Demanding much???
Its not a good idea to have certain things posted in their full format on the forum, the WTS loves to sue and cause problems for their so called enemies. I'm sure you can find what you are looking for if you do a little work.
i said that i want to view the september 7,2011 and the may 6,2012 to all bodies of elders and fadingtruth sent a link but i could not find them.. so i just want someone from this forum to post these letters here without any link please..
Demanding much???
Its not a good idea to have certain things posted in their full format on the forum, the WTS loves to sue and cause problems for their so called enemies. I'm sure you can find what you are looking for if you do a little work.
the new testament specialist daniel wallace notes that although there are about 300,000 individual variations of the text of the new testament, this number is very misleading.
most of the differences are completely inconsequential--spelling errors, inverted phrases and the like.
a side by side comparison between the two main text families (the majority text and the modern critical text) shows agreement a full 98% of the time.[18].
why does the governing body depend on the helpers to write watchtower articles and the information in other publications?
why does the governing body not write these articles themselves?
they depend on the helpers to compose/write this information.
A few years ago they blustered about their editorial review process, something like 70 reviews of material before it goes to print. Its also been noted that at least three GB members sign off on material before it goes to print, I'm not sure if that was a WT quote or a report from someone on this board, I'll dig for it later.
Anyway, the point being there have been numerous errors and misquotes just over the last 7 years I've been on this board, so obviously the idiots are running the asylum up there.
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
hearing the phrase, "final push" being used
Same as what my girlfriend says when we are just about done!
6 weeks ago some jws came to my door.
i've been inactive for 8 years.
after they gave their presentation i told them i was inactive.
Haha oh Steve just nailed it!
The organization now has its tidy, clean and neat website. No need to interact as a human being with lost sheep. Just tell them to get online and download their 'meat in due season' right off of Hilarious.
A better idea for you Alchemist, head on over to Read and digest everything there for next 30 days. That should set you straight for the rest of your life.
like the title says, i'm wondering if anyone here knows what instructions came with the new brochure about returning to jehovah.
did each person get a certain number at the convention?
are they to be handed out at will, up to each publisher's individual discretion?
like the title says, i'm wondering if anyone here knows what instructions came with the new brochure about returning to jehovah.
did each person get a certain number at the convention?
are they to be handed out at will, up to each publisher's individual discretion?
there are literally about thirty young single very good looking sisters in this one kingdom hall under the age of 30. that is just one kingdom hall.
in the circuit there are literally hundreds of young beautiful jw girls under 30 who are single and anxious to get married.
about two years ago, this one single good looking brother who is about 30 years old and who is an elder married this plain looking sister who is 59 years old.
30 under 30 in one hall???
That's not the normal makeup of a hall. Most have 100 pubs max, of which 60% are over 40 years old. The rest have families and there are a half dozen or so that may be on the prowl to get married. Usually half of those are socially awkward or beaten with the ugly stick so they "pioneer" in order to attract an equally ugly/dorky JW male.
So we are down to 3 or 4 decent lookers. Most of those are still getting married between 18-22, simply so they can have sex. JW land doesn't change.
i think a very simple reason may be because the very young are pretty much the only ones naive enough to take the plunge these days.
with the internet available to inform people about the deceptive lies printed by the wt corporation it seems that they are getting their member from the less informed population like the elderly and the very young.
they/gb hate higher education because they loose members who get one and so they are focusing on those that are dumb enough to believe their boogie man bull shit about jehovah choosing their corporation and anybody not a part of it he will destroyed at armageddon.. also we need to consider that they view these young people as a potential free labor source so the sooner you get them hooked into baptism with the threat of disfellowshipping you can get more free labor out of them..
Kids are trusting, they don't believe their parents would ever lie to them. So they see how happy it makes mom and dad if they dedicate their live to Jehoobie and they go ahead and take the plunge.
The WT society is consciously pushing this effort to trap children into a lifetime contract with the cult. If they effectively suppress the normal thinking and exploration that happens as a teenager and young adult, they have a servant for many decades, if not forever. They effectively pair this policy with their evil shunning doctrine, making the emotional pain of leaving intense for any person who contemplates doing so.
And the primary reason for doing it is because they have seen how poor their retention rate is over the past 30 years.
Its evil. They are emotionally enslaving little kids so their cult will survive. Dickheads.
looks like the faithful jws are back in the basement, the oct 15th wt has this image on page 9. but now the lights have been turned out!
i guess the persecution is really kicking in if the electric company has shut off their electricity, or the jws are really, really paranoid that the government is gonna get them if they have the lights on!.
only one guy is smart enough to use his tablet (far right), the rest of the jws are old school, using a lantern to read their bibles in the dark!
Looks like the faithful JWs are back in the basement, the Oct 15th WT has this image on page 9. But now the lights have been turned out! I guess the persecution is really kicking in if the electric company has shut off their electricity, or the JWs are really, really paranoid that the government is gonna get them if they have the lights on!
Only one guy is smart enough to use his tablet (far right), the rest of the JWs are old school, using a lantern to read their bibles in the dark!
Poor kid, he looks bored as hell.