The two groups that can’t agree are those that think common ancestry proves intelligence and those that think it proves chance
Please tell me about all these biologists who conclude that all life descended from a common ancestor over millions of years who reject natural processes as a cause. I'm NOT talking about the origin of life or the origin of the universe.
Who are these 'many more young scientists' of whom you speak. Where are their thousands of peer-reviewed papers showing that ID is necessary to explain common ancestry? (there are none - not even one)
Why do you keep repeating the word 'chance'? The elegance of evolution by natural selection is its explanation of how complexity was achieved without the need for 'pure chance'. You cannot successfully criticise something that you have not begun to understand. Again we are ONLY talking about common ancestry - NOT abiogenesis or cosmic origins.
Please stop changing the subject. My only point here is that every living thing descended from a common ancestor over millions of years through unguided natural processes. Good luck finding any biologist - who doesn't have a fundamentalist religious agenda - who disagrees with this simple fact. It is literally as well established in science as the shape of the planet.
Here are 3.8 million academic papers discussing the evidence for evolution by natural selection. They are written by scientists of all ages. There is no disagreement between 'old school' and younger biologists. That is a lie that fundamentalists like to tell each other without any evidence.
Going back to your OP you advocated for 'informed ignorance'. Apart from that being an oxymoron, my point is that in order to maintain that position you have to make a lot of effort and tell yourself endless lies in order to stay in that state.