i feel a little guilty

by jerome 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • jerome

    today i saw a jw in the middle of the city handing out awake!s.

    and i sid nothing to her i know that if i said anything to her that i would have been there all day or at least before she thought that i was fron the devil and started to shun me.

    have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems.
    for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.

    i did this also because.

    believe it or not.

    i cant believe i am going to say this.

    i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not Gods organisation.

    [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together]

    to you this may seem very INSANE after spending time here

    but so much of what they do is bible based and that is good initself

    its also because i see that jws truly beleive what they the watchtower teach.


    i did it also because i dont exactly want to broadcast my disapproval of the soiety when i am involved with one.

    suppose she would remember me? then her congregation would find out that i am anti-watchtower.


    this is the most important reason though


    if you have the RIGHT jesus you are RIGHT forever

    but if you have the WRONG jesus you are WRONG forever.


    have you ever felt guilty for passing up an oppertunity like this.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • moman

    What did you say?

  • jerome

    ok i am just vocing my opinions

    when i say that i am not 100% sure i mean

    since i only have your word for it in away and i ahve seen alot of explanations for what you give

    what brought about this opinion of mine is

    1) open mindedness
    [would i be able to call myself openminded when i only listen to your side basically]

    2)i heard something that made me think

    what was is

    what if you are lying?

    wouldent it be stupid of me to think that you have 100% accuracy

    my gf told me today that she VERY MUCH doubts that the un thing is for real

    so i have to be !00% sure that it is true and that watchtowers reasons are not as trivial as they may seem

    so how can i varify this?

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!


    Hey jerome,I would feel guilty for passing up the opportunity,to call you a Troll!..LOL...OUTLAW

  • plmkrzy

    You should!

  • jerome

    there is one thing that keeps me open

    i hate to be wrong

    so i have to consider the possibility that i am not 100% right

    and guess what would happen if i am wrong about watchtower.

    boy is this hard for me to say especially here

    i had to say it but i have to be honest.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • jerome

    to outlaw

    i doubt that you still think that i am a troll.

    it is really hard for me to completly block out the posibility that

    that a religious organisation could just be plain wrong.
    and even more blantly lying about it. and few of its members seem to be aware of this.

    i dont know how easy it was for you to completly block out the idea that orthodox christianity was completly false before you were baptized a jw but this is what this is about.

    i am drawing very close to a conclusion.

    a final conclusion.

    i have alot of respect for the bible.
    i have a respect for these people [jws] in a way because they follow the bibles teachings almost to the t.
    [or at least they try to]

    coming to a conclusion like this is very importnt to me

    i think that most of us believe that there will be a time of judgement that most of us will have to face.

    when i have to anwser for my decisions that i have made i want to be able to say that i was completly certain that it was wrong.

    is there anything wrong with that?

    its not that i am siding with them at all its just that i have to be 100% shure that i am right about this.

    there is no room for error.

    do you get where i am coming from.

    this is probally the last post that i will express any doubt that they are not from God

    but now is the time to be certain.

    what do you have to say about this?1

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • larc


    i think only thing to do is stdie wth your gf

    she knows what she believs and can help you

    have a study with her so you can learn what she thinks

    this way you see both sides

    then you will be sure

    go to her meetins to, all three days of them

    go with her in door work, then will see what she sees

    street worrk is good to

  • jerome

    that was a joke right?

    if its bad i dont want nothing to do with it.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • Solace


    There are many organizations that are good and help people.

    Does the W.T.S help people in the community that are hungry or poor or homeless or sick?

    Do they even help people in their own congregation that are hungry or poor or homeless or sick?

    Have you honestly seen a case where a kingdom hall has used their funding and offered assistance to pay for someones heat bill or give someone food or clothing or shelter. The W.T.S. would only part with their money if it was to benefit themselves. Example (building kingdom halls, funding the missionary work, assembly gatherings etc.)
    This may seem all nice and sweet but it only results in the growth and expansion of the W.T.S. They are not concerned with anyone but themselves and they do not care who gets hurt or dies in the process. The W.T.S says the preaching work is to save people from armageddon and if you do not continue the work, you too will be killed. They are just concerned with their own growth. The W.T.S has been threatening people and its members with "armageddon" for its entire existance.

    Its normal to feel guilty, I still do. I feel guilty for not telling my family all of the information that I know about the W.T.S. I also feel guilty for what I do tell them, because I guess the truth hurts sometimes.

    Its your life and your decision.
    God bless.

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