
check out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast.. http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=mp4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201502.
lol ToesUp, hopefully horny teenage JW males don't get the wrong idea.
I'd hate to see them in the back room facing a JC for trolley sex,
check out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast.. http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=mp4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201502.
check out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast.. http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=mp4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201502.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
These guys have really lost their marbles, haven't they.
BTW, fast forward to about 1:04:30 to see this segment...You certainly don't want to listen to an hour of JW drivel.
i was home on saturday morning, around 10:30 a.m. when i heard my doorbell ring.
i checked my security monitor and could see two jw women at my door.
i breathed in deeply.my husband works a graveyard shift and was sleeping.
Its a cluster-bleep for all involved. Them. Us. And the rest of the world who knows little to nothing of this silly cult.
I wish they would just join the rest of humanity.