Pretty simple once you look at it like that. Just think how many GB hours have been spent in brainstorming sessions on what will be the latest this generation teaching. Even worse, how many hours have been spent in FS based on applying this generation to an imaginary date derived from another imaginary date, which was concocted based on a game of bible hopscotch. What a colossal failure of epic proportions.
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
What did Jesus mean by "this generation"?
by Doug Mason inby looking at every occasion that jesus used the expression "this generation", it is possible to work out what he meant.. i have listed these occasions, along with some questions, at:.
i am interested to know what you think.. doug.
The Watchtower Society: aka "The Dream Killers"
by JimmyPage indo you have talent as a musician?
how much better would it be if you focused on pioneering!.
are you artistic?
Damn this thread is depressing me....simple things like going to the Prom ripped from us in the name of God.
The Watchtower Society: aka "The Dream Killers"
by JimmyPage indo you have talent as a musician?
how much better would it be if you focused on pioneering!.
are you artistic?
Misfitmel, I think this is what WT wizard is talking about- I dont think its in print
Who Will You Watch - Jay, Conan, Dave, or Jimmy?
by LostGeneration inassuming conan gets a new show on fox, who will you watch and why?.
personally, i'm with conan, love his style, his comedy, etc.
i like jay too, so probably him next, even though i think he deserves much of the blame for this deal.. then jimmy for me, though he gets a bit stale at times.. then dave, i used to love him back when he was at nbc, but now i cant watch him at all......
Assuming Conan gets a new show on Fox, who will you watch and why?
Personally, I'm with Conan, love his style, his comedy, etc
I like Jay too, so probably him next, even though I think he deserves much of the blame for this deal.
Then Jimmy for me, though he gets a bit stale at times.
Then Dave, I used to love him back when he was at NBC, but now I cant watch him at all.....
Luke 21:8 - Crickets From the WTS
by LostGeneration inniv 8he replied: "watch out that you are not deceived.
for many will come in my name, claiming, 'i am he,' and, 'the time is near.
' do not follow them.. nwt (luke 21:8) he said: look out that you are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, i am he, and, the due time has approached.
Here is more from the article Ynot referenced: The first part could fit the WTS, the rest is a slam on the RCC
*** w64 11/1 pp. 645-646 Wolves in Sheep’s Covering ***
The combined testimony of these faithful witnesses pointed to danger from within the ranks of professed Christians. The peril would be not so much from the openly avowed opponents of Christ as from those who would rise up claiming to be Christ or claiming to exercise the rights and prerogatives of Christ as his empowered representatives. Disarmed by an outward show of godliness and by “smooth talk and complimentary speech,” many unwary Christians would be seduced into following ‘wolves in sheep’s covering’ and eventually becoming prey to such selfish deceivers.—Rom. 16:18.
The apostle Paul disclosed two giveaway signs of deception, namely, a twisting of the words of truth and a lack of the spirit of tender affection. Peter speaks of counterfeit words and the promotion of sects, groups following men. Jude intimates that a departure from the high moral standards of the Bible would be a danger signal. John points to a denial of the true relationship existing between the heavenly Father and his Son, Christ Jesus, as another indication of antichristian deception.—1 John 2:19, 22.
The facts in fulfillment confirmed those timely warnings. Many false Messiahs (Christs) have arisen since the middle of the first century, men who have duped multitudes of Jews. From time to time men have also arisen, up to and including our own time, claiming to be Christ, deceiving gullible persons who professed to be Christians. Then there is the long line of self-styled vicegerents of Christ who have sat upon a throne in Rome and who have promulgated the idea that their church rule was indeed the foretold thousand-year reign of Christ. In effect they were saying: “The due time has approached,” and have thereby stifled the expectations of many in a genuine Kingdom rule with blessings for all peoples. Add to this the multitudes of nominal Christians who have placed their own personal ideas and selfish desires ahead of the teaching of Christ, and who have to that extent usurped the position of Christ as the authoritative Teacher of the Christian congregation.
I didnt know they tried to explain this- Lunar vs Solar Years
by LostGeneration ini dont really care about this anymore, just found it interesting they tried to justify their lunar vs solar year hopscotch math.
read through it a few times but its just giving me a big fat headache..... .
*** w51 6/15 p. 383 questions from readers ***.
lol wankers
I hear some point you just shrug your shoulders at all of the "scholarly" work and carry on.
Luke 21:8 - Crickets From the WTS
by LostGeneration inniv 8he replied: "watch out that you are not deceived.
for many will come in my name, claiming, 'i am he,' and, 'the time is near.
' do not follow them.. nwt (luke 21:8) he said: look out that you are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, i am he, and, the due time has approached.
NIV 8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.
NWT (Luke 21:8) He said: “Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time has approached.’ Do not go after them.
With all this generation spin, I did a little research and couldn't find a thing on this scripture from the WTS, and that is saying a lot. They seem to have an opinion on every other scripture in the bible. Has anyone found anything they have said on this one? Any other scriptures that they are strangely silent on? -
I didnt know they tried to explain this- Lunar vs Solar Years
by LostGeneration ini dont really care about this anymore, just found it interesting they tried to justify their lunar vs solar year hopscotch math.
read through it a few times but its just giving me a big fat headache..... .
*** w51 6/15 p. 383 questions from readers ***.
I dont really care about this anymore, just found it interesting they tried to justify their lunar vs solar year hopscotch math. Read through it a few times but its just giving me a big fat headache....
*** w51 6/15 p. 383 Questions From Readers ***
? In establishing the length of the seven times of the Gentiles, a time or year of 360 days is used, to give 2,520 days, which become 2,520 years when Ezekiel 4:6 is applied. Yet when we figure from 607 B.C. down to A.D. 1914, the 2,520 years are solar years of 365 1/4 days each, and not lunar years of 360 days each. Is this proper?—N. N., New Zealand.
The Bible records ignore the solar year of 365 1/4 days as far as measuring natural time and prophetic time. The moon was used for fixing the months, and then the spring growing season for determining the beginning of the year in relation to the moon, making necessary 7 times every 19 years the addition of an intercalary month or Ve-Adar month, a thirteenth month. So since the length of the Jewish year was not stabilized to 365 days plus a leap year of 366 days, prophecy fixed a system of measurement of its time periods at 360 days for a year or time, calculating 30 full days to a month instead of the actual 29 1/2 days to a lunation. Genesis 7:11, 24; 8:3, 4 shows Noah calculated 30 days roughly to a month. Further confirmation of this unit as a prophetic norm of time is given us at Revelation 11:2, 3, where 42 months are run parallel with 1,260 days, making a year of 12 months equal 360 days. Note also that when Revelation 12:6, 14 parallels 3 1/2 years or times with 1,260 days it takes each time or symbolic year as equal to 360 days, and not 365 1/4 days by saying that the 3 1/2 times equal 1,278 and a fraction days. In 3 1/2 years or times there would be at least one and possibly two intercalary months, as explained by The Watchtower, March 15, 1948, pages 91, 92; yet Revelation ignored such intercalary months in giving the days of the 3 1/2 times. So we figure according to God’s Biblical way and are on firm foundation in saying that the symbolic seven times equal 2,520 years. And these 2,520 years should be counted as solar years, because the Jewish lunar years of 360 days, over long periods of time, kept pace with the solar years by means of the intercalary months added at set intervals, thereby always maintaining the necessary harmony between the year’s beginning and the seasons.
That this method of calculating is correctly used to bring us to A.D. 1914 from 607 B.C. is confirmed for us by the physical facts that have become manifest from that year 1914 on, in fulfillment of Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13, Luke 21, and other prophecies concerning Christ’s second presence, in the time of the end.
The Rise of the Conscious Class
by truthseeker in"i believe in one god, and no more; and i hope for happiness beyond this life.
i believe the equality of man, and i believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
but, lest it should be supposed that i believe many other things in addition to these, i shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things i do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
I agree Truthseeker with your conclusion that there is a group who of individuals who think in this way. I am just at a loss as to whether it means a thing in the near future. Long term of course I think it means a slow exit of the membership. But the current GB doesn't care about that. They just want to maintain their control without a mass exit happening on their watch.
Organization is their advantage. They have a management structure in place to enforce their edicts. One sentence read from the stage cuts off anyone who has the balls to speak up and take a stand. It doesn't matter if they come out in the next year and say they have changed their mind on the trinity, hell fire, and immortal soul doctrines. As long as the DF policy remains and people follow it, nothing really will change. There can be a conscious class of 50% and it wont meant a thing because as soon as you step out of line, question a teaching, or tell the elders they are wrong about anything, you are marked and watched like a hawk.
Its like "dont ask, dont tell" as long as everyone stays in line nothing will ever change.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-17-10 WT Study (PLACE IN CONGREGATION)
by blondie in(romans 12:4-8; 1 corinthians 12:12-28; ephesians 4:15, 16; colossians 2:19).
8:34,35.. comments.
4:15.. comments.
They no longer publish the "national average" so it will be hard to keep that 10 hour unwritten rule in effect.