many of them still think that the world will end before all of the 1914 generation dies so watchtower isnt lying yet!
sad isnt it.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
back in 1995 a major change took place in the witnesses' 'understanding' of the generation that was foretold to see the end of the current 'system of things'.. no longer was it to be a literal generation that would see both the beginning of times of distress in 1914 and the culmination at armageddon.
instead the wts claimed 'new light' in interpreting the generation as applying to whichever generation of people were alive to see the final end.. also in 1995 another change took place that did not receive the same attention and may have remained unnoticed by the rank and file witnesses.
repeating a point already made in a watchtower issue of 1993, a new textbook to be used in the proselytising work (the knowledge book) was released.
many of them still think that the world will end before all of the 1914 generation dies so watchtower isnt lying yet!
sad isnt it.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
is the anyone, anyone, out there who has managed to turn a jw into an ex-jw?
i know there are lots of people who wanna know what it is that you did that worked--any (and every) suggestion is helpful!!!
i'll try anything at this point!!!
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
i'm not really sure if i have the right to spectulate about this or if i'm just being paranoid.
but why does it seem that some of the posts lately are being made by--false prophets??
it seems to be an odd similiarity to some of the posters and it's just been "urking" me lately.
sorry i took so long to get back to you.
well as i said if you truly love him then you want to hold onto hope.
hope has to be the gratest motivating factor in human thought and reasoning leading to action.
you would have noticed that fornication is not nearly as bad to him as reading apostate literature.
why is that do you think?
do not try to show him the facts
untill you get him to listen.
have you noticed that doubting the organisation is almost [well for allpratical reasons] equal to BLASPHEMY. [disrespecting Gods name]
shure you could have sex with him.[this is against his religion]
he could become intimate with you.[emotionally attached- also against his religion]
he may even take some heat form his congregation for being involved with you.[if they find out]
but although he knows that they [the above]are wrong he may still do them because he thinks that he will make up for it in the future.
he probally knows that he doesent have a future with you
is in it for the companionship and the sex.
if he likes you really likes you then he secretly wants to convert you! [he would probally want to convert you anyway even if you were not involved but being involved gives him more motivation.]
your inital goal is to get him to listen to you.
you would notice that alot of your conversations end up involving religion.
he will have all the anwsers to all of your questions concerning this topic. [alot of them from memory]
if you get him to listen to soruces outside watchtower
then you have a chance.
how do you do it?
this is the hard part. [close to impossible for many people to do. if not there wouldent be a watchtower scoiety.]
he may decide to listen to you for a while but then
his defences will kick in and then the conversation is over.
you as a non-jw use different methods of reasoning to come to a conclusion.
you have your work cut out for you.
after you think you have a reasonable ammount of 100% FACTUAL information regarding the true nature of the truth
and you have come to your own conclusion they you can do this.[ Your accuracy is VERY important he will be looking for every chance to prove you wrong. if you are wrong about ANYTHING this could be used as an excuse to end th discussion. or he may use it to waste time. make sure you have lots of time to spare.]
[i think you said you have no religious background
know this then.
you will have to read the bible and know it as well a you can]
tell him you want to set up a time period for you to discuss the facts
regarding the information.
ask him when he will be willing to discuss the relavant information.
[if he refuses then refuse to talk to him on ANY religeous matter at all period. this at least will give some controll on the situation. or based on the strength of your relationship you can refuse to talk to him much at all unless he is willing to listen to what you have to say. at this point i should note that your relationship may not have much of a future if you are not in the truth also. but are you willing to risk the last 6 months by seeing if it ends now or are you are willing to continue as you are nowing that you have no future. ]
This is ADVISE FROM AN 18 YEAR OLD. Beware!
trust me you will need lots and lots of time for this discussion.
[this is assuming that he is not a devout jw]
see if you can get 2-3 days of his and your time in a place where he cannot run from you where you will have privacy.
if you have ever talked to a jw then you will see why you need 3 WHOLE days. conversations run around in circles and soooo much time is wasted.
[in the mean time since you are intimate with this person then you could do some other stuff on the side if you know where i am coming from.]
i should WARN you that you are gtting ADVISE FROM AN 18 YEAR OLD!
you can take what information from me you deem to be relevant on this issue. or reject all of it.
rember i think you can ask all of the ex-jws on this board if you have a future with this person unless at least one of you converts.
in the mean time enjoy it while it lasts.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
this question applies to those exjws who are at peace with god:.
do you now believe in the trinity?.
for myself, it took awhile for me to accept the trinity doctrine, but i finally came to believe!.
i have noticed something
the grace of our father, the son and the holy sprit.
i thought that grace was Gods free gift to mankind.
you cant pay for it there is nothing you can do to
do that is so special that God will save you but
believe that Jesus is your saviour.
john 3:16
if grace comes from God then how would grace
be from the Father Son and Holy sprit.
i know that you must have come across that question before
so how then did you anwser it?
[the nwt probally changed this verse or something also]
and also
this Jehovah word
who gave people the authority to incert
vowels into
inorder to make it pronunceable
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
is the matrix a prophetic vision of the borg?
neo: right now, we're inside a computer program?
morpheus: wild, isn't it?
i think this post is a little out of my league.
mabe there is just a little to much wisdom here for me to comprehend.
yes the movie is a great film.
my two cents
1) i think though that the agents were more like the governing body
[they have superhuman abilities and controll the entire organisation. they only care about acheiving their goal and forcing others to comply to it. they have the ability to change pratically anything in the matrix with in reasonable limits *without drawing too much attntion to the mater* at will and only the ones who know the signifiance of the changes may react negatively.they, the gb,they are the inslavers.]
{also they tried to create the perfect world for their captives a world with little pain and suffering forthe humans but it dident work. they lost many crops and had to rethink their stratagey for keeping the humans under inslavement so there is now a perpetual time peiod of history where man is always at its peak.
this relates to the failed expectations for the end of the worldwhich created an almost perfect senario for the witnesses to see all of their hopes realized.
after they lost much of the flock they had to rethink much of their stratagey of keeping them in bondage.
current witnesses expect the end of the world any moment
could be tomorrow could be next year or later but soon.]
2) and the law inforcement officials were better compared to the elders
[they know a little more than the everyday person but still follow orders sometimes something smells fishy but they manage to ignore it]
3) then the every day person who just dident know what was going on would becompared to the rank an file.
[they know the least and just go about their everyday lives suspecting nothing. most never fight for fredom because they dont even know that they are inslaved. the agents can take over their minds at a mere whim using them to do their dirty work and they dont even know it. many die in the fight but they are expendable to the agents they are just numbers.]
4) the people on the outside i.e the resistance they would be the apostates who fight for freedom sometimes at great risk to themselves
they loose family members and colse ones in the fight
the fight for freedom. they have their differences but at least they have the freedom to search for the truth most try to help others while there is alwayse the one who dosent like the freedom who he has and just wants to go back to his previous life with all security as he had before.
their only effective weapon when combating the inslavers in the REAL world..
the electromagnetic pulse
[this would most definately have to be the knowledge distrubited on the internet which buys time for the resistance to organize themselves and infeltrate the matrix and free the those that are inslave.]
those were some comparisons of mine but there are many differences
the main difference is that they dont use the name of the Lord tojustify there means.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
today i saw a jw in the middle of the city handing out awake!s.. and i sid nothing to her i know that if i said anything to her that i would have been there all day or at least before she thought that i was fron the devil and started to shun me.. have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems.. for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.. .
i did this also because.. believe it or not.. i cant believe i am going to say this.. i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not gods organisation.. [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together].
to you this may seem very insane after spending time here .
bye saintsatan
i'll be sTROLLing along now
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
today i saw a jw in the middle of the city handing out awake!s.. and i sid nothing to her i know that if i said anything to her that i would have been there all day or at least before she thought that i was fron the devil and started to shun me.. have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems.. for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.. .
i did this also because.. believe it or not.. i cant believe i am going to say this.. i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not gods organisation.. [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together].
to you this may seem very insane after spending time here .
i'm getting a little bored of defending myself
so mabe this is your natural charm
really it bores me. you bore me
Oh by the way
THANK YOU thank all of you that responded to my questions
[it was brought to my attention that i dident care that you were helping me]
good bye OUTLAW it was fun while it lasted
well i tried to prove my case
but then again it doesent add up
i have stuff to do
[you probally think that i'm off to read my watchtower]
oh well
i guess you'll have to find another newbie to pick on from now.
dont worry you can even call them "jerome if you like "
but i said what i had to say. if i think youre willing to listen mabe we can chat sometime.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
today i saw a jw in the middle of the city handing out awake!s.. and i sid nothing to her i know that if i said anything to her that i would have been there all day or at least before she thought that i was fron the devil and started to shun me.. have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems.. for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.. .
i did this also because.. believe it or not.. i cant believe i am going to say this.. i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not gods organisation.. [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together].
to you this may seem very insane after spending time here .
are you just looking for a response?
well apparently you are.
[what would happen if i stopped responding]
everytime i try to help someone it turns out to be one of these jerks
there is nothing wrong with helping people
i would say sorry if i knew what it was i did to become a jerk
i am illeritate
very much so.
wheres my dictionary?
an illeriate idot!
you are intiteled to your opinion
[now we have resorted to name calling]
that last post was so transparent
flower if you were following my discussion with OUTLAW you would know that from the first time i appeared here i was called a troll.
nothing new. apparently alot of newbies are. [you move up from newbie pretty quickly]
how many people in one am i supposed to be. with how many different writing styles.
[i would use another name on this board but i want my posts to increase so that i can move up in status.]
sometimes i seem to know very little about the jw religion and others i seem to know more than an honest newbie.
i told you that i have been researching the org
for once could some one please tell me on this board what is the definition of a troll.
[on this board it dosent seem to have the same meaning as other other sites]
what does a troll do?
mabe then i could start pointing fingers too.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
today i saw a jw in the middle of the city handing out awake!s.. and i sid nothing to her i know that if i said anything to her that i would have been there all day or at least before she thought that i was fron the devil and started to shun me.. have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems.. for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.. .
i did this also because.. believe it or not.. i cant believe i am going to say this.. i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not gods organisation.. [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together].
to you this may seem very insane after spending time here .
if you really want to know the truth you are going to have to research for yourself.
with regards to this organisation
eventhough you may have seemingly irrefutble evidence against it they almost always have an explaination [logical] for everything.
so when you listen to them you almost cant help to think that they may have a point.
but now i think i may have found questions that they cannot anwser to my satisfaction [at least at first]
it is as if i am using this site to try to close my mind to their way of thinking because they can be very convining.
[i justify partially blocking out my mind to their reasoning because of the mind controll thing]
have i done research.
i went through most of
and many other sites that i cant recall now.
i am doing the research and finding anwsers but varifying their vadility is another thing.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!
today i saw a jw in the middle of the city handing out awake!s.. and i sid nothing to her i know that if i said anything to her that i would have been there all day or at least before she thought that i was fron the devil and started to shun me.. have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems.. for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.. .
i did this also because.. believe it or not.. i cant believe i am going to say this.. i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not gods organisation.. [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together].
to you this may seem very insane after spending time here .
i know that no matter what you do some people will never like you
but still
how can you possibly think that i am more than one person on this board.
are you just trying to provoke a response?
[if you are this will work as long as i let it
i could just ignore you yah know]
have you actually been following my posts?
yourself and yourself
how can i most respectfully put this?
isnt this getting a litte old.
i have much reason to believe that you cant be that paranoid?
[could you?]
well well well...
i am a troll
a watchtower spy come here to infeltrate this message board [that is open here for everyone to see]
i use spritual warfare to to justify my lying and multiple usernames and reincarnations
so that i can someday bring you back to the flock where you so propperly belong and close this sight which is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord Jehovah.
nothing i say is of revelance and can be trusted because i am an active jehovah witness and will stop of nothing to glorify jehovahs name.
nothing you say can infulence me in my battel to uphold the intregty of Gods organisation so when you tell me about
1914 being wrong
child molestation
bad talk the governing body
the un scandal
Preparing for Child custody cases
[well you get the idea]
that i will not listen because i am a faith full servant of jehovha
[oh by the way i am also lurk and anyother person new to this board ]
when two theroies explain a phenomenon equally well choose the simplest one.
the bible is a two edged sword
wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!