Major Blunders of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses!
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses will tell us that the Seven Times of Daniels Prophecy began counting when Jehovah's Last reigning King, Zedekiah, was deposed from Jehovah's Throne where they reigned in a represantative earthly line of ruling Kings. {Jeremaih 3:17} {1 Chronicles 29:23} That earthly Line of Kings that sat on Jehovah's Throne at Jerusalem, would remain vacant until the one with the legal right arrived. Of course when Seven Times passed over King Nebuchadnezzer his earthly Kingdom was restored to him. But in the case with the one with the Legal right would arrive, the one Jehovah would install as his King; the one he chose to give it to, it would not return as a Visible Kingdom any longer; but now, a Heavenly Government, as Isaiah the Prophet had foretold, "the Princely rule would now come to be upon his shoulders." {Isaiah 9:6,7} {Ezekiel 21:25-27} {Daniel 4:25,32}
I am fully aware that Worldy sources of knowledge do not agree with the year 607 BCE as the year for the destruction of Jerusalem; but, not knowing the Bible, they are failing to take something into consideration; that would aid them in zeroing in on the exact day/date for this destruction, in question. One Date there is no doubt about that these same Worldy sources, will tell us themsleves is an accurate date; for they will tell us that the Jews were back in their homeland when the Seventy year period of foretold desolation ended; and these same Worldly sources tell us that particular year was 537 BCE. Now! Does it really take a Rocket-Scientist, to add 70 to 537? You have the Date for Jerusalems destruction to be exactly on the year 607 BCE. Let them argue it out with each other, but you cannot argue the truth of the Bible; not if you wish to remain healthy, you do not.
Now! They are correct in their conclusion, that 607 BCE was the Date for Jerusalems destruction. They are correct that it ran for a period of 2,520 years. But! They are in serious error, because the Seven time prophecy of Daniel had nothing to do with the invisible presence of Christ as Crowned King of God's Kingdom. It also had nothing to do with the appointed times of the Nations ending in the year 1914. I say that, because if the expression must be made, that the Christ was to have an invisible presence; he has already been invisibly present ever since his ascension in the first Century. Few, if any, are aware of that fact. Allow me to go on to explain what I'm driving at:
Notice what Jesus tells us in John 17:2: {KJV} "These words spake Jesus, and lifting up his eyes to Heaven, and said, Father, the Hour is Come; Glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may Glorify thee: As thou has given him power, {AUTHORITY} OVER ALL FLESH that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him." The point I am drawing on here, is the AUTHORITY that was now possessed by the Christ; and how extensive that power and authority was now; which he next will tell us: "ALL POWER, {AUTHORITY} is given unto me, in Heaven and on earth." {Matthew 28:18-20 KJV} Holding all of this Power of Authority right from the time of his ascension Jesus next tells us the following: ... "and Lo! I am with you alway, even unto the end of the World." { Or our system of things} That statement tells us; if we must use the expression, "Invisible Presence," he has been holding that All Authority and power; has been invisibly present ever since his very ascension, in the first Century. That fact tells us, that the Seven Times Prophecy of Daniel, had absolutely nothing to do, with any invisible Presence of the Christ in the year 1914! How could it have, with him already present, for almost two thousand years now? Notice too, Jesus had asked his Father to Glorify him, and we know while he walked this earth he had not yet been Glorifed. This of course would occur, only after his acension to the right hand of his Father. Notice Jesus own words on this as he prayed his last prayer to his Father: "And now, O Father, Glorify thou me with thine own self with the Glory I had with thee before the World was." {John 7:39; 17:5}
John has told us, that Prior to the Glorification of the Christ the Holy Spirit had not been given; but he had promised them it would be given. They were to stay in the City of Jerusalem until power was poured out from on high. {Luke 24:49- Acts 1:1-4} We see that after his asension, to his now Glorified position, he was able to carry out his promise, to pour out this power from on high. In support of that, we read: "Therefore being at the right hand of God, and having received of the Father the promised Holy Ghost, {Holy Spirit, not Ghost} he has shed-forth this, which ye now see and hear." Being at the right hand of God now, as he was, is very significant, and not to be lightly overlooked, as I'll go on now to show the reasons for that exaltation, as I draw out three major points that are crucial for gaining an uderstanding of this particular subject at hand; the first one is found at John 17:4 where we read, the following: "I have Glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." With that work finished, consider what he will tell us next, at John 16:33; "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the World ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome {Conquered } the World." Paul elucidates further on this at Romans 9:37 where Paul tells us the following: "Nay, in all these things we are more than CONQERERS through him that loved us." All of the Heavenly calling had to do exactly as their Master had done to gain their Crowns and sit down with the Christ on his Throne as King Priests for the thousand year period. They had to remain "Faithful, even to death, to gain their Crowns of life;" exactly as their Master had done, so they all were required to do. They had to come off World Conquerers. {Revelation 2:10} The only possible way to gain a seat on the Throne with the Christ on his Throne they would, of necessity, have to be wearing their Crowns; for no one can take those seats unless they are wearing a Crown. Unless they have conquered the World, as their master did.
We know that Paul told us, that the Christ held the preeminent position in all things; so, naturally, by his death in faithfulness to his Father on a cruel instrument of murder, would be the first to take his seat on a Throne; before any of the others of the Heavenly calling. Remembering that his position right from the first Century and forward from that time period, was at the right hand of his Father. {Colossians 1:18} That fact is very significant, as I'll go on to show, now, and note what Jesus has to tell us about that: "To him that overcometh {Conquers the World} will I grant to sit with me on my Throne, even as I also overcame, {Conquered the World}, and sat down WITH MY FATHER ON HIS THRONE." {Revelation 3:21} What Jesus is here telling us, is, right from his ascension in the first Century he has been the crowned King of God's Kingdom; but as yet in - active, as regards taking his full Authority to act as a ruling King over this earth. Their is very good reason that, that, is so, which I'll cover momentarily.
We know from Matthew's account at Chapter 25 verses 31,32 when the Son of Man comes in Glorious Kingdom power, he involves himself, accompanied by his Angels, in a separating work, whereby the Sheep-like-ones, so described, and the Goat-like - ones are separated to his right and left hand. The Sheep of course, on the right hand of favor, while the Goat's on his left hand are reserved for everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. {Verse 46.} They have been disapproved. This, now, is in complete harmony with the parable of the Wheat, and the Weeds, in the field that is done during the Harvest Season, or {Conclusion of System of things} by the Christ and his Angels, who constitute the Reapers. Now, the only ones who would know the difference between the two classes would be the Christ and the Angels he sends out to do the harvesting work. At Verse 39 of Matthew 13, Jesus tells us, in part: ..." the Harvest is the end of the World; and the reapers are the Angels." More appropriately worded, it should say, "The conclusion of the system of the things." Reason being, this World will never end. The righteous were "to inherit it and reside on it forever." {Psalm 37:29} Notice in verse 30 of Matthew 13 the Tares, or Weeds are gathered to be reserved for burning. Verses 40-42 speaks of this burning, and explains just who it is does this collecting out from the kingdom, and just what affect it has on these weed-like, goat-like Christian's. Much wailing, and gnashing of Teeth, will go on. {Matthew 13:24-30---37-43}
We know from Matthews account, that the Christ's Anointed Brothers are gathered from the four winds, from one end of Heaven to the other, again by the Christ and his Angels. When he comes into Kingdom Power. It would be first, those sleeping in the ground of dust he would awaken; the members of the first Resurrection; afterwhich the living surviving members of the Heavenly calling would be taken up to meet the Lord in the air. {Daniel 12:2} {1 Thessalonians 4:17} {Revelation 20:5,6} {Luke 10:20;22:29,30;20:36} All done by the Christ and his Angels; but the Govering Body of Jehovah's Witnesses will tell all of their flocks it is they that do this great ingathering work through their Watchtower Magazine. Quite a step up is it not? What they fail to realise, is the separating work does not even begin until the Christ comes in his glory with all of the angels, as reported on by Matthew 25:31-33, so the seven Million they have gathered to date, is an exercise in futility, and will gain that seven million absolutely nothing.
As to why the long wait, since the Christ has already received his crown as King of God's Kingdom? The writer of the Psalms will supply us with the answer to that; for note his words: "The LORD {Jehovah} said unto my Lord, {Jesus Christ} Sit thou at my right hand, until I make your enemies thy foot-stool. The LORD {Jehovah} shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: {Saying} rule thou in the midst of thine enemies." When Jesus hears that command from his Father, he will stand up as an Active Ruling King.
Using the Seven Times Prophecy in Daniel, as they do to calculate the length of these Seven times; as to being 360 years for one time; according to their own estimation; Seven Times was equal to 2,520 years, counting from 607 BCE. and ending in the year 1914. The year that they say, the Christ was invisibly present, in Kingdom Power, and the appointed times of the Nations came to an end in that year also. Now, reasonably, if, as I have clearly shown here, that the Christ received his Crown in the first Century, and was to be "with them all the days until the conclusion of the system of things," Then their calculations have to be in error, and if merely one is in error then everything they teach for the year 1914 must likely be so. They have to be wrong all down the line; for the Seven Time Prophecy of Daniel, in no way fits an invisible presence; because you cannot count that Prophecy from the first Century. They are dead in the Water, and the very Book they claim no one understands but them, has Torpedoed them.
When Revelation 12:10 reaches final fulfillment, it will be then that the Christ will stand up and begin to exercize his full power and Authority as ruling King of God's Kingdom, over this earth. In the meantime he is by no means idle as he sits at his Father's right hand, in his Heavenly Glorified position.
It must be remembered that Jesus after he had recieved the promised Holy Spirit from his Father was able to pour it out at the feast of Pentecost, enabling his followers to carry out his command to preach, and to teach the Nations everything that they had been taught. {Acts 2:1-47} {Matthew 28:18-20} Then too, everything the Apostle Paul learned, he received from the Heavenly Spirit realm where the Christ now resided. {Galatians 1:11,12 Ephesians 3:1-3}
In similar fashion the Apostle John received the entire twenty two Chapters of the Revelation account by means of a Revelation from the Heavenly Spirit Realm. {Revelation 1:1,2}
It is only Jesus now who can teach anyone that wishes to learn the Holy Writings; in that only he can employ the Holy Spirit as a teaching instrument. That Holy Spirit is in the hands of no man on this earth, in spite of their claims to the contrary. Anyone who finds themselves in doubt about that, should take the time to read these following scriptures that I will supply. {John 15:26,27; 14:15-17;26;16:13} Keep in mind too, these words penned by the Apostle John: "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." {1 John 2:27 - From that, we see, we need none of the Religious Organizations, Leaders to teach us the Bible; it is all done now, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the hands now, and since the first Century of the Christ. It was he, that was the one leader and one teacher, in the first Century, and his position of that one leader and one teacher will never change; according to the words of Paul at {Hebrews 13:8} {Matthew 23:8-12}.
It would appear, that many today, do not get the sense of the fact that Jehovah no longer needs a Visible Organization on this earth to represent him, as he did while Moses administered the Mosaic Law, with its Priesthood, made up out of the Son's of Aaron; who was himself the High Priest. But as we know, the Law was changed, along with its Priesthood. {Hebrews 7:12} This, was, of course, because of the New Covenant established on the precious Blood of the Christ. So, what had changed, was, earthly Mount Zion, changed over to Heavenly Mount Zion. Earthly Jerusalem changed over to, 'Heaveny New Jerusalem,' 'the City of the Living God,' 'the Jerusalem above.' {Galatians 4:26} 'The Israel of God.' {Galatians 6:16} {Hebrews 12:18-24} {Revelation 3:12;21:10} All substantiated by the scriptures.
It is, as you should already know, a Heavenly Organization now in the invisible Spirit Realm, Governed by the Christ and 144,000 of his associate anointed Brothers acting as Kings and Priests; all of the Heavenly calling. {Revelation 5:10;20:4} As you will notice they are all pictured together, standing on Heavenly Mount Zion with the name of the Father written in their foreheads. Showing that all of these 144,000 belong to Jehovah, in that, through his Son, he himself has specifically chosen each individual member, for the office of this New Heavenly Priesthood, or, if you will, Government. {Revelation 14:1-5} {Luke 6:12-16} {Hebrews 5:1-10} In that Jesus is able to employ said Holy Spirit as a teaching instrument, it is he, as the One Leader, and One Teacher that brings all of those, so interested, to an accurate knowledge of the Truth. Only his Father can grant, the understanding of the knowledge of the kingdom of the heavens; only his Son can open our minds to grasp the meaning of the scriptures. {Matthew 13:11} {Luke 24:45} Now! Notice the wording of this next scripture in John's Revelation: "And the Seventh Angel sounded; and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our LORD, {Jehovah} and of his Christ; {Jesus} and he shall reign forever and ever." Here is Jehovah God's new Heavenly arrangement of things; that will, as John penned, 'reign forever and ever.'
Now read how the Governing Body unseats all of Jehovah's preparations, for a new Heavenly Government, that will reign from the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and note thier self-exalted lofty position that they have taken for themselves:
Channel to under standing the Bible... All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's Channel of Communication, the Faithful and Discreet Slave. (Watchtower; Oct. 1, 1994; p. 8) That is not the best of it; there's more, even yet, take note:
1981 "We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the scriptural guidance we need outside the 'faithful and discreet slave' organization.'" (Watchtower, February 15, 1981, p.19) That is by no means all! Consider now the following statement:
85) 1939 "It should be expected that the LORD {Jehovah} would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the Magazine called The Watchtower is used for that purpose." (1939 Yearbook Of Jehovah's Witnesses, P Here's the very best of all: I'm just wondering where he has clearly shown that!? Never read it! Neither have they!
1942 Christ Jesus has caused the understanding of the prophetic dramas and pictures to be clear and set forth in the Watchtower publications. (Watchtower, Dec. 15, 1942 p. 376) This ones a laugh riot! They have established a 130 year record of failed predictions and false prophecies, and they tell us that Jesus is responsible for that failed record, in that he has caused the understanding of the prophetic dramas to be clear and set forth in the Magazine called the Watchtower, he uses for that purpose.
They put all the blame for that failed record on the Christ! All of that, is bad enough, but look at this next quote from their writings; and this believe me, is the end all"
1959 "The evidence of the Holy Spirit in the quality and content of the writings published by the Watchtower Society should be the thing that satisfies, that convinces, together with a comparison of these things with the inspired Word of God, the Holy Scriptures." (Watchtower, Oct. 1, 1959, p. 607-608
What a blatant insult to the Holy Spirit, that really is!1973 "Consider too, the fact that
Jehovah's organization alone in all the earth is directed by God's holy spirit or active force." (Watchtower, July 1, 1973, page 402) Oh! Yes! That Holy Spirit, or active force has led them along a path of error for 130 years of failed predictions and false propecies. One other very blatant insult to Jehovah`s Holy Spirit!1973Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book.(Watchtower; July 1, 1973; p. 402) What was it for all those 130 years of errors, and Prophecy blunders? I wonder what happened to Heavenly Mount Zion and Heavenly New Jerusalem? "Only this Organization," they tell us!
1972 "That they [Jehovah's Witness] must adhere absolutely to the decisions and scriptural understandings of the Society because God has given it this authority over his people." (Watchtower, May 1, 1972, p. 272) Oh! Yes! They must adhere absolutely to that 130 year failed record of scriptural mis-understandings. Otherwise God will git you! Ha!
Does anyone actully see what the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses is saying here? We cannot find, what Jehovah himself grants Truth hungry ones to find? We cannot find what Jesus opens the minds, to grasp the meaning of, for those ones granted to understand!? We cannot be anointed with the Holy Spirit, to learn things that no man could teach us? On top of that, they take the seat of the Christ, who is himself the Faithful Slave! Then they tell us, because of being that Faithful Slave, they are God's Organization. Then to top all of that off, they put a rag magazine, in the place belonging to the Holy Spirit. Then, we are told, "They", Jehovah's Witnesses, so called, must adhere absolutely to the decisions and scriptural understandings of the Society, because God has given them this Authority over his people." Tell me that's not the height of arrogance, scriptural ignorance, and self-exaltation? They must adhere absolutely to that failed 130 year established record of failed predictions and false prophecies. How does the Bible show us that they are not the Faithful Slave at all, because we desperately need to put them right out of office; which is my sole intention.They have rendered Jehovah, his Son, and the Holy Spirit, impotant; powerless. Now to pair three scriptures together, with Matthew 24:45! Which I will now proceed to do! Take special note of this, now, as I quote Matthew 24:45: "Who then is a Faithful and Wise Servant, whom his LORD {Jehovah} hath made Ruler over his Household, to give them meat in due season." ... "He shall make him Ruler over all his Goods." Verse 47 -
Read Hebrews 1:1,2 John 13:3 John 3:35;John 17:2; Matthew 28:18 and you will learn who it was, was made ruler over all his goods; and you will also learn, that was Jesus.
Now, notice this faithful Slave was appointed, OVER HIS HOUSEHOLD. Whose Household? Look at now, Ephesians 2:19 and 1 Timothy 3:15 and learn that it was God's Household, that is in question here. That makes the LORD of this parable Jehovah. That also makes the Faithful and Wise Servant, Jesus; who said himself he supplied the food at the proper time; when he told them: "Everything I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you. John 15:15 Now, what we need is one solid scripture that will come right out and tell us in simple terms, that it was Jesus who was appointed over God's Household; and we need it to reveal the position taken by the anointed class in the first Century. Find such a scripture as that, and the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society is dead in the water. You'll remember that old proverbial expression: "Up -----'s ---- creek without a paddle. Is where they will end up.
Since my intention is to expose the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, as nothing more than an extremely presumptuous false prophet; I will use their own New Worlds Translation of the Holy Scriptures, to get the job done. Quoting now from Hebrews 3: 1-6 where we read the following:
"Consequently Holy Brother's, partakers of the Heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess ----- Jesus. He was Faithful to the one who made him such, as Moses was also in all the house of that one. For the latter is counted worthy of more glory than Moses, in-as-much as he who constructs it has more honor than the house. Of course every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God. And Moses as an attendant was faithful in all the house of that one as a testimony of the things that were to be spoken afterward,but Christ {was Faithful} as a Son OVER THE HOUSE OF THAT ONE. WE ARE THE HOUSE OF THAT ONE, if we make fast our hold on our freeness of speech and our boasting over the hope firm to the end." Paul`s words here, put the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses in their coffin and nails the lid shut, and tightly seals it closed. He has put them out of the office they have usurped for so long a time now.
Who would know better than Paul, just who it was, was appointed over the household of God, as the Faithful Slave? Who would know better than Paul, what position all of the anointed class took in the first Century? "We are the House of that one," he said. In reference to all of the anointed class. They never would have taken the position of the Faithful Slave; but they would have taken the position as the House, for that is what the anointed class in the first Century, was! They constituted the House; Jesus was appointed over it. So! Clearly, Jesus was the Faithful Slave of the Parable in Matthew 24:45.
Paul also knew something else of great importance to us today! Consider his following words as he identifies the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, with these final words:
"Now what I am doing I will still do, that I may cut off the pretext
from those who are wanting a pretext for being found equal to us in the office of which they boast. For such men are False Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into Apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for satan himself keeps transforming himself into an Angel of Light. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works." {2 Corinthians 11:12-15 NWT} So! When they arrive at your door, you know what your faced with.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, is nothing they purport to be. They are definitely not the Faithful Slave; they are not Jehovah's Visible Spirit Directed Organization on our earth today. They are a shame, a farce, a fraud. A Copy-Cat Religion that looks for all the World to be the one true Religion; but could, was it to be possible, 'mislead even the Chosen Ones.' {Matthew 24:24}
Recall? The Bible is a "Sealed Book," to everyone but them? I am not one of them! How does it come to be, that I Understand this Holy Book? Enough so, as to send a Torpedo into their mid-section, and blow them, Hell, West and Crooked, right clean, out of the Water; and I used their own Bible Translation to do it?
They have more than just miscalculated the Seven Times of Daniel's Prophecy; they have miscalculated the entire Bible; and they are Jehovah's Spirit Directed Organization? Ha! LOL.Search as you may, while reading through, the composite sign of the coming of Christ at Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 you will find not so much as a hint, that Jehovah had a Visible Spirit Directed Organization on this earth during that time period. That information is simply not there; but for what reasons might it be lacking? The Govering Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, are want to point to Matthew 24:45 and that to them is their end all answer, to support their claim that they are Jehovah's Visible Organization on earth now. But read that scripture through! It identifies no particular individual or Organization. It merely sets forth a Question and leaves it to the individual reading it, based on his or her aquired knowledge, as guided by the Holy Spirit, to answer the question: "Who really is the Faithful Slave."
Anyone reading Hebrews 3:1-6 will quickly learn that it was Jesus who was appointed over the house of God, and all of the anointed class in the first Century constituted, as a Body, the House itself. But never would any of the true anointed class, have taken the position as the ones appointed over the house; as Does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They would have known, that to do that, they would be usurping the Position meant only for the Christ to fill; because as I said, it was, and still is, Jesus who is that Faithful Slave in question.
As you read through, that composite sign complete, you will learn that Jesus only foretold the prevalence of many false Prophets to be on the scene during the time of his coming, one of which many false prophets, would, if possible, mislead even the chosen ones, he said. Now its a matter of logical reasoning. Would he tell us not to believe any of them, was there to be among them one that did represent the True Visible Spirit Directed Organization of Jehovah God? {Matthew 24:24}
Now, notice the words of Jesus on this, that will throw much light on what I'm saying here: "Then if ANYONE says to you, 'Look! Here is the Christ,' or, 'There!' DO NOT BELIEVE IT. For False Christ's and False Prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the Chosen Ones." "Therefore, if people say to you, 'Look! He is in the Wilderness,' do not go out; 'Look he is in the inner chambers,' DO NOT BELIEVE IT." Look I have forewarnerd you." {Matthew 24:23-26} The Governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses will tell you; 'Look! "He is invisibly present since 1914!" "DO NOT BELIEVE IT, Jesus forewarned. For proof of what they claim, consider the following excerpt from the book `You can live forever in Paradise on earth.`... "Jesus Christ began to rule as King of God's Heavenly Government in 1914" ... {Page 141 Par 21} "Do not believe it." "Do not go out." Jesus said!
Preaching this Good News of the Kingdom as they do, this work, because it resembles so closely the work the Chosen Ones would be doing, would, might possibly, mislead even these Chosen Ones, as Jesus warned. But there was a marked difference between the work the true Chosen Ones would be doing, as opposed to the work of these False Prophets; the work of these Chosens Ones would be anything but Good News for this World of Mankind, for it would produce great lamentation, and great grief for this World's People, as noted by Matthew and John. {Matthew 24:29-31} {Revelation 1:7;12:17} Luke foretold it would produce great fear and anxiety. Men would become faint out of fear, not knowing the way out; when the Son of Man comes with Power and great Glory. {Luke 21:25-27} But this False Prophet would not understand, the true work that needed to be done, and Paul will show us why he would not get the sense of it; to follow:
"If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers that the illumination of the glorious good news about the {Glory} of Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through." {2 Corinthians 4:3,4 NWT}
So, preaching this good news of the Kingdom as they do, the Governing Body has been blinded to the true message; and in that they do, do this work, stamp themselves as a False Prophet because they are preaching the wrong message to this World, and do not even realise that they are. They do not understand the true message that should be delivered. Added to that, being blinded to the glorious good news, about the Christ, they would never be able to ascertian for a fact, whether he was invisibly present in 1914 even if it was to be true, that he was invisibly present in that year. Nor would they properly understand the seven times of Daniel's Prophecy. Out of necessity they would have to miscalculate the seven times Prophecy of Daniel. They could do no less. Blinded by satan as they are, there is very little that they would be able to really understand about the Holy Writings; even though they portray the picture that thay have the very knowledge of God; which would be entirely impossible for them to know know anything at all accurately. The one major thing they mislead individuals with is their preaching activity, that actually makes them look like the one true Religion. While they are the false prophet, Jesus cautioned might possibly mislead even the chosen ones.
So! What have Jesus, the Apostle John, Paul and Luke, as well as the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses themselves, supply damning evidence that condemns themselves; revealed to us in this writing? It has been revealed, that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, is definitely not the Faithful Slave of the Parable in Matthew 24:45. That being true, then, they are not Jehovah's Visible Spirit Directed Organization on earth, at all. It has been revealed, that they are nothing more, than a presumptuous False Prophet lifting themselves up as head over all of the presumptuous False Prophet's. That Jesus foretold, in the composite sign of his Coming to take up Kingdom Power; as Ruler of this entire World. They have seriously miscalculated, the Holy Writings, because satan the devil has struck them all Blind; and it's true what the Apostle John had stated: Satan the devil is "misleading the entire inhabited earth." {Revelation 12:9} However! It is not possible to mislead the Chosen Ones! Tough luck for satan the devil, and worse luck for the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. But, they Blundered their way into that, did they not? Something that they have become very adept at; but why not? They have been practicing it for a 130 years now. You simply have to get good at something you have worked so hard at for 130 years.
In conclusion, I'll get you to consider, what their publication, titled: "You can live forever in Paradise on Earth," has to say about thier main central teaching, On page 148 par- 3 which is, of course, the invisible presence of Christ in 1914. Show that to be in error, you put that World-Wide Organization completely out of office. Now notice what they say in this Publication in question: "The Greek Word here Translated "coming" is Parousia and it means Presence." So, they feed their flock, just enough to convince them all, that they are correct in their reasoning about the year 1914. The Truth is, though, they do not tell half the story, but conceal the real truth of the matter. Because this Greek word has many flavors, other than just meaning presence, but they dare not tell the whole story, because the real truth of the matter would destroy their main central teaching, for the year 1914.
Consider now, what they fail to reveal to their Flocks, and my guess is deliberately done to keep them all in the dark:
From the Net Bible:
... "And still more particularly itis applied {The Word Parousia} to the Coming of Christ in 1 Cor 15:23; 1 Thess 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23; 2 Thess 2:1,8 ; Jas 5:7,8 ; 2 Pet 1:16; 3:4,12 ; 1 Jn 2:28--in all 13 times" ...
Of course you can see what the Net Bible is telling us here. In all of these thirteen occurrences, where it should be rendered Coming; in their New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, all thirteen have been changed to read presence, rather than Coming.
I researched all thirteen of these scriptures in seventeen different Bible Translations and every one of them translates parousia, as coming, without exception, but never presence in any one of the seventeen Bible Translations I looked at. Personally I believe they are crazy, like Foxes, if you get my drift.Along with everything else they have overlooked as they present their tangled mish-mash of the Truth, is the expectations of Jesus early Apostles, from his own words to them, as follows:
"Do not let your hearts be trouble." Exercise faith in God, exercise faith also in me. In the house of my Father there are many abodes. Otherwise I would have told you, because I am going my way to prepare a place for you. Also, if I go my way and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you home to myself, that where I am you also may be. And where I am going you know the way." {John 14:1-4 NWT} From those very words of Jesus, they would be looking to his coming, not an invisible presence in 1914. All they would have understood at time, was his actual coming into kingdom Power. They would have known nothing about any invisible presence in the year 1914. That idea would have been foreign to them. They had even asked Jesus: ... "Lord are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time? He said to them: "It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction." So, if that knowledge did not belong to the True Apostle's of the Christ, it most certainly does not belong to any self proclaimed, self exalted, presumptuous false prophet such as the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is.
Then, too, he had told them: " However, you are the ones who have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you just as my Father made a covenant with me, for a Kingdom that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on Thrones to judge the Twelve Tribes of Israel." {Luke 22: 28-30} So their focus of attention would have had to be on his actual coming, not any invisible presence where it would take very probably over a hundred years, before he actually took them to be with him as ruling King Priests in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.
So, his early followers {Apostles} would be looking for him to come again, and take them to where he resided in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Their expectations were not his invisible presence with a 96 year time delay before they were taken up to where he was. They would have been waiting for his actual coming or arrival in Kingdom Power. Not any invisible Presence with a long time delay of 96 years, until they were taken up. Paul made that very clear in his words at Hebrews 10: 37 where he said: "For yet a very little while, and he who is coming will arrive and will not delay." We are now 96 years away from 1914. But Paul has told us, there would be no delay of any amount of time; much less 96 years.
So, what we have here, is one more Major Blunder, of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses to add to their already long list of Major Blunders. But this major Blunder is done by design to protect their main central teachings for the year 1914 established on the basis of their understanding of Daniel's Seven Times Prophecy; which understanding is seriously flawed; because you cannot count those seven times from the first Century, when the Christ actually was crowned King of God's Kingdom. This all, puts them, completely out of office.
In closing, let me show you just how encompassing Jesus Power and Authority is, now, and ever since the first Century, or rather let Paul show you:
"It is according to the operation of the mightiness of his strength, with which he has operated in the case of the Christ when he raised him up from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places Far ABOVE EVERY GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORITY AND POWER AND LORDSHIP AND EVERY NAME NAMED not only in this System of things, but also in that to come, he also subjected all things under his feet, and made him head over all things to the congregation, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills up all things in all." Ephesains 1:19-23 -
"Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who although he was existing in Gods form gave no consideration to a seizure, namely that he should be equal to God. No, but he emptied himself and took a Slaves form and came to be in the likeness of Men. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a Man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is ABOVE every other name, so that in the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE SHOULD BEND of those in Heaven and THOSE ON EARTH and those UNDER THE GROUND, and EVERY TONGUE should openly ackonowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." {Philippians 2:5-11 NWT}
There is no King, no Queen, no Governmental Authority, No Religious Leader; no one on this earth, or anywhere, that holds the Power and Authority that is held by the Christ now and since the first Century. Jesus is only second to his Father Jehovah God in Power and Authority. You cannot get any higher in authority than the Christ holds now; and it would take a crowned King to possess Authority the like of which the Christ holds, now, and since the first Century.
I don't care, how high ones station on this earth is now, if their knees are not bent to the Christ, if their Tongues are not making open acknowledgement to the Christ, they will be paying Jehovah a personal affront, in that he gave his Son all the power and authority that he possesses now.
Keep this one last final point in mind! The Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, is fully aware of how the Greek word Parousia, should be translated as coming in all thirteen occurrences, where in their New Worlds Translation of the Holy Scriptures, they have changed it to read Presence; for to do otherwise, and they know it, would kill their main central teaching for the year 1914; and totally destroy their entire World Wide Organization. The Net Bible has no ax to grind, so tells the whole Truth, not just a half Truth; as does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Wannbe