what does your banal expression of jehovahism have to do with this particular thread? Are you trolling? "The lord's seed is in me"? Did he sodomise you or something??
JoinedPosts by bulgogiboy
Priceless gems from JW Match
by highdose inhighdose is still putting in the preaching hours so to speak;) and had come accross these little beauties on the above website, read em and weep.... .
baboushka: i need help with learning the new songs, please help me please help me please help me... i was considering that the best person looks wise could be a soloman lookalike but with the nature of peter.. chogg84:heys jehovahs!
want some chogg in your life?.
Priceless gems from JW Match
by highdose inhighdose is still putting in the preaching hours so to speak;) and had come accross these little beauties on the above website, read em and weep.... .
baboushka: i need help with learning the new songs, please help me please help me please help me... i was considering that the best person looks wise could be a soloman lookalike but with the nature of peter.. chogg84:heys jehovahs!
want some chogg in your life?.
Hehe "a solomon lookalike". Does anyone know what ANY Biblical character looked like, outside of the WT illustrators' imaginations of course..
Solomon wouldnt fit in at all within the JWs, he was immeasurably wealthy, highly intellectual, and he loved to analyze life and philosophise on it, and give his opinions about what he saw was wrong with the world. The WT wouldnt put up with that!!
Are these things still frowned upon/banned?.
by zzaphod inthinking back, there were a few things i was told then, that now seem rather odd and petty.
i was wondering if these thing are common in the wts or was it just that my girlfriend at the time was a pioneer, and her father was an elder.
(so perhap a bit more "enthusiastic" than others).
Someone mentioned beards. Our KH wasnt too bad about beards, we had at least a couple of MS' who had beards, although I still heard that generally beards were frowned upon over in the US. I got the feeling beards were 'tolerated' in our KH.
I could never understand why there would be anything evil associated with beards when basically all the 'great' men of the Bible from Abraham onwards, all the way up to the Messiah and beyond were fully bearded. Even the very rare illustrations of Jehovah in WT books like revelation showed him as having a beard!
JW Tall Tales
by lancelink inrecently i was cleaning my bookcase and found an old book that i enjoyed as a child.
it had stories in it such as paul bunyan, pecos bill, and john henry.
while these stories are fictional, i enjoyed them because they were entertaining, and easy to understand.. fast forward to the late 70's when i was a teenager sitting at the ca hall in janesville wisconsin.. the speaker was explaining the great sacrifice god made in sending his son down to earth to die for all mankind.
"Also in a year book was the story of a sister about to be raped in an african country and all the men went blind...."
The poppycock stories about miracle cheques and magically-appearing boxes of groceries are one thing, but arent stories like the one mentioned above a tad insulting to witnesses who have actually been victims of such crimes? Imagine if you were a sister who had actually been gang-raped (as I understand many in Malawi were), how would this kind of anecdotal sludge make you feel? You would wonder why Jehovah intervened to save another, but not YOU from this deeply traumatising and humiliating experience.
And the angel 'bodyguards' the little old jw lady had to protect her from the criminal, at the doorstep? Where was the angelic protection for the thousands of witnesses in the Nazi concentration camps? Does God just randomnly intervene to protect his servants on a whim, saving some from violent sexual abuse and death, whilst others are thrown alive into giant ovens in Auschwitz or raped to death by HIV infected mobs in African countries?
JW Tall Tales
by lancelink inrecently i was cleaning my bookcase and found an old book that i enjoyed as a child.
it had stories in it such as paul bunyan, pecos bill, and john henry.
while these stories are fictional, i enjoyed them because they were entertaining, and easy to understand.. fast forward to the late 70's when i was a teenager sitting at the ca hall in janesville wisconsin.. the speaker was explaining the great sacrifice god made in sending his son down to earth to die for all mankind.
I heard a story at a CA about a pioneer couple who needed a specific amount of money to help them get their car fixed, it was something really precise, like 457 pounds, or whatever. They didnt know what to do, so they prayed really hard about it and through a set of bizarre happenings they were given a cheque for, wait for it....457 pounds! Amazing!
Another poster mentioned a Bethelite who made up some field service experiences, and for all I know this could have been one of them.
Hehe I love how all these stories get thrown around, completed unverified and unverifiable, but are taken as indisputable fact, where as on the other hand, if you present a JW with some information that contradicts what the WT says, it doesnt matter how many properly recorded and verifiable sources/studies you can present to back it up, it will be met with immediate suspicion.
I want to be appointed as an Elder while I am still posting here, will Holy Spirit prevent me?
by african GB Member injust curious.. has anyone successfully tested the 'power' of the holy spirit by being appointed even though they were not zealous jw's?.
once i get appointed, i'd resign within a week.
'coz i would'nt stand jc's and df'ing people..
Would 'holy spirit' prevent you being appointed an elder? Does 'holy spirit' prevent Elders and MS' from raping children with impunity?
If you want to become an Elder, do what alot of JW creeps do, which is pretend to be a pious, caring man who has a love for God and others. You just play the game like they do. Fuck the fairytale 'holy spirit', and believe in your own abilities.
Why would you want to be an Elder anyway? In my KH 95% of the Elders were window cleaners in cheap suits with barely a highschool education between them. I would hope you had loftier ambitions than to end up like them!
Jehovah's Witnesses and Calvinistic Predestination
by AllTimeJeff inthis is a complex question, and i just want to get a discussion started on the message of jehovah's witnesses and how it relates to their adventist roots, and esp calvinism.. bear with me, i will try to be concise.. we all know that while jehovah's witnesses like to deny adventist roots, that it is clear that according to them, the man jesus selected to get the whole thing started, c t russell, was heavily influenced by adventist ideas, esp the (adventist) idea that has really never left them; the idea that somehow, a time date or period can be inferred from the bible if you read certain scriptures through an adventist lens.
(thus, the 2520 years, 7 gentile times, etc.).
so while this is relatively well known, there is a concept that jehovah's witnesses teach against, yet practice.
I was chatting with a brother about Armageddon once, about what would happen to all the people in China and India who had never had any contact with JWs. His response was that 95% or so of them would get the chop, because it wasnt in them to turn to Jehovah, it wasnt in their 'genes' (exact word used). That made me very uncomfortable, even when I was solidly in the JW mindset. What kind of God would create people with 'genes' that make them incapable of salvation?
I got the impression that alot of witnesses felt they had been 'called' by Jehovah, that he had seen 'something good' in their hearts, so given them the joy of becoming a member of his organisation. I would go further than say its just pre-destination. If people are 'called' to serve Jehovah, and as a result their kids, grankids, or even great grankids gain friendship with God and the 'knowledge that leads to everlasting life', not through their own merit, but simply because they have been raised in the organisation, then its a clear case of nepotism. The JWs arent of course related to him in a physical sense, but nevertheless The God of the Bible is nepotistic and befriends and assists people on the basis of how close their relatives are to him. This has been evident since the times of ancient Israel. Even the ministry of Jesus was exclusively centred around the Israelites, and non-Jews had to beg him for assistance that he would otherwise give freely to his own people. For example the woman who had to beg him to help her demon-possessed daughter in Mark 7:26 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” It was only due to her lightning-fast reply which impressed him, that he decided against his usual nepotistic practice and chose to help the innocent, suffering child.
There're your Gods, the scary one in the sky and the sandal wearer from Nazareth. A couple of pricks.
Is the Governing Body really Jehovah's mouthpiece?
by dgp inon another thread, african gb member wondered whether the members of the governing body really believe what they preach.
and that led me to this thought:.
unless i misunderstood what i have read, the governing body claims that jehovah communicates with them and tells them what to do.
Hey dgp,
Can you post a link to the thread about the African GB body member and his concerns over the GB's beliefs please?
I saw a youtube video a little while back , it was an official spokesman of the WT, being interviewed in Bethel. He was being interviewed by some secular new channel or documentary makers. What he said went totally against the rhetoric you find in the magazines and at the conventions. He explicitly said that the WT was NOT used as God's mouthpiece to people and that they purely conducted research to come to their beliefs. He said some other shocking things as well, like all religions being worthy of equal respect, etc.
I wish I could find that video, maybe the WT has had it pulled from youtube, but if I find it, i'll post a link.
Are these things still frowned upon/banned?.
by zzaphod inthinking back, there were a few things i was told then, that now seem rather odd and petty.
i was wondering if these thing are common in the wts or was it just that my girlfriend at the time was a pioneer, and her father was an elder.
(so perhap a bit more "enthusiastic" than others).
It's usually the people who are most insistent on these pointless and frankly laughable little rules who have the least natural human empathy and benevolence, just like the Pharisees. I would say the sticklers for the WT's petty little regulations are often particularly un-Christian in their dealings with people. I bet those who shield the sexual predators in the congs are the first to 'tut' when a JW takes part in a toast or says thank you to a 'bless you' for sneezing.
Its sort of like a Jewish landlord who goes to preposterous lengths not to do anything deemed 'work' on the Sabbath, even going to the extremes of inventing bizarre contraptions which let him do the work-related things he wants to do, whilst still technically not doing them himself. Then on Monday morning, he drives down to the block of fire trap/slum apartments he owns, and demands the exorbitant rent from the impoverished tenants.
Making molehills out of mountains, and vice versa. Sigh.
Are these things still frowned upon/banned?.
by zzaphod inthinking back, there were a few things i was told then, that now seem rather odd and petty.
i was wondering if these thing are common in the wts or was it just that my girlfriend at the time was a pioneer, and her father was an elder.
(so perhap a bit more "enthusiastic" than others).
I see where you're coming from Leec, those are good points. I feel exactly the same about saying '(God)bless you' as you do, its an unnecessary practice which comes from a silly medieval superstition. Now, at least in the UK, there's no obligation to say 'bless you', it's not expected of us, although if someone says it to us, it's at least polite to say a quick 'thanks' rather than ignore them. I also stopped saying it a long before the WT got up inside my head.
However, some thoughts on these petty rules from an international perspective : I spent over a year and a half working in Turkey, and they have a completely different view of 'bless you'. If someone sneezes, there IS a VERY strong social obligation for you to say 'çok yasa!' or 'bless you!'. So much so that people would think you very rude not to say it. I found myself saying it now and again to placate expectant girlfriends, friends, students, co-workers,etc. The same goes for if you sneeze and dont dont make some kind of reply showing gratitude for their saying 'bless you'. JWs were made legal in Turkey not so long ago? The 'Bless you' thing will cause them big social problems on an individual level, and will unintentionally promulgate the idea that as a religious group they are ignorant and uncaring.
This is the kind of petty little WT regulation which may not seem like a major test of faith to adhere to if you are sitting comfortably in a luxury apartment in Brooklyn, but could impact surprisingly heavily on your life if you are a JW in other countries. What's to say that not toasting the bride and groom in some countries wont cause grave insult and even a danger of violence breaking out?
These kinds of small-minded, petty regulations, which the WT seems to add to on a regular basis, must be one of the main reasons JWs have such a high degree of mental illness and alcohol abuse issues. You simply cant keep up with them all! I always remember when I was going along, the WT meetings stressing time and time again that 'the yoke' that Jehovah put on us was 'light' we werent bogged down in the same ceremony and tradtion as 'Christendom', hahahahahahaha!!!!!