JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
After the 'imitate jesus' RC whats next...?
by _Morpheus inimitate the desert god.
the ca for the upcoming year is entittled "imitate [insert desert god name]" so for the public at large its jesus but *wink wink* we really mean the desert god.
They will of course cherry pick which accounts they want to focus on from the Old Testament. I don't think Elijah and the she bear account is going to make it in. LOL -
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
Yeah, can't really make something up as an excuse because everyone knows me and my circumstances. I guess it's either move or wait it out and endure the encouragement. -
Jesus The Perfect Reflection Of The Father?
by JW_Rogue inso this week's wt study was all about jesus and the miracles he performed.
according to the study this proves that god wants to heal mankind in the same way.
because as we all know jesus is a perfect reflection of his heavenly father.
Very interesting, never heard of any of this before. Is there a book that you recommend to get started? -
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
UPDATE: I have now starting receiving friendly "encouragement" to get out in the service more often. One brother even letting me know that they "review those kind of things when the CO comes around". Have the bad feeling some will start asking too many questions. -
A JW talk about the Governing Body - what JWs are taught about the GB
by OrphanCrow inthis is a youtube uploaded in 2009 that has a talk about the governing body given to jws.. "governing body".
the speaker tells the jws that the gb takes such good responsible care of all of them.. the speaker also speaks of a personal experience with bro.
"They understand what you are going through...."
Hmm they work 40+ hours a week? They have bills to pay? Do they worry about medical costs?
They are pampered and worshiped.No, but sometimes they stay past 5:00 pm sitting at a meeting and then go to another meeting afterward. The struggle is REAL.
A JW talk about the Governing Body - what JWs are taught about the GB
by OrphanCrow inthis is a youtube uploaded in 2009 that has a talk about the governing body given to jws.. "governing body".
the speaker tells the jws that the gb takes such good responsible care of all of them.. the speaker also speaks of a personal experience with bro.
This guy is a good public speaker, he is very good at being a complete fake. Pulling those heart strings "the GB care about each one of you". I can imagine people getting all emotional listening to this nonsense. -
$$ Get your ROKU on! $$
by pixel into all congregations in the united states branch territory.
re: discount on roku devices.
dear brothers:.
Is this for real? I mean I know they have a financial agreement with Roku and all but reading a special letter to promote a coupon code? Ridiculous. Maybe they aren't pushing as many units as they needed to fulfill the contract. -
What is true love video
by _Morpheus inso i got coerced into watching this crap last night.
a few observations:.
1) it personified the witness mantra that doing more for the org = happiness, doing not enough = misery.
The whole movie is a scare tactic against marrying a "worldly" person. I know many JWs who aren't happy in their marriage. Why does the worldly guy have to be workaholic? Why is it such big deal that he misses meetings? Maybe, if the wife stopped nagging him and accepted that he doesn't believe in the "truth" they could be happy. Of course WT will never show that some people don't believe in the "truth", they have to make up some personality flaw that doesn't allow them to be JWs. -
Jesus The Perfect Reflection Of The Father?
by JW_Rogue inso this week's wt study was all about jesus and the miracles he performed.
according to the study this proves that god wants to heal mankind in the same way.
because as we all know jesus is a perfect reflection of his heavenly father.
Then, Jerusalen was destroyed in 70 AD, and they invented that Jesus predicted it. But now, this destruction of the city was convenient to invent that his body disappeared when his disciples visited the tomb. Because all tombs were destroyed by the romans, no one could verify if that story was true or false. When this jewish sect was shunned by reorganized pharisees in the 80s and 90s, they invented that Jesus predicted that they would be expelled from the synagoges. Indeed, I believe that at every emerged problem, the Christian scribes decided to invent a prediction for this situation. ....In the beginning of the second century, some guys believed that the matter is evil, then some Christian scribes decided to invent the bodily resurrection, so as to ensure that he resurrected in flesh. Of course, the virginity of Mary and other stories were the product of gentile christians to make Jesus like the pagan gods.
So you believe that the Gospels were written by more than one person and altered? Where did you get this info? I'd like to look into this.
Jesus The Perfect Reflection Of The Father?
by JW_Rogue inso this week's wt study was all about jesus and the miracles he performed.
according to the study this proves that god wants to heal mankind in the same way.
because as we all know jesus is a perfect reflection of his heavenly father.
The Father is God. Jesus is the perfect reflection of God so when we read about Jesus and his love,mercy, forgiveness, etc we are seeing the Father in reflection. The angry vengeful god of the Old Testament is only who the Isrealites perceived to be God at the time. Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, was a conglomeration of tribal gods that the Moses gave to the people to represent the "true god". Jesus came to truly reveal the Father's personality which has nothing to do with the Old Testament. To borrow a common JW phrase, it's like Jesus brought "new light" about God. He was NEVER this jealous vengeful God; he was always a loving merciful Father. Not all events in the OT were truly Gods doings. For example, it was never God who commanded the Israelites to exterminate men women and children of entire nations.
Then perhaps God is not as Jesus described either maybe that is just how Jesus perceived God to be. It would be reasonable then to re-imagine who God is now that thousands of years have passed, do you not agree?
This all leads to a thought that I had the other day. When reading the WT they often use the phrase "make God real in your life" or something similar. They will also say that God should be viewed as a personal friend. Here is the thing if God is my personal friend then I should not have to work to "make him real". It would be obvious that he is real and influencing my life but that isn't the case. What is suggested instead is that you pray for matters in your life, then however those matters turn out, give credit to God and your prayers. So while I still like to think that there are higher powers than man at work in the universe I find it hard to believe that any personal God is watching over us.