No reference needed, ToMo III has dictated such from on high!
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
why am i still single?
by redpilllizard81 ini have the hardest time meeting singles in the "world".
currently inactive.
but my dating situation is sort of in limbo and its driving me mad..
A few verbatim quotes from Anthony Morris' talk during the Branch Visit.
by Open mind inhaven't contributed much here in a while.
it's not modest and it's certainly not sound of mind.
you be spiritual man enough to tell these young fellows 'you don't go out in the ministry looking like that.
Amazing that a doofus like this has power over 7 million individuals.
I'm thinking of going back
by Spectre see how much i get love bombed in my tight pants and bright socks.. i bet they'll totally respect my gb approved pinky ring though.. i haven't been to a meeting since 1994 so i wonder if they'll get the irony if i ask, "so what's changed?".
good effin' lord....i just realized i've been out for 20 years.. .
Welcome SoJo16!
"Jehovah's spirit is being blocked in the congregation"
by stuckinarut2 inso, how many times have we heard this expression (or a variation of it):.
"jehovah's spirit seems to be blocked here in the congregation...perhaps he is bringing something to light...etc".
it seems that the org often uses this expression, and links it with the "fact" that god wont bless a cong as much,(or at all) if there is "stuff" or "sins" being carried out.. so, why is it then that the cong i am in is experiencing its best years of activity in all aspects?
Jehovahs spirit must be suffering from ED.
Back in the day, it could raise the dead, literally.
Make people speak in tongues, heal the sick, cure the deaf, etc.
Today, God's spirit can't get past the masturbators in the hall. Maybe a Viagra can get the Holy Spirit going again.
I'm thinking of going back
by Spectre see how much i get love bombed in my tight pants and bright socks.. i bet they'll totally respect my gb approved pinky ring though.. i haven't been to a meeting since 1994 so i wonder if they'll get the irony if i ask, "so what's changed?".
good effin' lord....i just realized i've been out for 20 years.. .
20 years, that is something! Nice work.
Would be hilarious after they explained the changes to come back with "So was it the truth then, or now? It can't be both."
Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?
by Simon ini can't remember the topic with the discussion about the talk where they suggested that sisters should only consider ministerial servants as potential marriage partners but think about the implications more.. are they trying to use the potential affections of sisters to enourage brothers to do more and work harder?.
isn't this a form of 'pimping out' the sisters by limiting their attention to the people contributing to them?.
it seems to cross a line to me but i guess it's not vastly different to "only marry another jw".. what do you think?.
Fortunately biology and evolution will get in the way of this douchbags instructions.
Governing Body sick of waiting! They want the paradise they were promised!
by donuthole inthis post is going to suggest that the governing body remains, as ray franz wrote, "captives of a concept".
like every jehovah's witness they were raised with the belief that the the paradise would be here by now.
unlike others, they are in a position to do something about.. why wait to rule over the earth?
You may be on to something there!
US Zone visit: disappointing, depressing, discouraging
by sir82 ini will have plenty of "snark" to post later on, but please indulge me while i get this out of my system..... suppose you are the leaders...yes, the leaders...there are only 7 of you...for the one true religion in all the universe.. jehovah the god of the whole universe speaks to you, you alone, out of 7 billion+ people on teh planet.. you have an opportunity, thanks to the advancements in technology, to speak to 750,000 of your followers "live", and another 750,000 or so within 24 hours.. 1.5 million people!
hanging on your every word!.
this is the first time in history you can simultaneously, or nearly simultaneously, address so many of your adherents.. what message are you going to present for this special occasion?.
Really shows the priorities of this organization, the final concluding talk fully dedicated to nit picking behavioral control of the rank and file.
Jah and Jesus must be so proud of their selection of these folks as their earthly representatives.
My Yoke is Kindly and My load is Light! What did this scripture mean to you as a JW?
by BU2B injesus said that "my yoke is kindly and my load is light" what did this scripture mean to you when you were mentally in?
did you feel the jw load was kindly and light?
if not, what was the point in him uttering those words?
It never, ever made sense to me as a JW.
by Theredeemer insomeone mentioned this in a post and i feel the need to make this theory its own thread.. i think that this past zone visit was intended to be that weird!
i think it was a test of faith in this regard, are you loyal enough to ignore the crazyness of all that was stated?
what if they are setting up for radical changes and are testing the waters to see if this current group of jdubs are going to readily drink the kool aid?.
I'm combing through some of the hashtags on instagram (#jw, #jwmemes #jwonly) and I see some discontent brewing. Sure its nowhere near outright apostasy, but the Crown Prince of Douchebaggery AMIII is throwing out hand grenades with his clothing rules.
They might not want faders, but they are stupid to alienate their future income stream, young people. And these are the ones looking sideways at this clown, especially with his tight clothing obsession. Add to that his ridiculous MS comment and lots of newly minted apostates will be here in the weeks ahead.