JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
What Convinced you to Leave?
by LaurenM ini've been posting here a lot, but these last few weeks have been very difficult for me.
anyways, lately, i've been thinking about confessing everything i've done to the elders and going back, but deep down, i don't really think it's the truth...so my question is, what convinced you it wasn't the truth and that leaving wasn't a horrible decision that everyone in the truth makes it out to be?
what convinced you it wasn't the truth and that leaving wasn't a horrible decision that everyone in the truth makes it out to be?
First off, take this sentence and ask if it is really true, the second part.
"Everyone in the truth" says it is horrible, why?
Could be a number of reasons. They fear death. They fear missing out on everlasting life. They fear that they will screw up their life outside of the cult. And finally they fear shunning.
Only one of the four is actually true, the shunning. If you mentally free yourself, and prepare to live a full life outside of the KH walls, the only real obstacle is the shunning.
Almost everything in JW world relies on "thought stopping" techniques, so any claim made is not fully examined as to whether it is true or not.
As to your original question, my investigation of past WT writings revealed that they had never once, EVEN ONCE predicted or prophesied anything at all that would show they were backed by a supernatural entity. Once I realized they had a 100% failure rate when it came to predicting the future, I felt no need to listen to another single thing they uttered.
LOST - one Slim Boy Fat
by besty inlooks like this:.
hasn't been seen for over a month.. if anybody sees this man please tell him to come back to jwn immediately and tell us wassup..
He is my favorite communist :) -
Hebrew Was The First Language
by Bloody Hotdogs! inaccording to the newest watchtower:.
jehovah communicated with adam in the garden of eden, using human language.
god likely did so in an ancient form of hebrew.
Evidently, the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society has a 140 year record of pulling things out of their fat ass. -
King of the North Whoohoo!!
by GodZoo inunprecedented show of military cooperation: .
rt witnesses russian-chinese naval drills as russia and china were staging their biggest joint maritime exercises in the history, rt correspondent daniel bushell was aboard the russian flagship to take the action in first hand.
chinese and russian commanders coordinating the drills, which have been dubbed joint sea 2015 ii, described it as anunprecedented show of military cooperation, according to bushell.
My sources are telling me Australia will be presented as the KOTN at this year's annual meeting. -
Help me Out Here
by vinman ini've been out about 9 months.
and yes i am still obsessed with anti-watchtower material.
i've been married 23 years.
At times I put a time limit on my reading, granted it was a lot of time, if I remember like two hours a day.
But by forcing yourself to stop, you have to fill up the rest of that time with something else. It also makes you take a little time to process/reflect on what you have read. Like I say it was nearly two years for me, so I wouldn't beat yourself up if you are only 9 months in.
The JW Family
by dubstepped inmaybe this is a bit obtuse, but see if you can follow me here and maybe throw in your own views.
as i see it, the organization as a whole is a family, and like most, it is dysfunctional.
you have the parents in those taking the lead (gb, elders, overseers, etc.
I think the root of it all is that they just want everyone to remain a child. No thinking for yourself, do as we say, not as we do. No growing up into a person that can fully function on their own.
Some people in life just like it this way, they don't want to make the hard decisions. They want to be told what to do with a big part of their life, it just makes it easier for them rather than having to go out there and find it on their own.
Frustrating as fuck for the rest of us however.
Help me Out Here
by vinman ini've been out about 9 months.
and yes i am still obsessed with anti-watchtower material.
i've been married 23 years.
I do. Its the pendulum swinging to the other side. We live an extreme lifestyle as a JW, and so when you get out you obsess about it so much - I think the mind has to basically feast on the opposite side, in my case it was almost two years. I remember asking myself is this all there is to my life now, being anti WT??
Then it went away, but there was still a vacuum...that whole idea of "Who am I?" "What do I like to do?" "What are my interests?" Unfortunately for me that is still being worked out, even five years after stopping the obsessive reading.
I'm a born in, no pre-cult personality as it were. It kind sucks, but at least I am free. Anything is better than going to meetings and in service and listening to that shit.
A small update on the ongoing investigation by the Royal Commission
by umbertoecho ini think you people would like to know that since the public hearing has finished.
there has been ongoing contact made to me by the staff at the rc.
they have been inundated with calls and the same experiences or similar ones are being related.. the staff are not backwards in coming forwards with insights that they have shared.
By shepherding calls do you mean the elduhs are calling back on these people?
Or do you mean the RC is following up and taking care of them...I'm guessing the latter.
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
Isnt the annual meeting coming up soon? October?