Joliette: "There's a lot of confusion when it comes to this. I always tell my brother I'm against the watchtower but he thinks I'm against Jehovah."
The WT Society has been very successful in deceiving its followers with the belief that putting your trust in "the faithful and discreet slave" is the same as placing faith in Jehovah. Not true! These two are totally different things.
It is the authoritative and unyielding nature of the WT Society that makes it despicable to all those being victimized by its un-Christian practices.
It is not God's fault that this religious entity does not follow Christian practices as they claim. And the JWs are just gullible victims of the superior cunning of its leaders. They have been blinded by ‘the god of this system of things, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ...might not shine through.’ (2 Cor 4.4)
Instead of ‘the glorious good news about the Christ shining through’ to them, what they get is ‘the ominous news of the faithful and discreet slave shining through’...that those who independently worship God without them are doomed.