JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
The slave has predicted Obama and the Pope!!
by suavojr inthis what the jdubs are now talking about in my area .
Ughh, so stupid, US Presidents always meet with the Pope it's not even the first time Obama has done it. -
JW Version Of Spring Cleaning
by JW_Rogue infrom the january study edition second study article paragraph 10:.
we can use the memorial season as an opportunity to look through our wardrobe, our movie and music collections, perhaps even the material stored on our computers, smartphones, and tablets.if i were going to a place where jesus would be present, would i feel uncomfortable wearing this clothing?if i did wear it, would it be obvious to all that i am a follower of christ jesus?would jesus be entertained by watching this movie or by listening to this music?
if he borrowed my cell phone or tablet, would i be embarrassed by what he saw there?as you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: would i find it difficult to explain to jesus why i enjoy playing it?
From the January Study edition second study article paragraph 10:
We can use the Memorial season as an opportunity to look through our wardrobe, our movie and music collections, perhaps even the material stored on our computers, smartphones, and tablets.
If I were going to a place where Jesus would be present, would I feel uncomfortable wearing this clothing?
If I did wear it, would it be obvious to all that I am a follower of Christ Jesus?
Would Jesus be entertained by watching this movie or by listening to this music? If he borrowed my cell phone or tablet, would I be embarrassed by what he saw there?
As you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: ‘Would I find it difficult to explain to Jesus why I enjoy playing it?’
Our love for Jehovah should compel us to get rid of anything that would be inappropriate for a disciple of Christ, regardless of the cost involved.Would Jesus play Xbox or PS4? Madden or FIFA World Cup? Does Jesus like selfies or food pics? How can my clothes make it obvious I'm a follower of Christ? Maybe an "I <3 Jesus" t-shirt, that should do the trick.
Seriously though are they really trying make this a yearly habit among JWs? Have everyone go through all their stuff once a year? Ridiculous, I don't see anyone actually doing this. What's next the Elders have to come to your house for a friendly inspection?
How did you feel on Christmas as a JW child?
by cookiemaster inthis is obviously a question for born-ins like me.
so, how did christmas feel to you as a child?
to me it was awful.
I was home schooled so didn't really experience seeing other kids with their toys and all that. All my friends where JWs too so I didn't feel so odd. We were in our own little JW bubble. Like others I felt smarter than everyone else because I knew it was false and not Christian. Little did I know that most people know that it is not Jesus birthday. They just don't care, the holiday is not really about that. Of course I would feel awkward if someone would greet me with "Merry Christmas" because it just felt rude to not reply in kind. Instead I would just say "Thanks, have a good one" which would sometimes get me a strange look. -
New Field Service Format?
by jw07 init seems that hype is the only thing keeping jw.org alive and well these days (that and the money of suckers who continue to fall for it).. at meeting on monday, an elder announced "the faithful slave has seen it fit to change the format of our ministry in 2016, and more information will come".
i guess the desired reaction is to get jws preoccupied with what those changes could possibly be, and if it means that the end is nearer or some crap.. with that said, i've been suckered into wanting to know what these 'changes' will be.
does anyone know?
Yes, probably refers to the new time slips which will count many items as placements including playing a video at the door. It seems as though this would mess up a lot of accounting for literature servant though. Pretty much this info will be so vague as to now be useless to the branch. Maybe the literature servant will have to do inventory every month to see how much was really placed. Seems like it will lead to more inaccurate reports as more publishers just guess at the end of the month. Or maybe they are prepping for when they announce that they are going all digital. -
Today is Christmas, and guess what? Witnesses's were going house to house on my block, TODAY ON CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
by Dunedain ini kid you not!!!!!
my family, and i, were on our way to my wife's brothers house today, which is the families christmas tradition.
we open presents in the morning, and at around 10:30, we head over to my brother in laws for breakfast/brunch, with all the family.. so, as we loaded some presents up in the car, and we all jumped, and drove away, at the end of my block, jehovahs witnesses!
Wifey wanted to go today but I convinced her that it was not a good idea, told her tomorrow would be better. -
Following Christ "from a distance."
by New day inluke 22:54.
"then they arrested him and led him off, and they brought him into the house of the high priest; but peter was following at a distance.
" i am still raging because this verse was used at a recent circuit overseer's visit.
Some believe that they are successful only if they get this privilege or that appointment. Such thinking is erroneous and can turn into an obsession. If you serve Jehovah faithfully wherever you are and whatever you do, you are a success.
LOL...they really only add that for the brothers who are a little "off" who have no chance of ever being appointed. If you're not one of those, they will expect you to be reaching out.
Local Needs part given after Ministerial Servant left the organization
by cappytan inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbb8rt2bem8.
some crazy cult language in this talk.. some highlights:.
18:15 - obey.
Sounds like that MS was a smart, logical person who didn't want to waste his life in a cult. Good for him. -
A question .....
by Landy inhi guys - new poster here.
i was brought up a jw in the uk and stopped going not long after i was married.
that was 20 years ago so i'm not really up to date with the current doctrinal flip flops or the new youtube obsessed gb.. came across this site while googling the name of a local elder who's just been convicted of possesion of a pc full of unpleasant pics of kids.. so, my question.
If someone is doing something they don't want to do and being somewhere they don't want to be then that pretty much fulfils my definition of not being true to yourself as you're trying to keep on the right side of other people by modifying your own behaviour. Your definition may be different.
Landy, I can't speak for any others here but I took no offense to your comment. In the end I do want to find a way to be true myself and true in my relationship with others. However, I fear that this must be embarked on very slowly. I'm a MS currently and if I just stop showing up for meetings it will be very noticeable. If I sit my wife down and have a talk about everything I'm thinking, I could be getting a divorce very soon. Even by fading away I will not really be able to be 100% truthful. I will have to come up with excuses for why I'm not attending, going out in service etc. To really be true to myself I would have to walk in and tell everyone what I really think about everything and likely be DFed. I have thought about that before. Sometimes when I am called upon to give some part (being an MS and all) I will miss the meeting on purpose. The reason being that lately I get very anxious that I will say the wrong thing on stage and give myself away. It is not an easy place to be in, if I need to fake it a little bit to get the best results then I will do it.
JWs Don't Really Believe This Scripture...
by JW_Rogue inso the bible says this about god at rom 1:20 for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the worlds creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and godship, so that they are inexcusable.. however, jws don't really believe this scripture to be true.
whenever something comes out about nature that they don't like they will instead say that it is due to imperfection.
animals are predatory and will kill to survive, well, that must be imperfection.
Lets say there was a conversation about how animals kill for food, well, thats because this was gods way of keeping the population in check,and for food, its a perfect creation. no imperfection in the animal world as far as these ones are concerned.
Most JWs don't say this because they believe the ridiculous notion that all animals will be herbivores in the Paradise. Some even say that animals became predatory because humans started hunting them. Which really makes no sense and doesn't account for biological differences between predatory animals and herbivores.
Now i do agree with the logic, the reason for bacteria killing off people? plague, for example, yes imperfection on the human end of things, my mom would say...
'well those people were not careful and clean, and they had weak immune systems, imperfection due to their being born in a sinful state, soon that will all be fixed..' bla bla bla.But why create such horrid diseases in the first place?
natural disasters these days of course , are blamed on imperfect men and their mismanagement of the earth.. ..he will bring to ruin, those who ruin the earth
I have heard this explanation and it such B.S. natural disasters have been happening since the beginning of time. Many disasters are just a by product of natural processes that keep the Earth going.
she would never entertain the idea that a child could ever have homosexual leanings, they all think that only an adult makes the choice to become gay because they have warped sexual desires.
That's what they used to say but I have heard some new ideas lately in public talks about this. They now say that a person may not be able to change their tendencies and attractions but can control their actions. They have not come right out and said it but they are implying it could be from birth.
WT predicted the future! They got it right!
by thedepressedsoul inin this sunday's watchtower they proceeded to put this in the article, "distractions, said the watchtowerof september 15, 1958, will likely increase as this world nears its doom.
how true!
"are they really patting themselves on the back for this statement?
Everyone has a negative side, WT dredges up those thoughts and feelings and tries to validate them. Then it offers itself as the only solution. Very clever and manipulative.