First, thanks for your informative post.
We don't know who are the new members of the NWT Committee, and may never will. Some may believe that WTS rashly undertook biblical translation work. I believe otherwise. I believe more effort and scholarship went into the original NWT than into any other WT publication, including Aid/Insight among them.
For the 2013 revision, I would not expect any less effort spent on it. Undertaking translation work is very challenging, so I doubt the new NWT Committee went about it very lightly. I know that many ex-JWs find that hard to believe, but the fact is that most criticisms of the NWT deal with doctrinal issues, or the supposed incompetence of the translation team.
In regards to how the NW Revised Edition deals with the Hebrew verbs now, my feeling is that they set out to simplify the reading of the original version, and logically, the Hebrew verb translation was the first casualty. This does not necessarily mean that the original product was a waste of effort or time, but the shift to improve readability in English translations since the publication of The Living Bible has made it necessary to do that. What was acceptable as a translation in 1950 may not be in 2015. In that sense, the NWT was falling behind the times.
Also, the new release does not prove Furuli was wrong when he defended it. At least two other scholars have defended the treatment of the Hebrew verbal system as Furuli did. I think it is a matter of moving forward to make the Bible more readable to "uneducated" masses. It is more an adjustment to the times than a repair of the translation itself.