Other rendering of Psalm 2.12: "Obey the Son completely, or he will be angry. Your way of life will lead to your death." (NIrV) By the way, others make the reference of "he" in the subtext to God, rather than the Son, like the NIrv and ISV do here.
careful: They [the NWT tranlators] are willing to change "Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed" to "Honor the son, or God will become indignant," but not provide a meaningful translation for "perish in the way." Doesn't that seem odd? In hundreds of other passages they opted for the renderings in translations like the NIV, NEB, and so on, so why not here?
You have made a valid observation. There is always a risk of making the translation verbose, as did the original NWT. Obviously, the translators made an effort to simplify the text, and to keep paraphrasings to a minimum in the new edition. Psalm 2.12 is an example of this. We the readers cannot always agree with the translator's choices as to what they decide to clarify or not. Frequently, it is a personal matter for a given clarification. That's why there are so many versions.