On a previous post (c. 18 months ago), I commented on Mt 24.39, "took no note."
Other translators and commentators have explained the phrase similarly. Check around.
the new jw library app includes the kingdom interlinear.
just by looking up the scriptures at the meeting when i went, revealed the following "departures" from the other translations:.
rev 5:10 "over the earth" vs "upon the earth".
On a previous post (c. 18 months ago), I commented on Mt 24.39, "took no note."
Other translators and commentators have explained the phrase similarly. Check around.
the new jw library app includes the kingdom interlinear.
just by looking up the scriptures at the meeting when i went, revealed the following "departures" from the other translations:.
rev 5:10 "over the earth" vs "upon the earth".
Although it is tempting to point out NWT errors based on KIT literal renderings, one should be reminded that accurate translation of any document goes beyond basic meanings, word for word transmission.
Various interlinears have pointed out the dangers of rejecting modern translations based on them. Prepositions, for instance, have a lot of overlap, and the translator must ultimately use his/her understanding of the passage in question to properly convey the meaning into the target language. This explains why we have so many English translations...there are potentially various ways to interpret some biblical accounts, such as Revelation.
The NWT Revised Ed. renders the Greek words in KIT (Rev 20.4), "through [diá] the witness of Jesus and through [diá] the word of the God" as: "for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God."
The preposition diá with the accusative as it appears in the verse can have a spatial meaning, through, but more likely a meaning of cause: because of, on account of, for the sake of
Bible translator and commentatorRobert H. Gundry explains the clause as: "for testifying about the Testimony who is Jesus and preaching about the Word who is Jesus."
Barclay renders it: "because they had declared their faith in Jesus, and for the sake of the word of God."
Moffatt: "for the testimony of Jesus and God's word"
Goodspeed: "on account of the testimony of Jesus and the message of God"
An Understandable Version: "because they had testified about Jesus and [had proclaimed] the message of God" (Brackets are from translator)
Williams: "for bearing testimony to Jesus and for preaching the word of God"
Weymouth: "on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message"
NLT: "for their testimony about Jesus and for proclaiming the word of God"
CEB: " because they had told about Jesus and preached God’s message "
GNT: " because they had proclaimed the truth that Jesus revealed and the word of God "
Phillips: " for their witness to Jesus and for proclaiming the Word of God "
NLV: " because they told about Jesus and preached the Word of God "
CEB: " for their witness to Jesus and God’s word "
NWT: "for the witness they gave about Jesus and for speaking about God."
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Of 1 Timothy 3.16 (whether to read theós or He, Who), professor Daniel B. Wallace claims :
“As attractive theologically as the reading θεός [god] ” may be, it is spurious .” ( Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics , 342):
Of 1 John 5.7, textual critic Philip W. Comfort, asserts: "John never wrote the following words: in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one."
And Bible translator Byington bluntly stated: "The old version contains forged texts ... 1 John 5.7 ... But those words never were in the Greek... [...] A man who uses the old version as his standard Bible [to support 1 Tim 3.16 & 1 John 5.7] has no right to claim that he is treating the Bible respectfully as the word of God."
All three scholars quoted are Trinitarians.
i asked a jw last week the following question, "is revelation 5:11-14 a worship act to the lamb or an act of obeisance?.
revelation 5:11-14 nwt states and i saw, and i heard a voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: the lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.
because it's an act of worship and it is not allow in your kingdom hall.
Crazyguy: "Even with all the changes the JW's make in their bible using the word obeisance instead of worship, it is clear in the book of Revelation in the last chapter when Jesus becomes the Alpha and Omega."
Professor emeritus at Westmont College Robert H. Gundry understands it a bit differently (as it appears in a footnote to Rev. 1.8 of his Commentary on the New Testament ):
" Since alpha and omega are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet, saying ‘I am the alpha and the omega’ is like saying in English ‘I am the A and the Z.’ … This language described God the Father in 1:4 and therefore identifies ‘the Lord God’ with him here too [in 1:8] (as clearly also in 4:8; 21:22)."
He, as you did, used the word ‘clear,’ but he sees the words "the alpha and the omega" as a reference to "God the Father," not the Son.
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When I hear this stuff, I am so glad that years ago I switched to Linux, and haven't looked back.
Haven't seen one virus since I started Linux over 14 years ago. I have no virus programs, and for the most part haven't used firewalls either. With Linux, one gets much less crap overall when downloading software. Truly, it has been a big RELIEF away from Microsoft.
Unfortunately, a lot of people give up so easily when they try Linux. It's a pity, because most who learn Linux or Mac don't want anything to do with Windows. I use to volunteer and help Window's users, until I got tired of it, since I found Windows so problematic. What good is a system with 100,000 apps at your disposal if it gets bogged down with a dozen apps? The deterioration rate of Windows after a fresh install is abysmal. No wonder that most corporations have made the switch. What's holding the naysayers back?: FUD! Fear...Uncertainty...and Doubt!
i was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
I will briefly address the issues I was able to grab (The others were not clear to me).
John 8:58 as it's rendered in NWT is not a biased translation. It responds to both Greek and English idiom.
For example: Genesis 31:38 literally says in Greek LXX (Jacob to Laban): "These mine twenty years I am with you." How would an English speaker render those words into English?
John 8:58 has a similar Greek construction. In Ge 31.38, Jacob's statement contains an expression of past implications (These twenty years of mine). So when Jacob in LXX adds "I am," the translator would have to take into account the present verb used (I am) combined with words of action that began in the past. Charles Thomson dealt with this Greek construction this way: "These twenty years that I have been with thee." Thomson was correct in doing this.
An English speaker cannot properly use a present verb to convey present action having begun in the past. In the Hebrew narrative Jabob's words lack a verb, like this: "This twenty year I with-you."
How do modern translators render this? With an English perfect indicative of course, even though there is no Hebrew verb used. And just as translators normally do with this type of Greek construction. It is at John 8.58 where Trinitarian translators want to handle this construction differently in their obsession to make Christ equal to God. If there is no temporal modifier extending to the past before "I am," then "I am" means "I am."
Which insertations would you condemn? The NWT additions at Colossians 1:16, where they added, other to "all things," Or the one at Col. 1:17, where Trinitarians translators add "else" to "everything else"? (Check ISV; TLB; and CEV)
Genesis 1:2, which rendering is worse for you for the Hebrew w e ru'ach ?
"the breath of God" (Thomson)
"and God's wind" (Common English Bible)
"God's active force" (NWT)
"the power of God" (Good News Bible)
"the rushing-spirit of God" (Fox)
I like all of the above for Ge 1:2.
i was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
Actually, I did not say that ESV translated monogenes incorrectly. What I did say is that the ESV translators focused and displayed in English the first part of the compound word mono-genes. The translators may have given the popular trinitarian definition found in trinitarian lexicons, but lexicons do not always show lexical particulars. The ESV translated monogenes as "the only God."
That may be acceptable to Trinitarians, but since the Trinity doctrine was developed after John's writings, one does well to question controversial renderings. The ESV translated like if the original reading was: "ho monos theós." Is this what we find at John 1:18? Please take a look at how monos is applied to God in the next few verses.
"O [Jehovah] our God...you alone [monos] are God" - Is. 37:20, Septuagint.
"Father,....to know thee who alone [monos] art truly God" - John 17:1, 3, NEB.
"from the one who alone [monos] is God" - John 5:44, TEV, cf. NEB, AB.
"he alone [monos] is God" - 1 Tim. 1:17, LB
"to the one only [monos] God" - Jude 1:25, AB, cf. LB.
Now, how should mono-genes be translated? Some Trinitarians avoid the -genes part of the compound. Some may think the -genes part is not necessary to translate the compound word. There may be a doctrinal objection to show a rendering for that part.
Take a look at how the ESV translated a compound word in Matthew 18:9, monó phthalmos = one eye. (mónos & opthalmós). This is in contrast to dúo o phthalm ó s = "two eyes." Yes, this rendering affects no religious doctrine.
Below you will find a list of compound words and their translations. Notice how the second part of the word is not ignored.
m onohḗmeros = one day; a day ( Wisdom of Solomon 5.14, LXX)
monókerōs = one horn ed ; “unicorn” (Job 39.9, ABP, LXX)
monózōnos = one girdle; “a band of troops” (NETS); “ lightly armed ” (2 Samuel 22.30, ABP, LXX.)
Modern Greek :
monokúttaros = one-celled
monódrama = single play, one [person] drama
monóprakto = one-act play
monódromos = one-[way] street
monoet ḗ s = one year
monographía = monograph
monóklino = single-[bed] room
monokommatikós = one party
monópeto = single breasted
monokómmatos = one piece
monóphylos = one-leaf
monochromía = monochrome
monócheiras = one-handed
monóchordos = one-stringed
monosántalos = [wearing] one-sandal
monóstichos = [of] one verse
monótrochos = one-wheeled
It is standard practice to consider the full meaning of Greek compound words.
Many scholars do define monogenes huiós/theós as the "only-begotten Son/God." This way, they are addressing the fact they are in presence of a compound term. Do you not think this affects accuracy?
i was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
Phizzy: "Jason BeDuhn is right of course that many religions, and others, use selective quoting, but that does not make it ethical."
I agree with you here. But the reason I submitted this quote was to address the charge made by the poster I was addressing that the WT ALWAYS quotes everybody wrong. In this case, Dr. BeDuhn acknowledged he was quoted accurately, with the exception they skipped some parts where the professor felt the NWT was weak. And even that, as Mr. BeDuhn himself pointed out, the practice of selective quoting is not uncommon. Why repeat that?
For the simple reason, that some posters here give the impression tha ONLY the WT do things like this. Like the poster I was addressing which seems to view things: good or evil. The WT is evil. Catholics and Protestants are the good. And that´s where I disagree with those holding such views. I see a problem with the JWs, Catholics and Protestants. Who is better or worst among these groups is not so easy to determine. They all have good and bad.
I dislike, to put it mildly, what the WT have done to my family and exJW friends. Overall, I lost them over two decades ago. Thus, I have suffered the consequences every day of my life since then. In fact, I don´t even know where my daughter lives. Do I think this WT practice is evil? Yes, but no less evil than what Catholics and Protestants have done throughout history. This is a reason why I have avoided going to any church, not because I don't think I could benefit somehow from it, I just lack the incentive to go. The hypocricy of most religious groups is easily evident. I wish we could find a realistic explanation for a lot of things.
i was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
Correction to my previous post:
The following words are from TTWSYF. Sorry about that, FFtruther144. "It is not an opinion that no one endorses the NWT, it is a fact. [..] I'm not, nor do I claim to be a scholar, but everytime the WTS quotes a scholar who endorses their version, research shows the scholars quotes were taken out of context....sounds familiar, doesn't it?
See my response in my previous post.
i was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
TTtruther144: "It is not an opinion that no one endorses the NWT, it is a fact. [..] I'm not, nor do I claim to be a scholar, but everytime the WTS quotes a scholar who endorses their version, research shows the scholars quotes were taken out of context....sounds familiar, doesn't it?
A fact? Not sure if I can apply the word ‘endorsement’ when a scholar have something positive to say about a product. That aside, I did mention Alan S. Duthie. I was hoping you would check his credentials. I have his books in my possession, and he did recommend the NWT to his readers. I don't understand why you insist that no scholar ever says anything favorable about the NWT. I wonder how far you have gone with your research.
Another scholar who provided a favorable review of the NWT was Dr. Jason BeDuhn. You say, "everytime the WTS quotes a scholar who endorses their version, research shows the scholars quotes were taken out of context....sounds familiar, doesn't it?" Is that the case always? See for yourself:
A reader asked Dr. Jason BeDuhn if he was quoted fairly by the WTS ( Watchtower, Feb. 1, 1998, p. 32) BeDuhn replied:
“I wrote a letter to the WBTS, thanking them for providing copies of the KIT free of charge to my class. I did this as a gesture of appreciation. I also took the opportunity to praise what I found to be the merits of the book. The sections of my letter quoted in the Watchtower accurately reflect my views. Naturally left out of the article were the few comments I made about individual passages I thought they should reconsider, because I found their translation weak. I personally don't find any fault with them quoting the positive statements and leaving out the negative ones; this is standard editorial practice and I do not think it to be deceptive. [ …] As for the use of [quoting] ‘experts’ -- you will find that all denominations cite anyone who agrees with them and dismisses whoever disagrees.” [*In a 1998 letter to G---- T------.])