JW Answers claim:
All the traits of a person, rather than a force.""The Holy Spirit can: Be grieved ... Be Blasphemed against... Can pray... Can intercede Can speak... Can teach... Can guide... Can perform miracles... Can have conversations... Can have fellowship/communion with believers... Can comfort.
Have you noticed the Bible is full of figurative language. The book of Revelation, for instance, cannot, for the most part, be taken literally. To this day, no one can with 100 % certainty explain its many mysteries. Not the Watchtower, not the Catholic Church, not the Evangelicals, nor the Adventists.
Throughout the Bible, many inanimate things can do things that ONLY a person can. Overall, it's figurative speech. Even Jesus said (and that AFTER personifying the holy spirit): "I have spoken these things to you in comparisons." (John 16.25, NWT-2013) Other Bibles instead of comparisons, say "figurative speech," or "analogies." But yet, you seem to suggest that Jesus was speaking literally of the holy spirit as a person being a Counselor or Helper, when he himself said it was an analogy. Think about that!
The basic sense of spirit in the Bible is "breath" or "wind." Now take that literally, if you will.