JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
JW to SDA anyone do it ?
by Introvert 2 ina couple friends pointed me to some info on the sabbath and i just plain like it, being the workaholic i am it's a lifesaver for me and gives me the motivation to be more balanced about my business and work schedule.
so from there i looked into the adventists and found a hall near my place and went last week.
i honestly enjoyed myself and the meeting time is not disruptive and the people were great and pretty laid back.
Why bother? -
GB Helper at the RC! ( Regional Convention )
by DATA-DOG ina gb helper was at the rc.
this guy was decked out.
fancy expensive suit and cuff-linked shirt, super fancy cuff-links.
For some reason every time I see that phrase GB helper I think of GB Fluffer.
I guess if the shoe fits
best ex JW sites
by cobweb ini used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
Can You Really Become Inactive Instead of DA'ing and Keep Your Family
by truth-or-consequences inoz branch coordinator terrence o'brien opined a number of times at about 1:00:00 until about 1:15:00 of his testimony, that a dub does not need to da, they can become "inactive.".
i sent our beloved angus stewart my personal experience, as well as observations about official borg teachings.
(he replied in short order.).
O'brien endorsed fading as a viable option to leave. If anyone wants to leave immediately print off his testimony and hand it to the elders with a smirk on your face when they come calling. -
$$ Get your ROKU on! $$
by pixel into all congregations in the united states branch territory.
re: discount on roku devices.
dear brothers:.
YES, these codes are tracked and the WTBTS will get a payment every time the code is used.
DO NOT USE! Unless you want them to get some of your $$$$
Depressing chat to my still-in brother about the RC
by Lemonp inhere is a quick breakdown of our conversation (by text message).
me: "have you read about the royal commission?
the org has been covering up child abuse.
The RC is how Jah is fixing it?????
Wow, depressing is right. These people really have sold their souls to the WTBTS
Geoffery Jackson Plan Against the Commission
by thedepressedsoul ingeoffrey jackson will attempt to df them all, shun them, take away their privileges, write a wt article on them, have the elders talk to them, their family cut off ties with them, read them watchtower articles, tell them they need to submit at least 10 hours per month etc... .
then, the "oh shit" look on his face moment when he realizes he has no power outside of his pinky ring club.
i think he is stuck, run now and everyone sees and it looks even worse.
As far as strategy, I have no clue. How do you defend that record?? I cant wait to see what Angus has in store for him.
Thankful for jehovahs-witness.com
by jw07 ini'm still 'in' and this website is the only thing that's been keeping me sane for a long while.. knowing that i'm not alone, the success stories, and the constant update of breaking news that provides hope such as the exposure of the organisation at the hands of the royal commission makes me happy while i'm stuck in this dark hole.
that's so especially today when i'm dealing with a sht storm of personal issues and the pretending that everything is fine is just rubbing pepper into my wounds.
i'm thankful for this website and all you beautiful people.
Sorry to hear you are stuck in, I remember those days well - being online was the only way for me to cope with the insanity that goes on inside the KH. Hopefully you will be fully free soon. -
Scottish Convention Revelation!
by The Searcher insome circuit overseer gave a talk and made this statement - "jehovah will very soon resurrect millions of people.....".
"soon" is so old hat now - "very soon" will become the new buzz words in j.w.-land..
What about the Billions who have died???
At least get your lies straight.
I Made the Literature Trolley Run Away Today - Twice
by cofty ini popped into town this morning to buy an anniversary card for mrs cofty.
it is market day on a saturday and it's tourist season so the town was very busy.
here is a picture of the scene from a year ago... two cult carts were in their favourite place being guarded by none other than one of the elders who was on my judicial committee, his wife and another jw woman in her electric disability buggy.
Isn't there a little brown book Reasoning with the Scriptures that has an entire section on how to rebuff conversation stoppers such as "I am not interested"?
Brian - I'm not interested.
Cofty- I can appreciate that. Is it that you are not interested in child molestation cases in general, or are you just not interested in child molestation involving Jehovah's Witnesses?
[allow for response]