The Father is God. Jesus is the perfect reflection of God so when we read about Jesus and his love,mercy, forgiveness, etc we are seeing the Father in reflection. The angry vengeful god of the Old Testament is only who the Isrealites perceived to be God at the time. Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, was a conglomeration of tribal gods that the Moses gave to the people to represent the "true god". Jesus came to truly reveal the Father's personality which has nothing to do with the Old Testament. To borrow a common JW phrase, it's like Jesus brought "new light" about God. He was NEVER this jealous vengeful God; he was always a loving merciful Father. Not all events in the OT were truly Gods doings. For example, it was never God who commanded the Israelites to exterminate men women and children of entire nations.
Then perhaps God is not as Jesus described either maybe that is just how Jesus perceived God to be. It would be reasonable then to re-imagine who God is now that thousands of years have passed, do you not agree?
This all leads to a thought that I had the other day. When reading the WT they often use the phrase "make God real in your life" or something similar. They will also say that God should be viewed as a personal friend. Here is the thing if God is my personal friend then I should not have to work to "make him real". It would be obvious that he is real and influencing my life but that isn't the case. What is suggested instead is that you pray for matters in your life, then however those matters turn out, give credit to God and your prayers. So while I still like to think that there are higher powers than man at work in the universe I find it hard to believe that any personal God is watching over us.