Phizzy, you provided various quotes from which I would like to comment briefly.
Metzger, a Presbyterian, focused mainly on the theological slant of the NWT -- particularly those texts which dealt with Christ's deity. On the translation side, he admitted the following:
" On the whole, one gains a tolerably good impression of the scholarly equipment of the translators ...Frequently an intelligent use of critical information is apparent."
Barclay mentioned ‘intellectual dishonesty’ of the WT for translating Jn 1.1 as they did. But two decades later, Barclay acknowledged that the Greek did allow for such translation. Whether Barclay changed his mind, or whether he himself was ‘intellectually dishonest’ in his initial criticism, I leave you to decide.
Rowley too was not kind to the WT either. His harsh NWT criticism for being so literal could well have been said of other literal translations. He is said to have written his NWT criticism before the actual release of the NWT occurred. What happened here?
And since the time Mantey made his deriding comments about the NWT ‘not being scholarly’ for translating Jn 1.1c as they did, various scholars have openly said that if we go by grammar alone, the rendering "a god" is just as legitimate - a complete turn-around from the previous generation of scholars.