Fact: Most bible translators don't "speak" either Hebrew or Greek . Exceptions: George Gangas. George Gangas spoke modern Greek and gave speeches in Greece. He also spoke Spanish, which he learned on his own. Scholar Spiros Zodhiates is of Greek heritage. Zodhiates, however, did not work as a bible translator. He did produce some valuable bible reference works.
George Gangas translated mainly from Greek to English, but what few know outside of Bethel, is that he also translated between Greek, English and Spanish when needed.
Fred Franz' knowledge of Hebrew and Greek was superior to Gangas' knowledge of bible languages. Those who teach bible languages do not generally "speak" either Hebrew and Greek. And it is not expected of bible translators to "speak" the language. They are expected to "read" the Hebrew and Greek text , and with the aid of linguistic aids commit to translation. No bible translator works so casually as to do translation work without linguistic helps. Interestingly, those going around criticizing the NWT, as does "cult experts" Walter Martin, Robert Bowman, Ron Rhodes, who did obtain some credentials, do not "speak" a ny Greek. Even most "experts" with Ph.D's we usually quote, don't "speak" Greek either. But I believe most of these individuals are able to get a good grasp of the Greek by applying themselves to it.
The WT started the practice of anonimity many years before the 1st portion of the NWT was published in 1950. But since 1942, it has been the general rule of not using names of their writers in their WT publications. If Ray Franz is correct about the translators, none of them had a Ph. D, or even a Master´s degree under their belt. Yes, it would be embarrasing before the world to publish a translation without the "necessary" credentials. Notwithstanding, lacking credentials does not necessarily equate with zero knowledge.
Ray Franz was no close buddy of Fred, his uncle. Some say, there was a marked rift between them. Even so, Ray admitted to me and to countless others over the years of his uncle's linguistic capabilities. I myself heard Fred speak in three languages fluently. Ray spent nearly 20 years in the Caribbean, and came to dominate the Spanish language. Ray said that Fred learned Spanish on his own, and not once, he said, did he commit one single errror in all those years he heard Fred speaking Spanish, either in private conversations or public appearances. He did the same with Portuguese, which he spoke fluently.
Now, if he was able to dominate those languages the way he did, why would someone here in this website doubt that he was not able to dominate the bible languages? Remember, there are a number of scholars who admit that the NWT translation committee was up to the task.
I am aware that the number of scholars who praise the NWT are small compared to the number criticizing it. That is to be expected, though, for the simple reason, that the NWT does not support mainstream religion. The theology of the majority will win in such comparisons. Always!