I think the illustration is sort of a "scarlett letter" type of branding.
Absolutely disgusting.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
may 15, 2105 watchtower, pp.
I think the illustration is sort of a "scarlett letter" type of branding.
Absolutely disgusting.
i am sure that the gb does not care about the r&f jw.
it does not care about the organization collapsing overnight.. why do i say this?.
in 2013 the organization declared that the "faithful and discreet slave" consisted only of the seven member of the gb.
Fair enough Driving Force. My apologies coming on harshly there.
I'd estimate they maybe have 40,000 physical buildings. Estimating the market value per property is where its a crapshoot. They generally build in bad locations simply for cheaper land. Of course the X factor is how many congos are in 1st world countries vs the rest of the world.
That being said, that property is not liquid. Sure they can sell off based on orders from the CO and build in another area for whatever reason they pull out of their ass. But the GB isn't cash motivated, they are power hungry. As long as they have millions worshipping their every word they just need to keep the ship afloat til they die.
i am sure that the gb does not care about the r&f jw.
it does not care about the organization collapsing overnight.. why do i say this?.
in 2013 the organization declared that the "faithful and discreet slave" consisted only of the seven member of the gb.
After taking over all property and extra cash from all congregations on the whole planet, which amounts to at the very least US$ 50 billion
Care to justify this number? The absurdity of claims like this make the ex-JW community look like idiots.
so, i'm sitting in a bar, having a drink.
the bar participates in taptv, an online trivia thing.
the question that came up was, "what did jehovah's witnesses call themselves before 1931".
so, i've got the assembly tomorrow, or so the wife says.
i should have bought this in preparation..... .
2000 people and we only had two baptized.
This made my weekend. Long live the slow, painful and drawn out death of the WTS.
so, i've got the assembly tomorrow, or so the wife says.
i should have bought this in preparation..... .
Love the Ax, of course getting drunk would really tempt me to break that thing out and start hacking up the mic cords up on stage.
BTX - The loungers would be nice! I remember as a kid being very jealous of the sick/elderly down on the floors of the conventions lounging like they were on the beach, all the while my back was breaking from those horrible stadium seats.
so this may 2015 study edition...i know you guys have talked about it already, but wow.
this is classic.
mostly i like to revel in the presentation of these changes.
However, there were some problems with this explanation.
Pretty much sums up WT writings for the last 140 years!
the new ldc / rbc.
there are many requirements, but when you get to the end of the form.
Be ready to stay up to six months????
These guys really are smokin a jehoobie-doobie if they think they can have an unpaid, on call workforce six months at a time!
If you want to see the truth on how these people think, print out a few articles from jwfacts.com.
When you go over to their house to meet them, whip out the printouts and state you have a few questions about their religion. They will freak out like you are an agent of Satan.
Then dedide if you want to get mixed up with these people for the rest of your life.
credit goes to mike & kim.. .. https://youtu.be/yj3x6wjrsaq .
.. .. atlantis!.
Culty, culty, culty.
The KM reminders section is bad enough, didn't the brain trust up there suggest it was un-Christian to wear shorts when you check into your hotel a few years back?
Stuff like this just helps wake up more of the slumbering masses. Good job, Brooklyn!