JoinedPosts by Mythbuster
Be honest...What movie star do you look like?
by Botzwana ini am curious as to what the members here look like.
be totally honest now.
not everyone looks like a knockout or mr. buff.... .
Population 7 billion. Changes ahead.
by Lion Cask inaccording to the world population clock, we're going to hit the magic 7 billion number this year.
that's 7,000,000,000,000 living human beings on this planet.
the world is about to change, again.
This was presented in the latest National Geographic Magazine.
1975 yearbook pdf?
by familycomesfirst4 ini'm looking to see if anyone has, or can point me in the direction of, a full pdf scan of the 1975 year book?
i've searched to no avail.
i've also looked at websites wtarchives and watchtowerdocuments, but i couldn't find anything.. i'm looking to support and show many of the great references leolaia gave in his paper on jw's and the cross.. .
It's on the 2009 CD. Has it been changed from that to what you would find in a PDF?
400,000 year old human tooth?
by sabastious ininteresting stuff..
An archaeologist named Gopher. Sorry, but that is funny!
WT article on ''never have we said Jehovah has said"
by Aussie Oz inbeen going nuts looking for this.. i am sure i have read, and probably saved, a quote by them about not being false prophets but i am buggered if i can find it anywhere in search, google or my own pc.. can you help?.
i think its 2009 but not sure, where they have the line 'never have we said ''jehovah has said'' when ...'.
a link or pdf or scan or cut n paste, etc would be great!.
*** g93 3/22 Why So Many False Alarms? ***
Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions ‘in the name of Jehovah.' Never did they say, ‘These are the words of Jehovah.' The Watchtower, the official journal of Jehovah's Witnesses, has said: "We have not the gift of prophecy." (January 1883, page 425) "Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible." (December 15, 1896, page 306) The Watchtower has also said that the fact that some have Jehovah's spirit "does not mean those now serving as Jehovah's witnesses are inspired. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine The Watchtower are inspired and infallible and without mistakes." (May 15, 1947, page 157) "The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic." (August 15, 1950, page 263) "The brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. (2 Tim. 3:16) And so, at times, it has been necessary, as understanding became clearer, to correct views. (Prov. 4:18)"-February 15, 1981, page 19. -
YouTube - Elder lies about shunning and custody packet
by Soldier77 inthis is unbelievable!
theocratic warfare with the courts?.
elder states that jw's do not shun: (listen to his weak definition of shunning).
An email I just recieved: Jehovah's Loving Kindness
by Soldier77 inbut it's a new king in israel .
the only one who's left of the house of jonathan is his son.
mephibosheth said 'sure: i have had hard times and i am a cripple and i don't even understand this loving kindness, but he said i'll never leave this table.'.
Fwd: Notes on a Talk with Visualizations, by Daniel Sydlik
The source of aforementioned email.
New Books and Brochures available on Media Website
by Caminante ina brother brought to my attention that there are certain publications (books and brochures) available on jw media in pdf format, both english and russian, on the "banned publications" list.
(pdf, 1.35 mb).
a book for all people (pdf, 7.83 mb, not searchable).
It's a clever way to get banned material into Russia. All a Russian Witness needs to do is download and distribute the PDF.
Adam & Eve
by goddidit indo jw's have anything to say about whether adam & eve were married.. if so, where in the bible?.
if not, isn't it a problem for them (jws)?.
Is satan checking out Adam's butt? Looks like he's saying, "Damn boy! I'd tap that!".
Child custody booklet... have they ever denied it existed?
by Aussie Oz inhey all.
i seem to remember reading something online a year ago about the society denying that it existed.... may have been in a court case or something and the jw lawyer denied it until the other side pulled it out.... any ideas?
or did i dream it?.
I remember the video, but I don't remember that the lawyer pulled one out.
I think it was the video in this post.
Edit: Just read a post that said the Judge had a copy of the Child Custody booklet on his desk and the elder did lie that one existed.