This website is not the place to shoe-in a new Witness. Nonetheless, hopefully you can find kindness here.
I remember when I got baptized. I thought for sure this was the true religion. However, as I aged, and experienced this religion every which way I could, I ended up leaving. I saw the good and the ugly.
If you are young, I urge you to keep your mind open. And don't let anyone take away your independent thinking. The WT condemns independent thinking. And they are experts in controlling people. I have a large family which are still active in the religion. Because I left voluntarily (by way of disassociation), the WT people and my family has disowned me. They have no idea the amount of suffering I have been through.
Now, almost three decades later, I don't regret leaving the Watchtower. The spirit of WT congregations seems friendly and loving at first. With time, you will find that this is contingent of you staying active in the organization. They make members feel like they are not doing enough. They can always do more. More preaching, more participation in congregation activities, etc. Plus, they are always asking for money, probably more so than other churches, although they don't pass "the plate" around.
Just as quickly as they receive you in, they can pull their "love" from you, like turning the light switch off. You will find this out in time.
The Watchtower operates as a business just as other churches do. They will never admit it. And finally, the Watchtower Society believes in this principle: "Unity at all costs." This guiding principle permeates every facet of the organization. For it, they are willing to deceive governments, and their brotherhood.
Witnesses have some good points in their favor, but their controlling principle gets tiring after time, even if you want to stay put.
In all, I wish you the best! I think it is still possible to serve God within the congregation, but make sure not to let the pharisaical attitude within the congregations affect your mode of thinking.