On a serious note, I'm surprised the GB hasn't rolled out commercial products. I can only imagine the kind of dough they could be rolling in if they put together a $999-a-year home schooling course...I better shut up before they get any ideas.
On a serious note, I'm surprised the GB hasn't rolled out commercial products. I can only imagine the kind of dough they could be rolling in if they put together a $999-a-year home schooling course...I better shut up before they get any ideas.
earlier this week i bumped into a couple of jws who i recognised from the cult cart.
a few months ago i had a long conversation with him one of them and found him to be quite friendly.
he is new to the area in the years since i left.. this time he was very defensive and said he wasn't allowed to talk to me.
Heartless, yet nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to what they will spout in defense of their "faith".
The reality of considering that their religion is just a scam is too much for them to contemplate, in moments of fear they will say just about anything rather than face reality.
i know there are a lot of threads on here about fading and i've read a lot of them, but i have a question that i haven't found the answer to yet.. what would happen if you move to a new congregation (or at least tell your old congregation that you are moving and to have your records moved), and you don't go to any meetings?
i see lots of the fading strategies say to go to some meetings and show your face until your name is announced.
what exactly happens if you don't go to meetings in the new congregation?.
It really depends on how "busybody" the old congo is. If they find out what happened, they may call the new congo and have some hounders come to your house and track you down.
Also, the cards aren't moved until the new congo requests them from the old congo. So in your situation the cards would just stay there and eventually the secretary would wonder WTF is going on because he hasn't gotten a letter from your new congo requesting the cards and letter of introduction.
it has been a long looong time since i posted on here, but never ceased reading all the posts and keeping up on the changes that have been going on!
but it just seems that now i have a need to get something off my chest, and this is the one place that will most definitely understand the topic at hand.
i have been disfellowshipped for about 8yrs now, and have dealt with the 'consequences' of that decision: all my so-called friends in the org left and i was also abandoned by my own family.
Good job on living your life despite the uncomfortable feeling that comes along with the situation.
Other posters are correct. This absurd behavior simply assures that each and every "worldly" family member will never, ever convert to JWism. Idoits. What a fine witness to Jah your father proves to be! Clap, clap, clap.
I wouldn't make it a mean letter. Simply say you hope he has seen how every family member finds his behavior childish, selfish, and repugnant. Ask if that is how disfellowshipping is supposed to work, making JWs look like idiots. My bet is that he will be the one to duck out of all future reunions because of how it makes him look.
now you can see the full short movie online.
storyline: its sunday, and pablo, 8 years old, has an invitation to a very special but also forbidden birthday party.
its sunday, and for the first time, pablo is going on a door-to-door preaching with his mother.
Damn that was really, really sad.
We need to spread this everywhere.
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Listen Einstein, didn't you read my post explaining the difference between layoffs and firing? Let me tell you again. When a person is laid off, he can be called back when there is more work versus hiring someone else. They would need to train the new person, see if he he can do the job,etc.The person that is laid off knows the job and would be a better candidate. When a person is fired, he ain't gonna be re-hired. He was kicked out. That is the difference. See?
And of course you miss the whole gist of the coversation that we are all having. Are you that dense, or does WT programming just not allow you to see the trees in the forest?
The WT isn't an employer in the traditional sense, thus your application to a real corporation doesn't apply. We use the term "layoff" not in the exact business sense, but in the all-to-real reality of the WT letting people go after years of service for no good reason other than they do not want to support them any longer. That is what happened last round, people didn't "do anything", they were just pond scum on that needed to be cleared away so the elites at Brooklyn had a cleaner pond to look at.
Really does this need to be explained to you?
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
In any book workers are "laid off" because there is no work for them because sales are down, business is slow--there is not work.
Excellent description of the WTS business currently.
In Bethel, there is work, and a person can get a job change instead of being kicked out if they want him to stay when the job he was doing is no longer needed instead of getting some new person in Bethel to replace him, that is called firing, asked to leave, getting kicked out, NOT getting laid off.
So its about who you know, how good of a brown-noser you are, or if you are actually worth keeping around because you have a degree, are a lawyer, etc. So the last round of "layoffs" where they sent hundreds out into the field with a "keep warm and well fed" were not actually layoffs, they were firings. OK, that makes it all good.
Try thinking instead of asking stupid questions.
Advice you would do well to apply first to yourself with your idiotic splitting of hairs between layoffs/firings.
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Some years ago, a bunch of people were asked to leave and told to go into the FTW or abroad as missionaries, or whatever they were told, but they were asked to leave.They were not needed or wanted anymore. Many were there for many years. That same year, and almost every year after that if not every year, a bunch of new, mostly young Bethel B&S came in
So what the fuck constitutes a layoff in your book Fisherman??
ok, im gonna try makin this as short as i can, cuz im still pissed.. my father is elderly, needs me to drive him to meetings.
it takes 30 minutes to drive there, so i stay for the meeting, i dress in slacks and a nice shirt respect for pops.
going back home , would be pissing in the wind.....i would just have to turn around 20 minutes after getting there.. well elders asked me to the back room, and said im doing a good job taking care of my father, and that it looks like im well on my way to getting reinstated
Haha that is funny. Leave it to them to ASSume that you want back into their little social club.
No, they cant reinstate you unless you write a letter and then meet with them. Next time he says something about it ask him where the Prodigal Son writes his letter for reinstatement. That should let him know the wavelength you are on.
he said she gave him a strange look.
i then explained to my son that her father has no degree and barely provides for his family.
he works like a fool, .
I know you are going through hell GTTM, but if you free your children you have done an amazing thing. Get them off to college, they will explore, feel, and love the people and experiences. They will see how there is nothing wrong with the world, and everything is wrong in JW land.
Best of luck to you and your family.