Camperdown9: "I'm an Anglican and not a Jehovahs Witness. What I dislike about lots of church congregations is their readiness to make unpleasant and unhelpful comments about other Christian groups."
I agree with you there.
However, asking most ex_JWs how they feel about the religion, will most likely get you a flood of the most disparaging criticisms one could ever come up with.
I too have a problem with the religion. I have been victimized for abandoning the JW religion. My family have deserted me. Nevertheless, I can still see some of the good things they do well. I venture to say that every group of believers do some things right and many things wrong. The JWs are no exception. A main problem with the JWs has to do with their shunning policies, and the control the leadership exerts over their followers. In that sense, the JWs are a dangerous religion.
About the NWT, there are all sorts of opinions about it, mostly bad. But I feel those people who put it down so harshly reflect their own religious bias as well. Someone here said of the JW Bble that, "Their New World Translation is just a copy of another translation that has been a altered to fit JW theology." The first part of this statement is simply not true. The burden is on the person to prove such allegation. On the second part of the statement, I agree that the NWT has been adapted to fit JW theology. What a lot of people fail to realize though, is that just about every Bible translation out there has been adapted to fit the theology of the translators, whoever they may be. This outcome is often not deliberate, but a consequence of their educational background.
I am glad to see someone open enough to query others about another faith. In the end, I advise anyone to be careful of whatever claims any religious group make of other faiths, and be willing to analyze different opinions on the matter before reaching a personal conclusion.
Good wishes!