All of the elements heavier than carbon were formed in the heart of an exploding star.
We are made of star-stuff. Look at your hands and reflect that there are atoms in your left hand that formed in a different star from atoms in your right hand.
i love this video, not because it promotes jehovah's love.... but because it indirectly discusses a subject that helped me to question my beliefs.. https://www.jw.borg/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-jwbcov_201905_11_video.
(creation reveals jehovah's love).
it is the first clip, and it is about how elements are formed.
All of the elements heavier than carbon were formed in the heart of an exploding star.
We are made of star-stuff. Look at your hands and reflect that there are atoms in your left hand that formed in a different star from atoms in your right hand.
the final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
Thank you for the update.
first off, this is a book you want to read.
avoid the movie franchise at all costs.
horrible movies.. here's why i recommend this book: its prime focus is using rational reasoning to form your life philosophy - whether that be relationships, career or faith.. it also gives insight into the mind of someone who survived the geopolitical equivalent of the jws - the communist regime of stalin.. the antagonists of the book are referred to as "collectivists".
I'm confused, is Jimmy Young a fan of Rand or not?
More objective information about her philosophy can be found at the Ayan Rand Society website.
I will read her. It's good to reflect on ideas that you are not instinctively attracted to.
The late Christopher Hitchens observed in his usual witty style that it is incredible that there is a party in America who think we are not yet selfish enough.
Stephen Hicks is a member of the Rand Society and I greatly admire his discourses on philosophy. I can't see me ever adopting full-blown Libertarianism.
The distinction between individualism of liberal democracies and the collectivism of the Right (Fascist) and Left (Communist) systems is crucial.
There is a happy place somewhere between Ayn Rand and Pol Pot.
a few weeks ago i had an really interesting conversation with three male jws who were loitering around a trolley at the west end of princes street in edinburgh.. i managed to completely avoid giving any hint about my jw past and focussed on why they thought the bible was a reliable moral guide.
i used the subject of slavery to illustrate my concerns.. one of the three was in his early twenties, knew a lot about his own beliefs but nothing about the real life and it was difficult to get through his thought-bubble.
the second one was in his 60s and not very bright.
Attewc - thanks for your comments. I intend to continue to look for opportunities to start conversations along these themes. I wonder if it still bugs Andrew?
yes, it’s donald trump’s problem and he has no idea of how to take care of this!
and he gets his vp mike pence to oversee this situation.
donald trump doesn’t care about who could get this virus.
Death rate is less than 1 percent...
It's actually about 2% but much higher among older people.
going to see this year .
nick mason's saucerful of secrets.. steve hackett seconds out.
jethro tull the prog years (last time saw them live broadsword tour ).
Hi John. No I never got an invite to those. Went to a few house parties though. I was in Coatbridge.
going to see this year .
nick mason's saucerful of secrets.. steve hackett seconds out.
jethro tull the prog years (last time saw them live broadsword tour ).
Yes I'm guessing your username includes your birth year? If so then I am a year younger. My family were quite strict bit fortunately I got to go to concerts at Edinburgh Playhouse and Glasgow Apollo.
No smartphones so you had to look for concert adverts in the NME and local papers and then go to the box office!
going to see this year .
nick mason's saucerful of secrets.. steve hackett seconds out.
jethro tull the prog years (last time saw them live broadsword tour ).
A Trick of The Tail is still one of the best albums ever. Saw Genesis live at the Highland Showground in Edinburgh back in the mid 80s. Awesome!
hello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
Welcome. I wish I could be more hopeful but realistically the CO will make a cursory effort to 'answer' your concerns but will not engage in genuine dialogue. It is even possible that he will decline to meet with you. His main concern will be to discover if you still accept the GB as god's 'channel' of communication on earth. His dialogue will be designed to trap you.
If you fail this loyalty test he will leave instructions for your local body of elders to deal with you via a judicial committee investigation on a charge of apostasy.
You must decide quickly if that is the outcome you want and proceed accordingly. There will be NO satisfactory answers. Accept that fact and decide on your strategy. Only you know your circumstances and whether getting out now as a DFd apostate is the best thing for you at this time.
katherine johnson passed away today aged 101. she was the subject of the excellent movie hidden figures that told the story of her amazing work as a mathematician calculating trajectories for space flights.. 'ms.
johnson helped our nation enlarge the frontiers of space even as she made huge strides that also opened doors for women and people of color in the universal human quest to explore space.
' - nasa .
Katherine Johnson passed away today aged 101. She was the subject of the excellent movie Hidden Figures that told the story of her amazing work as a mathematician calculating trajectories for space flights.
'Ms. Johnson helped our nation enlarge the frontiers of space even as she made huge strides that also opened doors for women and people of color in the universal human quest to explore space.' - NASA