LOL an interview. Someone needs to inform her that Christs brothers don't do no interview.
She will have to ambush him, but I would love to see that!
this has been posted minutes ago by an australian news reporter.
urgent urgent urgent.
i am a producer at abc television in sydney.
LOL an interview. Someone needs to inform her that Christs brothers don't do no interview.
She will have to ambush him, but I would love to see that!
Not a Choice for Christians
Whatever health instructors may say to the contrary, yoga does not stop with physical exercises. The book Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies relates the experiences of two yoga novitiates who were under the guidance of a guru. One is quoted as saying: “I made superhuman efforts to hold my breath as long as possible, and only breathed when I was on the point of fainting. . . . One day, at high noon, I thought I saw a bright moon, which seemed to move and sway from side to side. Another time I imagined myself enveloped in thick darkness at midday. My director . . . was greatly pleased when I mentioned these visions to him. . . . The time was not far distant, he assured me, when I should experience much more surprising results from my penance.” The second man relates: “He obliged me to stare at the sky every day without blinking my eyes or changing my position. . . . Sometimes I thought I saw sparks of fire in the air; at others I seemed to see fiery globes and other meteors. My teacher was much pleased with the success of my efforts.”
The strange sights were evidently what the gurus felt were proper results along the way to the true aim of yogic exercises. Yes, the ultimate goal of yoga is moksha, explained as the merging with some impersonal great spirit. It is described as “the (intentional) stopping of the spontaneous activity of the mind stuff.” This is clearly contrary to the goal set out for Christians, who are given the admonition: “Present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”—Romans 12:1, 2.
The choice of what physical exercise to pursue is a personal one. Christians, however, would not allow anything—be it bodily training, eating, drinking, clothing, entertainment, or something else—to mar their relationship with Jehovah God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) For those exercising simply for the sake of their health, there are many avenues available that do not involve exposure to the dangers of spiritism and occultism. By keeping clear of practices and beliefs that are rooted in false religion, we may look forward to God’s blessing of a righteous new system of things in which we can enjoy perfect health in body and mind for an eternity.—2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:3, 4.
simply amazing to watch.
the restraint shown by the judge and lawyer is breath-taking.
i'm sure they would like to pummel these idiots with a sledge-hammer, but they choose words instead.
I really think that smirk was a "hand in the candy jar" kind of response. Dude literally had zero coaching before he got up there and it was a nervous "tell" when he didn't know what the fuck to say/do.
Lurkers, these are your "gifts in men".
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
The lawyer for the complainant (BCG) named Ms. David was getting quite exasperated.
I don't remember (gawd I sound like an Australian JW Elder) who she was questioning the other day but she got super animated, almost out of control. Today she seems better. But she is making the critical mistake of bailing the witness out by asking the question again after 10 seconds of silence. Its like she cant stand the silence and starts talking. She should just wait until the elder says something.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
I don't know how to answer that...I don't know how to answer that question.
How is this allowable, one of the frustrating parts of this testimony is that they aren't forced to give an answer. This clown has pulled this four or five times, he is refusing to answer!