And we have a winner...
LB I here by label you dective of the week!!!
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay. .
do you notice anything pecular?
And we have a winner...
LB I here by label you dective of the week!!!
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay. .
do you notice anything pecular?
Nathan come on... youre kidding me right?
Ok this will cost you though...
Notice anything about children?
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay. .
do you notice anything pecular?
Do you notice anything pecular?
it seems that we have many new aliases popping up right now.
all posting attacks against bill bowen personally.. note they cannot argue the facts of abuse occuring but decide to go after one of the faces that represent the whole issue at hand, bill bowen.. it just goes to show how desperate some people become trying to protect their high control religion regardless the cost to children and adult children of past abuse.. i would like to suggest that we adopt the same advice our parent's gave us while growing up as dubs.
just ignore the taunts, the insults.
You gotta rember something.
Many people are not very objective when it relates to discussing JW related issues on this board.
The attitude is It it makes the WT look bad then i'm all for it.
This is because many people have been hurt tremendiously by their former religion and come to this board to vent.
Also because many people who have come to this board have realized that the JWs are a cult they are very suspecious of anything protraying it in a positive light.
Examples of shuch public attitudes non JW related include the
Reaction towards communist
and Towards Osama Bin laden.
Even thought they may have alot of valid points for believing what they do, the pblic is so against these entites that they cannot bear to hear anything good about them.
Think about it. If someone in your family was murdered would you want to hear how lovely a person they guy that murdered your brother was?
Well its just the same attitude.
I noticed that in one of your other posts that you believe that Jesus is in you.
As far as I know that is not official JW doctrine.
WT teaches that the bible was not written for everyone but only the 144000 JW annointed. And inorder to recieve salvation you cannot have a personal relationship with Jesus [as you suggested by stating that jesus is in you] but you must work it out by following WT policy.
As you become fully aware of what the JW leaders are truly capable of you will be faced with three decisions.
1) Give up all faith in the JW religion and realize that its all just a sham.
2) Igonre your conscience and remain loyal to WT leadership. No matter what anyone tells you about the JW religion from that point on it wouldent matter because you will reason to yourself that you heard it all before but it dident matter its all apart of satans scheme to turn me away from the truth. You may also reason tha no other religion has anything to offer so theres no where else to go, therefore the JWs must have the truth.
3) Loose all faith in the JW religion of being the truth but continue to practise it for personal gain.
Most of the posters of the board have chosen option 1.
A small minority have chosen 2. [ You Know, Yadirf. if you dont know them dont worry you'll soon become familar with them.]
I personally dont know of any who have chosen option 3.
But its all up to you in the end.
What ever choice you make that decision will be strongly inforced inorder to minimize any dissonance that you may feel everythim you come across something anti JW.
As for the patting on the back...
Thats Just how people on this board operate, you'll notice that as time passes.
as ive made it known on this board, my current status with the watchtower bible and tract society is that of inactive.
this is a loophole i have utilized, to keep an open channel of communication with family members in the organization.. i want to clarify with everyone: i do not hold any doctrinal ideas, theology, ideology, opinions expressed in any form by the wtbts.
therefore, to simply put, i do not believe in the wtbts in any way, shape, or form.
I dont think hilda is going to be a JW apologist for very long.
People underestimate what becoming fimlar with disconfirming information for a perlonngened period of time can do.
This message board enables exactly just that.
She said that she has no fully affirmed her faith in the JW religion as yet.
Therefore if she says that she is not a JW then that does not maker her a liar.
UnBaptized publishure mabe?
Just because she defends the JWs dosent mean that you have to make leaps of logic or misrepresent what shes saying.
Just rember when you become addicted to this board and NEED to continue posting that someone warned you that it would happen.
Also to rember that you were informed time and again that the JWs are a cult but you dident listen to anyone who tried to tell you. Dont worry.
This place is unique in that
a) It not only disapproves of the watchtower and calls JW leaders liars but they can PROVE that they are liars with documented evidence.
b) If you had any little bit of doubt in you mind that the JWs were a cult this message board will multiply that feeling a thousand times.
c) You will incounter arguments that you cannot intelectually defend. Its not like when your going from door to door and you meet someone who is biblically literate and can just get up and leave. Because by then you would have become addicted to posting here to some extent.
d) If you stay here long enough you will be just as bad or even wors than the apostates you defend.
You doubt me?
We'll see.
Its all a matter of time.
I never thought about that. Mabe you got lucky or mabe you actually have discovered something.
If an active JW comes to this board for an extensive period of time, unless he or she is mentially retarded they will nolonger hold true to the JW faith.
If you stay on this board for an extended period of time it caan become addictive.
WT leaders apparently care nothing about individual members that is why they allowed D8TA to remain inactive.
yesterday, our local newspaper ran the story about the jw pedophile issue.
just a few moments ago, i emailed a letter to the editor.
i hope it gets published, and i hope that some of you will also email your newspaper regarding the news.
Everything bolws over sooner or later depending on public oppinion.
I personally dident think that this would make the headlines so younever how far it could get.
As for me if I werent involved with a JW I couldent have cared less about it.
i did a search on bill bowens postings in this forum.
very interesting.
Why cant JWs simply just say that they dont believe what others theach and leave it at that?
Why must they not only disbelieve but fabricate stories which discredit all other religions?
These people go aroung door to door lying to anyone who actually knows what their up to and still want to claim the moral high ground.
Its sickening.
It would have been alright for them just to stick to commenting on the bible in their little bible study groups.
But that wasent enough. They wanted more and then took matters too far by claiming exclusiviety for themselves.
God dosent belong to a publishing company masquerading as a religion he belongs to everyone.
And all the time continue to scorn those who try to show them the right way. If a Christian out of concern for their well being trys to show them how they are worng they first decline and to add insult to injury they call them an agent of satan.(tm)
I would like to see the look on this guys face when he finds out thats all a sham.
When people try to help you dont brush them off and call them names.
All somebody is trying to do is correct a wayard fello human being, thats all. But because you are so indoctrinated that the world is shuch a bad place you cant see it any other way.
If you stay on this board you will not convince anyone that the WT is the truth but will only make yourself look like an idot.
What goes around comes around and all the finger pointiong that has been going around is coming right back at you.
psychdigg: i just got on the board again and saw your post about bill bowen.. in typical jw-style you attack the person rather than the issue of child molestation.
your quote of one of bill's posts in your thread: is not at all valid evidence of bill being vengeful, or losing perspective - but rather he points out the shear hypocrisy of the watchtower so-called system of justice.
a system that is wholly unchristian and uncivil by any reasonable standard of measurement ... except maybe with radical extremists groups.. against the normally wise comments of kismet regarding ignoring people who jump out with personal attacks as you have done, i have decided on a different course.
When somebody come onto a board like this and strats throwing accusations about a topic as sentive as Child molestation it is bound to hit a nerve.
It makes it seem as though you support the Watchtower even after it has been proven to incorrect.
You cannot claim the moral groung in this instance because William Bowen has documented evidence of this policy which offers sanctuary for pediophiles within the watchtower.
When a person who is educated about the WBTS and JW mentality they can definetly see that William has a point.
JWs are all about how appearences. And their leaders especially incourage this attitude because they run a business and bad PR negitevely affects their revenue.
Also they [educated onlookers] even though they undestand they WT indoctrination process still find it had to refrain form using words and phraises like "stupid" "fool" and "bloody idot" to describe those who remain loyal to the JW leaders even after they refuse to consider the evidence which has been so clearly stacked up against them.
I would really like to know how exactly god guiding the Watchtower society?
Reasonable people just reason that if God were guining them then they wouldent make so many mistakes and then lie to cover them up.
This argument is not about the intregity of William Bowen as he is just one man and as shuch can be replaced.
It is about the intregity of the JW leaders who seem to care more about their image than seeking justice.
No matter who it was that spoke out about molestation the same result would have occured. People shuch as yourself would launch personal attacks on him even befor considering the evidence simply because you are indoctrinated to believe that anyone who says anything which reflects negatively apon the organisation must be evil.
That is how you JWs think.
And when people call you brainwashed you laugh and say that you must indure the insults because it is all persecution ultimately at the hands of the adversairy.
People dont cally you brainwashed simply because they want to hurt you but they say it because you are!!!
People most of the time are genuinely good even though they may have their own aggenda but that dosent make them evil. Simply because somebody has the reasoning ablity to call a liar a liar and not make excuses for him dosent make them a bad person.
Just because people have the commonsense to see through the WT facade dosent qualify them for death at the hands of GOd.
WT is a cult use your discernment and stop pointing your finger unless its direct towards the mirror.
psychdigg: i just got on the board again and saw your post about bill bowen.. in typical jw-style you attack the person rather than the issue of child molestation.
your quote of one of bill's posts in your thread: is not at all valid evidence of bill being vengeful, or losing perspective - but rather he points out the shear hypocrisy of the watchtower so-called system of justice.
a system that is wholly unchristian and uncivil by any reasonable standard of measurement ... except maybe with radical extremists groups.. against the normally wise comments of kismet regarding ignoring people who jump out with personal attacks as you have done, i have decided on a different course.
For all I know right now the Bible may very well be a fraud. And both Christianity and the JWs may be both wrong. But I am investegating its accuracy especially the flood and creation not to metion contradictions.
But when it comes to the JWs they are so aggorant in upholding their beliefs they cannot consider the fact that they may very well be wrong. I see them as being blinded with pride.
Especially when it comes to JW leaders who refuse to admit that they have been proven wrong on many ocassion but instead claim that they have recieved new light from GOd.
It would be intelectual suicide for me to become associated with any religious or seclar organisation for that matter when they have been proven to be liars time and again.
Its best just to ignore them. But the problem with the JWs and other shuch organisations is that they affect peoples lives. One of their worst practices is shunning which destroys families. And an even more physically threating issue is that they are indirectly responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people through errouneous medical advice.
They once banned vaccination organtransplants and continue to ban blood transfusions. All of these former doctrines were formally seen as Gods commands. And because of their indoctrination which coerces them to believe that the the world has nothing to offer and neither does any other religion they remain loyal.
This is madness.
psychdigg: i just got on the board again and saw your post about bill bowen.. in typical jw-style you attack the person rather than the issue of child molestation.
your quote of one of bill's posts in your thread: is not at all valid evidence of bill being vengeful, or losing perspective - but rather he points out the shear hypocrisy of the watchtower so-called system of justice.
a system that is wholly unchristian and uncivil by any reasonable standard of measurement ... except maybe with radical extremists groups.. against the normally wise comments of kismet regarding ignoring people who jump out with personal attacks as you have done, i have decided on a different course.