Syd - 'Woke' was the self-description of the 'woke'. Then when people started pointing out their extreme behaviour they decided to get offended by the word - and so the euphemism treadmill rolls on.
Yes wokeism absolutely is a cult.
this is long so i'll just post a link, i think many here will agree with a lot of what the author has to say.
it certainly resonated with my thinking of the last few years.
Syd - 'Woke' was the self-description of the 'woke'. Then when people started pointing out their extreme behaviour they decided to get offended by the word - and so the euphemism treadmill rolls on.
Yes wokeism absolutely is a cult. police investigating the snp's missing £600,000.
the police operation looks more like a murder scene!
He wasn't only her husband, he was chief exec of the SNP. Interesting that Sturgeon resigned just a few weeks before this exploded. Clearly she was alerted by the investigating team. Seems unlikely that she had no knowledge of the missing money.
people who work with children in england will be legally required to report child sexual abuse or face prosecution under government plans.. .
the move - which is subject to a consultation - was recommended last year by the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa).. .
the home secretary told the bbc she wanted to correct one of the "biggest national scandals".. .
Fishy - JWs commenting on child abuse is as offensive as the KKK preaching about racism.
the bible says, that those who say 'there is no god' are fools.. april fools day yesterday, showed that people can be fools for believing something that did not happen.
yet, the bible says that fools are those who refuse to believe that which is true.. god can still save fools.... feel free to watch the latest short message of hope:.
[drivel removed].
Highlight - The scenery in Canada is beautiful; therefore Jesus.
people who work with children in england will be legally required to report child sexual abuse or face prosecution under government plans.. .
the move - which is subject to a consultation - was recommended last year by the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa).. .
the home secretary told the bbc she wanted to correct one of the "biggest national scandals".. .
Everybody in Northern England knows about Pakistani grooming gangs and about the way the police and social services covered it up for years.
The lefty Guardian-reading idiots will continue to blame normal people for noticing and dismiss them as deplorable racists. Labour used to be the party of the working class - for years now it has simply despised them.
For anybody who is interested in an insightful critique of the modern Labour party and the attitudes of Noam Chomsky and his fans see 'What's Left' by Nick Cohen.
watching this video and thinking about all jdubs who watch all the gov bod updates yes they are all definitely in the covid cult thanks to the gov body.
they make face masks that are clear and inconspicuous
and utterly pointless.
the bible says, that those who say 'there is no god' are fools.. april fools day yesterday, showed that people can be fools for believing something that did not happen.
yet, the bible says that fools are those who refuse to believe that which is true.. god can still save fools.... feel free to watch the latest short message of hope:.
[drivel removed].
Fourteen minutes of Nathan moaning on about how some people don't share his delusions.
What a sanctimonious, judgemental man you are!
i'm making a list.
1. salvation is redefined for the majority of members from justification to survival into a new system..
Jesus' death is explained as a legal transaction to negate the sin of Adam.
The concept of vicarious punishment for the sins of the believer has been all but lost.
norwegian jehovah's witnesses are in court this wednesday and thursday.
they are fighting the government's decision to remove their registration as a religious community.. .
Thanks Barbara.
The religious community shuns members when they leave the group. That means that family members and friends are forbidden to contact them. The exclusion practice can also be applied to baptised minors if they break the community's rules. The State Administrator argued that these practices violated members' freedom of religion and harmed children's rights by socially isolating them.
Difficult to argue with that. It's hypocritical of them to demand religious freedom while denying it to others. Hopefully the court will uphold the decision.
so nice to see thousands upon thousands of fighting-age ukrainian men managed to escape the war and reach wembley to support their national football team yesterday.
things must be improving, eh?.
Putin is there because of things *we* did
I disagree. Putin was always going to bring Ukraine back into 'mother Russia'. Unless the cost is made too high he isn't finished.
It is beyond doubt that Ukraine is not a shining beacon of democracy and rectitude. It is equally certain that people will profit from the war but Putin must be stopped. Two things can be true at once. World events are not good guys versus bad guys.