Bobcat is correct in his comments.
You may find a more detailed answer below:
this thread isn't meant to go into discussing how deceptive the society has been over the translation of this passage of scripture as that has been done many times on here.
what i want to know is this - the society has inserted the word other in the collosions verses and the one in philippians (above every (other) name).
they've done this for doctrinal matters.
Bobcat is correct in his comments.
You may find a more detailed answer below:
it just kills me when i look at the scriptures in the nwt and alot of times when it refers to jesus christ it says the christ.
to me this is taking away his .
The words ‘the Christ’ appears 143x in the NWT. Like Old Goat said: "The NWT uses the phrase "the christ" because that's what the Greek text says: ὁ χριστός. ho christos. The christ."
Here's one instance (1 Cor. 6:15) where "Christ" appears in Greek with the article "the" and without. The NWT shows that. So does Byington's translation. The ASV and the KJV don't.
What is wrong with that? Two bible versions follow the Greek, and two don't. Of course, there are other Bibles available to support both renderings. Which one do you prefer? Why criticize the one that sticks to the Greek?
it seems i am going to have to teach people to use a tablet as part of my job and i don't even have one!
any advice would be most helpful please.. i keep reading blurb on amazon etc and now i'm really confused.
what should i buy?
If you value flexibility and freedom, go with Android.
Apple is fine if you are willing to be held hostage to this one company in every way. Apps are cheaper or free with Android.
Also, within a few months, Google is going to target the desktop more and more. So expect Android apps to work anywhere, even in Chrome OS, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. Try that with Apple.
it really is pretty sad that the gb and their "fair-haired-boys" cannot get their stories straight even from one day to the next.. friday, while touting the greatness of the rc speaker bragged about the web site being translated into over 400 languages.
on saturday splane bragged about it being translated in 369 languages.
while that is close to 400 it surely isn't over 400.. then yesterday one of the speakers said, "the mormon church is investing on internet web site outreach.
piztjw said: "Friday, while touting the greatness of JW.Org the RC speaker bragged about the web site being translated into OVER 400 languages. On Saturday Splane bragged about it being translated IN 369 languages. While that is close to 400 it surely isn't OVER 400"
Hey piztjw, don't you realize these differences can be easily explained like we tend to do with Bible discrepancies.
You see...those two speakers were not contradicting each other. They were just describing the facts from a different angle to the different audience next day. For instance, on Friday the RC speaker looked at the facts and stated conservatively -- that they had definite plans to translate into 369 languages. But on Saturday, Splane more liberally included an additional 30 languages being talked about by the GB to be added to the previous list which the Friday speaker did not get care to elaborate on, until there was more certainty on the matter. You see, there is no contradiction. It all depends how you look at it.
Don't you remember how Bible discrepancies can be explained likewise. Keep in mind these two speakers are Bible students above all, so they know how the system works.
Hey, take this as playful speculation! Just don't ever doubt the Governing Body, lest you be destroyed!
i've cut my hair washing from every 2 days to every 4 days and this week, i've left it 7 days.
it's been growing much better and is in great condition!
any tips for growing your hair lush and lovely?.
Though I am a male, I want to add that many in the know seem to swear that extra virgin coconut oil is excellent for the hair. Has anyone here tried it?
matt 28:19 go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit,".
has never made sense to me.
where did jesus get this about the name of the father, son & holy spirit?
Me thinks the words, "in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" are a post-biblical addition to the original text.
Perhaps more scholars would mention the possibility of an "interpolation" here if it were not for the fact tha the words as they appear in current Greek texts sound "sweet" to trinitarian ears, representative of the majority of scholars. There is nothing remotely close to this "trinitarian" formula anywhere in Scripture, hence the reluctance to admit it openly.
i'm not sure how else to describe this meeting at my kitchen table.
my elderette ("miss k") arrived with her friend in tow.
i vaguely remember the 2nd lady ("miss w") from the times we went to the kh, but like miss k, we never really talked in depth.
Island Man: "Actually, that is a NWT mistranslation of Matthew 24:39. Jesus did not say "took no note". If you look at the greek it actually says the people ‘did not know’. Jesus was actually comparing the people of Noah's day not knowing the timing of the flood with the fact that people would not know the timing of his future presence. That was the whole point of his comparison with the days of Noah. The context makes it clear when you read it carefully from Matthew 24:36."
The Greek word for "took no note" (to know) can mean many things, and have many implications, including "sexual intercourse" in some contexts. Grammar then, is not the issue, context is. At Matthew 24:39, other translators understand the Greek term to mean:
Twentieth New Century: "Taking not notice"
ISV: "They were unaware"
BBE: "And they had no care"
Rotherham: "they observed not"
Living Bible: "people wouldn't believe"
21st Century NT: "they were completely unconcerned"
Kevin Condon: "no one gave heed"
Andy Gaus: "and didn't notice anything"
NWT: "took no note"
i'm not sure how else to describe this meeting at my kitchen table.
my elderette ("miss k") arrived with her friend in tow.
i vaguely remember the 2nd lady ("miss w") from the times we went to the kh, but like miss k, we never really talked in depth.
The Searcher:
"Ask them to explain the difference between 'upon' and 'over', and if they can think of a single example where both words could possibly mean the same thing.
Then refer them to the false translation of Revelation 5:10 in the NWT & RNWT, but also to the correct translation of the Greek in their Kingdom Interlinear Translation - which is reinforced by the diagram of the Greek words inside the front cover.
Ask them why a specific Greek word has been substituted with a different one in their translation?"
I believe one can make a case of wrong interpretation within the context of Scripture regarding the application of the preposition epi, but not on grammar grounds.
The preposition epi has variable meanings, including that of "over." The Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by Gingrich/Danker defines it: "With the genitive--1. of place, lit. and fig. on upon ...Before, in the presence of ... Over of power, authority, control Lk 12:42; Ac 6:3; Ro 9:5; Rv 5:10; 17:18."
Thus, it is not wise to use the Kingdom Interlinear against the New World Translation to determine the right or wrong translation of a preposition. A good interlinear like the KI just shows the basic meaning of a word, but the translation on the right, or any other for that matter, has more leeway in expressing the various nuances of a Greek word.
Why would anyone trust what the flu-shot pushers are saying?
Have you noticed the sudden increase in the last decade in pushing to get "medication" inside people's bodies? Hello! It is not medication! It is poison to make profits! Avoid it by all means.
No one can play God like God himself. Do you think it is possible to combat a few viruses ( works) without creating damage to our bodies? The body is too complex to have foreign invaders invade our bodies, and do irreversible damage, and then pay someone else who's laughing all the way for all those gullible ones falling for the bait.
Ladies and Gentlemen: This is pure business! Americans are good at finding ways to get peoples money by creating phony businesses. This is a fraud... just like contaminated commercial oils replacing virgin coconut oils... margarine replacing butter... eggs being accused of being the center of our ills ...GMO's taking over without customers having knowledge via food labels. And so on...
I don't see how many here rightfully don't trust the WTS, yet are so quick to trust business and politician lords. Be careful, please!
in johns gospel jesus refers to the "helper" "the spirit of truth" saying "when he arrives he will etc".
the wt justified their use of he in this instance, because in greek the word is masculine gender.. (aside from the ludricrousness of this argument - english does have neuter pronouns).
have they changed he to it inthese passages?.
hamsterbait: "If greek has a neuter gender, why would Jesus use a masculine instead of neuter for an impersonal force?"
Simply because he was personifying the spirit as a person, a common teaching method in Scripture.
Many things in Scripture are analogies -- made to appear as if it were a person. Using analogies and figures of speech as a teaching mode was often used to get the message across to human listeners to facilitate divine concepts in the human mind. How do we know that that is the case here in John chapters 14-16?
Jesus himself provided the clue in one of the bible chapters where the spirit is spoken of as if it were a person, as "a Helper".
" I've been using figures of speech with you . The time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in such analogies . Instead, I will tell you plainly about the Father." (John 16:7-14; 25, Common English Bible)