Youre a funny one pioneerbot! Good luck with everything!
i know it's dumb to think it would make sense.
i've been telling myself to lay low because everytime i ask a question now my husband says i have a negative attitude and i sound like an apostate.
hmmm wonder why.
Youre a funny one pioneerbot! Good luck with everything!
i don't have all the details of their new "service year" numbers, but i have read enough on jwn to state my opinion pretty strongly.. memorial attendance for 2015 was down.while they kept saying they were going to build a bunch of new kingdom halls, and everybody is still in recovery from watchtower taking all the local money away, they say pretty much that there isn't enough money to build new kingdom halls.putting gb members on the videos at jw .
org has allowed people to really put a face and personality to these guys and remove the mystery of how they should be such deeply spiritual serious men.
instead they see silly thoughts about tight pants and, really everything that comes out of lett's mouth is delivered ultra-goofy, along with the money reports.. the gb lost credibility a little more with every new light that shone down, with the strangest one being "overlapping generation.
Their stated goal is to have 3 congregations per Kingdom Hall, worldwide. It's not a secret, they are telling everyone they meet with about their plans.
This will also piss off a lot of suburban JWs, who are within 10-20 minutes of their hall who suddenly have a 30-40 minute drive. I'm sure they will sell off the more valuable property if given the option of two, so then everyone has to go to the shittier property, which will also probably be in a shittier part of town. And its gonna kill serve-us meetings at halls too, meaning more JWs will have to host those in home, which pisses people off too.
Greedy bastards just shooting themselves in the foot once again!
i don't have all the details of their new "service year" numbers, but i have read enough on jwn to state my opinion pretty strongly.. memorial attendance for 2015 was down.while they kept saying they were going to build a bunch of new kingdom halls, and everybody is still in recovery from watchtower taking all the local money away, they say pretty much that there isn't enough money to build new kingdom halls.putting gb members on the videos at jw .
org has allowed people to really put a face and personality to these guys and remove the mystery of how they should be such deeply spiritual serious men.
instead they see silly thoughts about tight pants and, really everything that comes out of lett's mouth is delivered ultra-goofy, along with the money reports.. the gb lost credibility a little more with every new light that shone down, with the strangest one being "overlapping generation.
Two cents from me - Now that 2014 has come and gone, some JWs have to be rubbing a few of those brain cells together and wondering why Jesus is asleep at the wheel. 100 years of "last days" makes zero sense of course, so there has to be some churn happening as people come online and figure it all out. Probably no where near what happened after 75, but the effect is there.
Next few years will be very interesting if they do go full on fire sale with the halls they want to close. Fewer halls is going to mean longer commutes. More will start ditching meetings. Less meeting attendance means less indoctrination and more faders.
it never has ceased to boggle my mind how twisted up jw thinking is.
when they see something like what happened in paris, in person they will express how sad and detestable it is quickly followed by "this is why we need the kingdom, and the desert god is gonna fix everything.
" here is where i get perplexed.
I believe the point Red was making was that a lot of JWs would say that "Jehobo will judge their hearts and not kill them" when the big A comes. This was basically a technique to ease their cognative dissonance. As Blondie put it when I first came on this board: Not a JW teaching.
There is nothing in any JW publication that states such. So this is your typical JW speculating so they won't really have to consider they want their next door neighbor, the kids teacher, and the grocery clerk murdered just because they were smart enough to avoid the JW cult.
there appears to be several crises inflicting themselves upon the wtbts all at once.
the crises are likely difficulties - hence the increasing publicity given to contributing money.
reduced production - probably related to above (literature and building principally).
BoE are not provided with any of the above levels of training (including level 1 not mentioned here). They have a policy furnished from the USA and which likely does not reflect the legal nuances of protection legislation outside the USA (nor perhaps inside the USA!). BoE are instructed to approach their branch upon receipt of any allegation of child abuse. There is no indication that those in the branch who might receive such a call are themselves the beneficiaries of any of the training levels mentioned above
Does this law apply to the members of the clergy in general? Are other priests and pastors taking the training, even if not required?
when i first left the watchtower organization in 2008, a flood of emotions came back to me.
betrayal, anger, resentment, deep depression from the relationships lost.
emotions seemed to guide my viewpoint of others as well.
faithful and always so very discrete in many things but when it comes to the lord's money not so good.. i think as it begins to register in their minds as to what a terrible job they have done as ceos of a large corporation leading it into this condition that thoughts of suicide come from.
not to mention the shame at being a public spetical to the world by the rc.
all these things and more are creeping through their denial as they are forced to face reality.
Suicide? lol
Few have it so good. They don't care, they don't have to. They just delegate to whoever the current problem and have them deal with it. In the meantime they get their balls washed everywhere they go.
that is what the speaker said in his public talk this morning.
i've just spent a big part of today watching interviews, debates etc with richard dawkins.
when i was a jw i used to hate this man with all my energy, i looked on him as the devil's offspring, he represented an idea that totally terrified me.
today i found myself saying i love the man.
Love how Hitch puts that smarmy dude in his place with that rebuttal.
A good read from Hitch is "Mortality" which he wrote during his cancer treatment. Extremely insightful and not a long read at all. I especially liked it coming from the "living forever" perspective we had as JWs.
just wanted to break the ice and write my first post here and also talk about some things that are bothering me.
i don't go to meetings anymore and i have become inactive for years now.
i don't believe the witnesses have the truth more than any other organized religion.
Hey Distracted, welcome to the forum.
There has been a bit more of a push in the last few years to force people back into the cult. There was a new brochure of the summer, a prodigal son video last year I think, and as mentioned the jw TV stuff is hitting it now. I think a lot of it is just to get the people on the inside hopeful for their "lost" relatives. Remember it sucks for them to have to shun their family, and to think that they are going to be killed by their loving, heavenly father any second now.
That being said, I think you will find peace in your life and draw a line in the sand. Make it clear you will never return to an organization that protects child molesters. Put it exactly that way and they won't know what to say, and they will shutup about it.