So nice to see thousands upon thousands of fighting-age Ukrainian men managed to escape the war and reach Wembley to support their national football team yesterday. Things must be improving, eh?
England v Ukraine
by BoogerMan 62 Replies latest social current
I smell a dirty great rat with this Ukraine stuff. I don't mean soccer either, because I don't follow any sport.
Those in power want us to comply and cheer on the side that they designate for us. Whether we agree or not. Sadly, the majority of sheeple will take sides with whomsoever. Of course the dimwits comply and hound those that are not in 'the crowd'.
I think we're being played for mugs.
If you have access to attendance figures, especially a breakdown of where supporters travelled from, please share.
I smell a dirty great rat with this Ukraine stuff - yeah, me too, Punk.
I saw two different signs at the game, side by side, held up by Ukrainian fans.
One read: We Need F-16 (the fighter jets)
The other read: Peace
You couldn't make this shit up
stan livedeath
both sides in this war ( russia v the west ) still have lots of older ammo getting past its go-bang-by date. Need to use it quick so the main backers can manufacture new stuff.
On the one hand they are saying even 16 year old boys are being recruited to fight
and then all these men are able to support their football team
why are not even the players themselves going home and fighting for their country
Serious stuff, of course, this matter of football (and it matters little whichever code of football it happens to be). As a commentator once observed in Port Moresby’s Post Courier newspaper
”There are three things you need to have: a doctor, a lawyer and a football team to support”.
It certainly reveals the tribalism which lurks in us all.
Everyone knows the power of morale and emotions. Sports are a metaphor for war in many ways. It's a huge boost to national pride and cultural identity for Ukraine to have a winning team. If I was in charge of the war in Ukraine I'd absolutely promote the game.
Recall the legendary Ukrainian/German soccer match of 1942 during WW2. It is still celebrated as a huge moral victory.
@peacefulpete - do you think national pride is a good thing?
They've started doing tik-tok propaganda dance videos. I think they've jumped the shark.
It's all bullshit from the forever-war people and the idiot masses fall for it yet again.
Let Russia have the Russian land with the Russian people on it, the pretend borders created by the west just have to be put back to what they were.
And the agreement NOT to expand NATO's borders eastward, which was made as part of the deal to reunify Germany, should be honoured.
This really does say it all: