JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
I Don't Get It!
by John Aquila inthere are literally about thirty young single very good looking sisters in this one kingdom hall under the age of 30. that is just one kingdom hall.
in the circuit there are literally hundreds of young beautiful jw girls under 30 who are single and anxious to get married.
about two years ago, this one single good looking brother who is about 30 years old and who is an elder married this plain looking sister who is 59 years old.
The young sisters are probably looking for a "perfect brother". One who is spiritual, has money to support her, is young and good looking. Also, the young sisters want to follow all the rules about chaperones and not getting too intimate (or if they don't then you can be sure that their family does). No one expects a 55 year old sister to get a chaperone. They have been around and are happy to have a good man even if he isn't the most spiritual, well off or handsome. -
Songs celebrating leaving the faith? Not being a puppet, mind controlled, living life, etc etc
by aley63 ini am looking for some songs that are in ref to celebrating leaving, seeing the light, realizing what you were told wasnt right, being happy w your life, etc etc.
all those emotions about being controlled and repressed, being told what you can feel or think or how to live, blindly following the "brotherhood ".
Nothing More - This Is The Time
When did we become these sinking stones?
When did we build this broken home?
Holding each other like ransom notes
Dropping our hearts to grip our brother's throat
You can't see because you don't know
You're caught below, beneath your own shadow
Stuck inside, half alive
Do you ever stop to ask yourself why?
Close your mind, identify
Do you feel, do you feel?
Do you call this a life?
All you waited for
Drowning just to keep score
We always start with good intentions
But lose ourselves along the way
This is the time that we let it go
These are the words that will take us home
Singing the song that's inside us all
If we don't open our eyes we're walking blind
Anchored in anger, we exile ourselves
Bitter blood builds our prison cell
Darker water now fills our lungs
The depths of our heart have blacked the sun
Naked we come, naked we leave
Fools we are, to hold tightly
We are the jail, we are the key
We are free, we are free
This is the time that we let it go
This is the pain we are forced to know
Singing the song that's inside us all
If we just open our eyesThis is alt-metal so it may not be for everyone but it hit me pretty hard when I first heard it. Very relate-able.
Will the resurrected marry/have children?
by davidmitchell ini have just finished reading 'brock talon's' two books.
in one of them, entitled journey to god's house, pub.
he comments on how the wt's pictures of the post-armageddon world do not agree with their doctrines, namely that those who are physically resurrected will not marry/have children.
They changed this because many older ones who lost their spouse to death were becoming discouraged. They didn't want to think that they would never have that relationship with their loved one again. What kind of paradise would that be? -
Name "UNWRITTEN" Rules That JWs Are Supposed To Follow
by minimus inas with the scribes and pharisees, there are a number of unwritten rules that witnesses are supposed to follow.
here's a couple : "worldly" kids in society depictions are shown quite often wearing their baseball caps backwards.
jehovah's witness youths would not want to imitate that "look".
Resurrect an eight year old thread? Sure why not? It is always funny that JWs say that they live by principles and then proceed to turn every principle into various rules. If you don't follow the rules then you are not "spiritual". Okay so here some I noticed:
-R Rated movies are out even if they simply have some foul language but PG-13 movies are okay even if they are graphically violent.
-Rap, Metal and Punk Rock are absolutely not be listened to in fact the only safe genre is Jazz.
-If you go more than 4 weeks between hair cuts people will start looking at you funny.
-If you're an Elder or MS than you must go out in service on Saturday morning. Even if you go out every other day of the week you still need to be out on Saturday to set an example.
-If you have time off from work your expected to be out in service.
-If someone asks what you thought of a talk/convention/assembly you should have many positive things to say about it.
-You can't be on the stage with slacks and a sport coat it must be a full suit
-If you're at the hall you shouldn't be talking about sports/work/hobbies because those aren't JW related.
Hot topic in congregations: having a beard/goatee
by nevaagain ini am starting this topic because i was wondering, i see many who leave "the truth" are glad because they can finally have a beard.
is having a beard really a no go in congregations?
how is / was it in your congregation?.
I could be mistaken but I think in Europe they are more relaxed about this kind of thing than in the US. In my hall I doubt you would have any privileges not even mics. Mustaches seem to be making a comeback though. lol -
Will the Digital Apocalyptic Propaganda Backfire?
by jw07 inwith the roll out of watchtower 2.0 aka jw.org the corporation has been going to great lengths to bring the wacky doctrine that it has been preaching for decades to vivid reality.
they have been painstakingly staging not only bible fables with heavy prop use and post production, but are trying to bring to life their projected future for mankind.. more recently they have been trying to play on the fears that people have of scenarios such as martial law unfolding and integrating their great tribulation doctrine mumbo jumbo in.. regardless of what you think (for instance whether there may be martial law declared due to terrorist activity or natural disaster, or if that idea is just too far fetched) this sort of thing has a much greater impact when people see people placed in these scenes.
as illogical as the great tribulation doctrine may be, jws will not only place themselves in these scenarios, but will have their anticipation for them to be over with cranked up.. .
A brother in our hall commented about the old picture. He said that he had talked to ones from Bethel and the little girl looking out of the picture is a technique to make you feel like you're in the scene. Everyone thought that was so amazing and showed that the Great Tribulation is coming soon. When he said that my immediate reaction was of disgust. To me it showed an intentional emotional manipulation and fear mongering that was unbelievable. -
Back in the Basement
by LostGeneration inlooks like the faithful jws are back in the basement, the oct 15th wt has this image on page 9. but now the lights have been turned out!
i guess the persecution is really kicking in if the electric company has shut off their electricity, or the jws are really, really paranoid that the government is gonna get them if they have the lights on!.
only one guy is smart enough to use his tablet (far right), the rest of the jws are old school, using a lantern to read their bibles in the dark!
At the meeting the brothers and sisters will say "We must be so close to the Great Tribulation!" like the fact that it is in a WT is some kind of sign in itself. Or some even think the brothers at WT know something is coming that we don't. How is it not clear that this is manipulation? That this is to strengthen unity and loyalty to the org? Sometimes I look around and wonder what the other brothers and sisters think in private about this kind of stuff. -
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
Yes, it is a shame that something that is supposed to be a privilege is actually just another chore. Something that is supposed to be voluntary is really done through coercion, I already know that they were a few Elders who really didn't want me appointed in the first place. Now though I think I've become useful to them and that is the reason I stay on. -
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
I've thought about this as well especially if they decide to study the new "God's Kingdom Rules!" book. Some carefully worded answers may help some to see what is really going on. Of course it gets tricky to sound sincere and not be exposed by someone. -
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
Where am I? Well, as a born in I always felt that I didn't really believe everything 100% but for a long time I felt that this was the best way to live or at least convinced myself of that. Or my mind would fall back on the old "Where are we to go?" line of reasoning. As I've gotten into my middle age though I started thinking "if I wasn't born into a witness family would I join this religion?" the clear answer was "no". Then I started researching some thing like the UN NGO scandal. I started thinking about we were told that certain books were pivotal moments in JW history but how I'd never actually read them. So I went and read "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" and "Can We Talk To The Dead?" both by Rutherford as supposedly part of the FDS at the time. If you haven't read those then I suggest that you do. The absolute ridiculousness and unsupported statements will have you wondering just how stupid people were in the 1920s. It also hit just how much the true nature of these books have been concealed. Sure the WT will take a quote here and there that makes them sound like they had special insight but the overall content is not discussed. For example many times they used to point the the title of "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" and connect it to the generation teaching (at that time) but did they mentioned the main thrust that a great Resurrection would take place in 1925? Nope, glossed over that part and now that the generation teaching has been changed they never mention the book at all. What become clear to me was that this is an organization of men these men may feel guided by the spirit or they may not it really makes no difference because in my view they are not.