JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
November 2015 Watchtower - More Money 'Begging'
by jwleaks inmaking donations to the worldwide work of jehovah's witnesses.
A Credit Card machine featured prominently in the WT, now it's like they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They could at least do old testament picture of Israelites giving to the temple or something instead hitting people over the head with this obvious image. -
Big Concepts That JWs Won't Even Allow Themselves To Consider
by JW_Rogue inbecause of the belief that the bible is quite literally the word god jws must shut out many logical concepts and theories.
it's not just evolution although that is a large one.
i know when i was in there were certain concepts that made sense to me but i would try not to think about them too much.
We were watching documentary the other day on Uranium and it one part it showed how Uranium formed in the Earth from the death of a star. My wife rolled her eyes in disbelief and I just thought it was so strange the things some people find unbelievable that are scientific facts. While at the same time swallowing all sorts of nonsense that has no evidence at all. -
Big Concepts That JWs Won't Even Allow Themselves To Consider
by JW_Rogue inbecause of the belief that the bible is quite literally the word god jws must shut out many logical concepts and theories.
it's not just evolution although that is a large one.
i know when i was in there were certain concepts that made sense to me but i would try not to think about them too much.
It also makes one examine whether it is a good idea to force your idea of morality based on your culture onto others who don't share the same values. -
Big Concepts That JWs Won't Even Allow Themselves To Consider
by JW_Rogue inbecause of the belief that the bible is quite literally the word god jws must shut out many logical concepts and theories.
it's not just evolution although that is a large one.
i know when i was in there were certain concepts that made sense to me but i would try not to think about them too much.
Because of the belief that the bible is quite literally the word God JWs must shut out many logical concepts and theories. It's not just evolution although that is a large one. I know when I was in there were certain concepts that made sense to me but I would try not to think about them too much. Here are a few:
-Morality as social construct
-Death as natural process
-The expansion and ultimate end of the universe
-The idea that life may exist on other planets (even if we may never be able to reach them)
-The concept that human intelligence could be transcended by an Artificial Life (singularity theory)
-The idea that multiple universes exist
Many of these ideas are fascinating and it's been refreshing to think about these things without thinking that something is wrong with exploring any idea to the full.
Sad about the past
by Gorbatchov intoday i feel deep sad memories in my brain.. visiting bookstudy with my parents, doing my best giving answers at 7 years old.. doing fieldservice every weekend and on an evening.. i could write so much story's about it.. we believed from our hart and listened to what the organisation told us.. it makes me sad, what a scam it became.. today i can't stand it.. i can cry about it.
Six years spent studying the Revelation book, now most of it will be rewritten for the next generation of of JW kids. It's weird to think that we were studying that book just a couple of years before the WT joined the UN as NGO. Trying to memorize the timelines and explanations for the last days, making sure to give an impressive answer to show what a smart kid I was. I had doubts and questions at that time but let them be suppressed by the need to "do what is right" and "not be worldly". -
Governing body deceiving members on purpose?
by wwjdnwt ini was born into this religion.
i was a jw for well over 30 years.
i did much research before i had internet, i compared bibles and prayed deeply to help me to know if this was the truth.
Yes, by stumble I mean people leaving the org and I think that it is on their minds every time they consider what "New Light" to publish. In fact I believe that they have much more adjustments but that they will make these so slowly that most won't even notice. If you look at the things they have changed it is clear that those changes will lead to more changes. They have these changes planned out in stages, they could just come right out with it all at once but that would lead to people leaving the org. By making the changes slowly they keep more people in the org. In the meantime though they have to still teach things they believe are false this doesn't bother them because they believe it is for the greater good.
Are they trying to make me feel like crap?
by StarTrekAngel inso i have not reported a single hour of fs or family worship in over 8 months.
have not given a single comment in a meeting for over a year.
a few weeks ago, my brother in law, who is an ms now, approached me.
This is a total guilt trip move and actually goes against the TMS instructions! That part is supposed to be given to mature brother, Elder or MS. An inactive person doesn't fit the description for that particular talk. Your BIL probably put the school overseer up to this, now you're supposed to feel guilty because you're not being a good spiritual head. -
Governing Body, painted in a corner, now what?
by Wasanelder Once inthe governing body have painted themselves in a corner, so to speak.
if they acknowledge their response to abuse claims was insensitive, unloving and inadequate they are denying the belief that "god's way" is best and risk losing abuse cases.
if they stick with it and say it is "god's way according to the bible" they will be seen as cult leaders and risk losing abuse cases.
They will make subtle changes to the policies this will not be announced to the brothers and sisters only to the Elders. Announcing a change would be an admission that they were wrong, which they will not do. Since mandatory reporting only applies to some countries they will probably make changes through the branch for those countries. -
Governing body deceiving members on purpose?
by wwjdnwt ini was born into this religion.
i was a jw for well over 30 years.
i did much research before i had internet, i compared bibles and prayed deeply to help me to know if this was the truth.
When they announced they were changing the book study arrangement they said they had been considering it for 10 years. To me that means that they must also be considering other adjustments as well. They may know that certain things are actually false but put off changing them so as to not stumble some. That means that they will knowingly teach something that is false until they believe the timing is right to reveal new light. It is my opinion then that many on the GB may not feel that all the doctrines are correct even some of the core doctrines. One GB brother gave a talk at our circuit and he was talking about the end. He said we need to be close to the congregation, preaching etc. Then he said something strange he said that we had heard this before but do we still "Believe it to be true?" as he said that question he had a strange look on his face. It wasn't said in an encouraging tone, it was more like that was what was prepared for him to say although something else was on his mind. So in my mind their is no doubt that some GB members don't really believe Armageddon is coming at all. One thing I think they all believe is that being a JW is the best way of life, that they are happier and more fulfilled than other groups. -
Need best info on why Jesus could never have chosen org in 1918?
by GodZoo inhi folks... i was playing a tiny online ipad multiplayer war game last night and one started a dialogue with a another player i was attacking.
in it he quoted a scripture.. and it turns out he he is a 25 year serving jw.
possibly an elder... well.. i spent 6 hours tapping away with one finger in the chat box until 8am this morning with him about all the issues on sex abuse, the money grab and most importantly the subject of jesus turning his attention to the earth and selecting the then bibles students as his one and only people based on what they were teaching (spiritual food) back then.. he knows nothing about any of the current and historic child sex abuse cases (never heard of candice conti etc) and even less about the insane early teachings or russell etc.. i completely blew his mind in our 6 hour text chat not to mention my index finger nearly falling off!.
Just have him read "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" and "Can We Talk To The Dead?" both written by Rutherford around that time. If he still believes God chose this organization to dispense truth to others then he is hopeless, move on to more productive activities.