Could the brand "JW.ORG" be the new 666?
Love the sarcasm!
it seems the watchtower staff have made a runaway train with the introduction of the mark the combination of using a gadget driven platform and the fact that the common jw is low educated and easely influenced.
by new occurrings in their religion makes the situation getting out of hand.. proof: gb members wearing buttons during their speech, gifts with are given away, umbrellas with the are available. is more important then god, his son and the gospel.. it's the gadget and the mark that counts.. i am so happy my grandparents are not confronted with these idiots.. it's a runaway train heading to the end of the track.. gorby .
Could the brand "JW.ORG" be the new 666?
Love the sarcasm!
just a quick reminder of the "evolved" culture we live in:.
1- we live in a time where the humanity of a child is not determined by science [chromosomes, dna] but by the feelings of the mother.. 2- gender used to be determined by the objective anatomical, psychological, and genetical based purely on your emotional self.. 3- philosophy used to be a discipline which sought for ultimate truth, arguments were deliberated, calculated, and worldviews challenged.
humanity sought to know why we believe not just what we believe.
So what is your solution Saved?
Lemme guess, bowing down to the imaginary sky friend that you personally approve of, right?
10-15% of all pregnancies end in "murder" as well, oops I mean miscarriage. I'm sure that term is OK to use, right?
i attended the regional convention (district convention) over the last weekend, and thought i would spend a few minutes putting down some thoughts, for your amusement.
i will bounce around a bit, as my notes and thoughts were a little craaaaazy.. we met at one of the smaller venues on the west coast, with attendance around 7,000.
(28 baptized.... <.04%) we were tied in to the international convention in arlington, tx.. my first thought, only about 2 hours in, was how much this sounded like a plain old sales meeting!
There was the part about not associating with DF relatives. His wording was that we could associate with them and show them respect, as long as we were discreet.
What? Are you serious?
absolutely incredible.
so i asked, " isn't it 100 years since 1914 ?
Love the description of the JW scurrying away.
the old guys sided with hobby lobby today in denying birth control coverage to its female employees based on the owners religious views.
intact- is viagra for the guys.
funny how the far right evangelical owners of hobby lobby didn't want to touch that one.... read judge ginburg's scathing counter argument and opinion..
but the ruling means that the government can't force the company to support those actions which go against the religious beliefs of the company owners
Absurd. The company buys health insurance in bulk based on the number of employees that work there. The employees need a variety of health services. The company is run by bible thumping dickheads that want to stick their noses where it doesn't belong, namely the vagina's/penis's of the employee.
there was a brother in my congregation who was an elder.
he got disfellowshipped about two years ago for looking at child porn and also trying to meet up with a thirteen year old boy online.
he was also arrested soon after this.
Just a guess, but this guy probably got a lighter sentence because he wasn't caught in the act, he was just trying to get to that point.
That being said, there are plenty of things that can be done if he gets back into the congo. Make sure everyone is warned about this guy, especially if he moves to another hall. If the guy goes in serve-us, see if you can capture video of him at a door. Send it off to every news channel and paper within 50 miles. Make it easy for them, give them the guy's address and the elduhs names and phone numbers.
Maybe someday if enough headaches are caused for the WT they will finally slap a serve-us restriction on these sickos.
does anyone know what was said at the recent ras about jws owning pets?
was it discouraged strongly?
hopefully jw pet owners will tell the organization to f-off!
That is the one good thing about assemblies. Basically these talks are landmines planted among the JW population. You never know when they go off into left field so far it causes and explosion and then a mind is freed.
does anyone know what was said at the recent ras about jws owning pets?
was it discouraged strongly?
hopefully jw pet owners will tell the organization to f-off!
reduce the Rothschild family's cash flow...
hi there folks,.
i no longer believe in a dime the wt corporation says.
for over a year i've been inactive in field service and i skip meetings whenever i can.. all my family is jw, and that includes my spouse.. i have already come open with her and exposed the wt for what it really is.
Do not continue to support lies and the liars that spout them. Simply advise her that you will respect her choice to do what she wants, but you cannot support the lies any longer.
a discussion of this talk on friday morning deserves its own thread.
as i said elsewhere, it was a remarkable one.
the speaker was manfred vencebi (google him - he's a bethel bigwig) and some of his remarks are real gems.
I'm still shocked at how they are "owning" this 1914 prophecy and not backing down one bit from it. I guess they are going keep with the "Tell a lie, make it a big lie, and keep repeating it" theme. Hopefully a few wake up to all this banging in the 100 year drum.