My guess is that he's lying.
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
Fading Or Disassociating Keeping Family By Playing A Game
by WinAgainstThem ini have a cousin who claims to have disassociated from the faith over 10 years ago.
recently he told me that our family has never learned about this.
honestly i dont see how he has continued to keep this up.
Chart showing Governing Body Members and Committees as of October, 1999
by truthseeker ini have had this document for some time.
i think it was either given out at pioneer school or at one of the pioneer meetings with the circuit overseer.. .
how things have changed in 15 years.
Only third in line to be masters of the universe?
These days they are virtual co-rulers with Jehoobie himself, Jesus seems to have been demoted in most literature.
If there was a pill that could open their eyes - would you give it to them?
by truthseeker inif there was a pill you could give to your jw family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?.
most would probably say yes.. but what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?.
some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs.
Any time you say anything at all to an active JW that challenges their belief system, its like giving them that red/blue pill option.
As most can relate to doing that at some time, the JW almost always chooses the blue pill option.
GB guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes. How can JW's believe this stuff?
by integ inthe gb is guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes.
blasphemy against god by claiming they "speak for jehovah".
they said it again recently in an article..that they speak the words of jehovah and we should listen to those words.
Your talking about symptoms, not the disease.
The real problem is the idea of GOD being up there in the sky, letting all of this happen down below.
Until humans get over themselves and their self importance, this will continue as is.
Sole CHANNEL of communication?
by Batman89 inhas the gb ever explained exactly how they supposedly communicate with god and get new light or other "inspiration" for their "spiritual dog food"?.
do they all sit in a room together and hold hands and join one conciousness??.
do they fall asleep and go to the dream world and talk to jehovah there like the movie inception or something??.
Nah, they don't mess with the little details. Tell a lie, make it a big lie, and keep repeating it.
Of course IF you can get a JW to concentrate for more than 30 seconds, the points to make are 1) Does God lie to the GB, or 2) Is the GB not listening to the communications coming from God? (based on their 100% failure rate when it comes to prophecy)
Admission of either means there is no need to live your life as a JW for one additional minute.
So how are elders going to be appointed again from now on?
by toto555 inso have we got any additional clarification since the initial announcement on this?
the change is almost 1 month away and we still don't know how this is going to work exactly?
so what's the deal?
The CO is the now the new boss in town, (probably about the same as the old boss in town).
Probably takes the names recommended, plugs them into a secret WT database for pedos and apostates, and if no red flags come up its a rubber stamp approval.
Just a nice little layer of protection that the old WTBTS cooked up in their lab to keep lawsuits another step away from HQ and their huge stacks of cash.
My frist email letter from my JW Dad. So sad...
by suavojr ini am in my early 30s and woke up to ttatt in late 2012. my dad just turned 65 in june!
wow, i never saw that being possible.. .
he just got himself a computer and was able to get internet in a remote location where he is serving as an elder with my mom (where the need is great) i was happy to see how he was able to send me a few notes saying hi and i was able to share some pictures of my wife and family, etc.. .
They all feel so special, not thinking about the things like the earth has been here 4.5 billion years. So after all of that time, now its oh-so-special?
Or that there have been a half dozen mass extinction events on earth during that time? (oops, that's science - no wonder no higher education)
Or that NASA thinks there are 100,000,000 inhabitable planets just in our galaxy. If one tenth of one percent of those have life, that is still 100,000 planets with life in the Milky Way alone! And multiply that times billions of galaxies? Its mind boggling the possibilites that exist.
But Jah wants you to go pass out tracts next month.
Seventeen-and-a-half glorious minutes with the irrepressible Mr Lett
by rory-ks incan' .
Rolling this guy out in front of thousands at a time can only lead to more "apostates".
Keep it up Watchtower, you are doing great!
My frist email letter from my JW Dad. So sad...
by suavojr ini am in my early 30s and woke up to ttatt in late 2012. my dad just turned 65 in june!
wow, i never saw that being possible.. .
he just got himself a computer and was able to get internet in a remote location where he is serving as an elder with my mom (where the need is great) i was happy to see how he was able to send me a few notes saying hi and i was able to share some pictures of my wife and family, etc.. .
Don't feel bad, that coulda come out of my own Dad's mouth. He's about the same age. Really shows how all of them are under mind control, they spout the same platitudes over and over.
What was the spring and autumn thing about? I guess Jesus died in the spring, is he referring to October 1914 for the autumn reference. And of course probably has his hopes up for this fall as well.
So sad. What a waste of life.
Developers 'lusting' After WT Property - 85 Jay St.
by LostGeneration indon't recall this being posted, from november of last year, they'll probably net a cool half billion on it if the market stays hot for another few years..
developers are lusting after a jehovahs witnesses parcel in dumbo that is, for the moment, not for sale despite the best efforts of would-be buyers to pry 85 jay street out of the witnesses hands for as much as $400 per buildable square foot, or potentially $352 million.. the prime locale, bordered by york, jay, front and bridge streets and occupying a full block, is zoned for 880,000 buildable square feet all of which can be residential, as the real deal previously reported.. this is the last great site in dumbo, one unnamed source told the brooklyn eagle, also noting that building on the spot would be a breeze thanks to ample room for a construction office, cranes and concrete trucks.
construction costs are expected to be less than $400 per square foot, including interest on the construction loan, taxes and broker fees.. for now, the site is a parking lot lined by a metal fence topped with razor wire.. since the recent october sale of our five buildings in dumbo, several qualified real estate developers have expressed interest in purchasing 85 jay street, david semonian, a watchtower spokesman, told the brooklyn eagle via email.
Don't recall this being posted, from November of last year, they'll probably net a cool half billion on it if the market stays hot for another few years.
Developers are lusting after a Jehovah’s Witnesses parcel in Dumbo that is, for the moment, not for sale — despite the best efforts of would-be buyers to pry 85 Jay Street out of the Witnesses’ hands for as much as $400 per buildable square foot, or potentially $352 million.
The prime locale, bordered by York, Jay, Front and Bridge streets and occupying a full block, is zoned for 880,000 buildable square feet — all of which can be residential, as The Real Deal previously reported.
“This is the last great site in Dumbo,” one unnamed source told the Brooklyn Eagle, also noting that building on the spot would be a breeze thanks to ample room for a construction office, cranes and concrete trucks. Construction costs are expected to be less than $400 per square foot, including interest on the construction loan, taxes and broker fees.
For now, the site is a parking lot lined by a metal fence topped with razor wire.
“Since the recent October sale of our five buildings in Dumbo, several qualified real estate developers have expressed interest in purchasing 85 Jay Street,” David Semonian, a Watchtower spokesman, told the Brooklyn Eagle via email. “However, 85 Jay Street is not for sale at this time because of our need to continue using the property.” [Brooklyn Eagle] —Julie Strickland