Yep. lisavegas420, I cried both times I met with the JC. That was part of the reason I put off going back to ask to be reinstated a second time. Obviously my hearfelt emotions didn't move them. Plus, I thought they could see that I was repentant by how many hours I spent reading the Bible and Watchtwor publicatons, studying and attending all the meetings. If that wasn't good enough for them, then what is? I already felt like God had forgiven me, what was taking them so long to forgive me? No I could care less what they think of me!
JoinedPosts by Oceanblue
Why Would Someone Like me Leave the "Truth"? Part 3 Continued
by cantleave inmike and i decided that we would find out where he lived and visit him.
he had moved to completely different area but we were new elders and determined to get our man.
we confronted bro smith on his doorstep after establishing where his house was and waiting outside long enough to ensure that he was in.
Why Would Someone Like me Leave the "Truth"? Part 3 Continued
by cantleave inmike and i decided that we would find out where he lived and visit him.
he had moved to completely different area but we were new elders and determined to get our man.
we confronted bro smith on his doorstep after establishing where his house was and waiting outside long enough to ensure that he was in.
I never truly felt sorry for anybody who was df'd or da'd themselves to the degree that J-dubs do. I viewed them humans beings. I just couldn't bring myself to be sorry for them being destroyed when I was miserable myself. In fact, I envied them. I remember when I came back from the JC when I asked to be reinstated, my dad, (former elder) said nobody is reinstated the first time. Where in the scriptures does it say that you have to go through 2 (humiliating) JC before you are deemed repentant enough to come back? I was crying, with snot rolling down my face, um, yea I def. was repentant. I can't see how elders can sit through their meetings and on JC committees and not come to the same conclusion you eventually did? They see and are aware of more than the average J-dub. They are def. in a postition to see that some things just don't make sense.
Who's the best JWN liar? I'll start -- "we shun you cuz we love you"
by Fatfreek ina wisconsin man won top prize in the "world's best liar" contest.. the burlington liars club gave its top award to 58-year-old public health inspector jerry legro of sun prairie.
his lie: ""i just realized how bad the economy really is.
i recently bought a new toaster oven and as a complimentary gift, i was given a bank.".
We take 1 Thes. 4:11 seriously and always mind our own business concerning personal matters, since everyone has the freedom to do what their conscience allows them.
STOP Talking to Your Family OR ELSE!
by UnDisfellowshipped in" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 411).
" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 413).
" (the watchtower july 15th 1963 issue, page 446).
Haha yep Ziddina, I brought this topic back up! Thank you everybody for warmly welcoming me. I finally have an outlet to freely use my brain! I wish I had some relatives that could help me :( most are J-dubs and the ones who aren't, I have no idea where they are! My family is one of those Witnesses that abandoned their non-witness relatives. As for my friend's, they are def. helping me to get a job. I feel like its only a matter of time before I get confronted with the ultimatium again and I want to be ready. Despite everything, I'm hoping for the best in 2010.
Remember the clean rooms at the KH
by greenhornet ini am not sure if this topic is in the right place but.......... back when i was "in" i remember some kingdom halls had clean rooms that were for poeple that were alergect to every thing.. do they still have them.
(also they had them at the conventions also).
Well at the kingdom hall I (unfortunatley) still attend with my family, there are at least three families who have members who are allergic to everything. They just sit in the back school with the door closed and the blinds open so they can see the stage. No seperate entrance or clean air. There is always a delay when one of them decides to bless the rest of the congregation with their comments. I have allergies too, but before I was disfellowshiped, I never felt comfortable enough to sit back there with them because they complain too much and I didn't want to be viewed the same way they are, a nuisance, because they are always getting an attitude with their "brothers and sisters" for the hair prodects, deoderants, etc. they use. I didn't like how they gave other people dirty looks too. I just thought they had such a self-righteous attittude. I don't wear perfume, but I do use a certain deoderants because I sweat alot for a girl (eww!) and its the only one that works for me. Same thing for my hair. If it works, I'm not going to stop using it, even if I give my own self a headache. I'll just take some benedryl and call it a day.
Was there one single thing that told you non-JWs were not that bad after all?
by dgp inwhen you people were witnesses, was there one thing (or many) that really told you non-jw's were not that bad people after all?
was there anything other people did to you that got you thinking or, better yet, feeling that you hadn't been told the truth about us?.
thank you for your answers..
As I mentioned in my first post on here last night, the fact that I can name six of my "wolrdly" friends off the top of my head, who have taken the time to check in on me since I was disfellowshiped last year, speaks volumes to me. They understand what I did was wrong, but they don't treat me like I have a disease. They saw that I was hurting, in pain, and all they cared about was me. They realized that I needed support and that the practice of disfellowshiping (i.e. shunning) me to the degree that the WTS does, was making me feel worse. All they wanted to do was help me. One girl even offered me to come live with her. I turned her down because I didn't want to be a burden. I even stopped talking to her so that I could prove to my parents that I was letting go of my "worldly" friends, but recently contacted her a few weeks ago, after I started reading so-called "apostate" material. She told me that she loves me and that she only wants the best for me. She will always consider me a friend. I can't name any of my former witness friend's who would tell me that without me being reinstated first.
Since I quit my job and can't find another one in this economy, I am working with this program through my state government. The first person I met was this man, who asked me why was such a pretty, smart young girl like me, doing there. I told him a little of my story, which caused me to break down in tears. He said what the Witnesses are doing to me is not right.
I also wondered about all the wonderful things "worldly" people were doing by setting up,volunteering and sending in money for different charities. How could Jehovah just destroy these wonderful people, just because they aren't Witnesses helping to make that billion hours a year quota?
Bottom line... only the "worldly" people I have come in contact with have ever proven how much they care about me, despite the crazy J-dub reasonings I gave them for what was, for them, a strange way of thinking and acting about certain situations.
For those who researched 607...
by AwSnap indid you use wt dates as well as things found from a secular perspective?
if a witness was researching the 607 dates strictly from watchtower info, would it still become clear they are wrong?
or does the wtbs *make* the dates add up...?
This was the first point I tried to point out to my mom and it got me nowhere. All she could tell me is that everybody else has it wrong. I watched the youtube video and used their suggestion and tried to prove to my mom just using the Watchtower publications. I came up with 587 B.CE. just like they did. My mom didn't buy it and she went online and searched 607/587 B.C. and came back to me and said I was looking at apostate literature. I researched the date in my history book from my college class, 3 different Encyclopedias at the local library and I looked at some other websites online. All of them agreed on 587/586.
I think it was (found that to be a good website for references, as well as the Christian Research Institute), but I found some information concerning the questions a-e that are in bohm's post. I read for myself in the Bible in the book of Jeremiah that more than one nation was involved during the 70 years, which matched the information I found when I went to the library. Once again, they glossed over the information and just picked out what proved their point. I think its in the May 2009 Awake, but in there they mention Jerusalem being destroyed in 607. I looked up the quote on the British Musem website and everything was the same, except the date. Interestingly, they didn't explain why they did that in the article. That's because they know that their loyal followers will not question anything they print. So, you def. have to be one step ahead because they are so indoctrinated that they will spew out all this rehearsed crap without batting an eye. They know how to argue the Watchtower's viewpoint from the Bible very well. That's why I always found the congregation Bible study and the Watchtower Study to be so frustrating. They are just reading what's in the paragraphs and don't let it be a young child commenting. You can just hear the approval from them hearing the children read the "answers" out the paragraph like they came up with the answer all by themselves! No orignal thought. It's sickening. I wish I could go downstairs to my dad's office and just grab all the bound volumes, bibles and magazines and just burn them all in the backyard!
As everyone else has pointed out, proving that 1874, 1878, 1910,1914, 1919, 1925, 1975, and I guess we can now add 2034 is wrong may be easier than trying to prove 607 B.C. I haven't researched this new date for myself yet, so I can't say so with certainty. It's not as obvious as the others ones were. I guess they've learned to be more subtle so that us apostates can't point to any one thing.
Alleged Sexual Predator Frederick McLean Still Running From Justice
by Bangalore inalleged sexual predator frederick mclean still running from justice.. .
He used his "spiritual" privileges to gain access to his victims. What a sick, sick man! I am glad that they have not stopped looking for him. He can run, but he can't hide forever.
STOP Talking to Your Family OR ELSE!
by UnDisfellowshipped in" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 411).
" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 413).
" (the watchtower july 15th 1963 issue, page 446).
Thank you! I feel so much better after sharing my story, especially since I have nobody to talk to so candidly. Knowing that others have been where I am now and the fact that they have gone on to have rewarding lives makes me feel very hopeful that I can also go on to have a rerarding life to of my own too. I am making plans for my future, planning to do things I thought I would never get to do because I was always peparing for the Paradise earth that was always "just around the corner". I know that my life won't always be that great, but I feel like I've already been through hell!
I'm glad so many people are starting to wake up and see the Watchtower for what it really is. This thread should really make anyone with an open mind stop and think like Leprechaun said. Once you take the time to piece together the nonsense they've printed over the years, who would bother to listen to them anymore? I've always found it strange that the Watchtower Library CD doesn't have anything before 1950. Now I know why.
Off to turn in some job applications.
STOP Talking to Your Family OR ELSE!
by UnDisfellowshipped in" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 411).
" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 413).
" (the watchtower july 15th 1963 issue, page 446).
I have been disfellowshiped since December 2008. I wrote a letter apologizing in June 2009 and then a few months later in September, I wrote another letter asking to be reinstated. I met with the judicial committee and they said I have made some good progress, but not enough time has passed and so at that time, they would not be reinstating me. Before the brother could finish talking, I got up and walked out of the room in tears. One of the brothers followed me outside. I wonder if he did that so that I wouldn't damage their cars on my way out of the parking lot. I told him with tears and snot running down my face that it doesn't seem to matter how hard I try, nothing I ever do is good enough. He tried to tell me that everyhting will turn out alright and I wil be back and have a chance to have real friends, blah blah blah.
I had quit my job and spent the year holed up in my room because I still live at home with my family and I hate the way they have treated me since I was disfellowshiped. Sure, they still associate with me, but its like they are blaming me for the family falling about, which is ridiculous because the fact that we haven't been a real family for years is the reason I ended up doing the things that got me disfellowshiped in the first place. My dad had to step down as an elder and he's even moodier and depressed than he was before. I thought that now that he wasn't an elder, we could be a real family again since he would have more time to spend with us. NOPE! THANK YOU FOR TAKING MY DADDY AWAY FROM ME WTS!
I cut off all ties with "worldly people" in order to prove to my parents that I really was changing. But all this time spent by myself, trying to get another job (bad timing, since I quit during a recession), trying to prove that I am truly repenant and can be a good witnesses again, has made me hate myself, hate my family, hate Jehovah's Witnesses, hate Jehovah (God), pretty much hate everybody in the whole entire world! I have wanted to just end everything and just kill myself. Why should I stick around when my parents look down on me, people who are non-witnesses are not good to hang around and the witnesses in the surrounding congregations thing they are doing me a big favor by avoiding me like I'm the plauge? But I have always stopped myself because my little sister would be the first to find me and she is already messed up, thanks to this religion messing up my parents, and they, in turn, messing us up. I also knew that if God existed, he would not want me to take my own life in such a selfish way.
A few weeks ago, I was feeling pretty low as usual. So I decided to go online and see how other disfellowshiped witnesses were coping and how they were able to get the courage to get reinstated. Well, I certainly found what I was looking for and more, much more! I can't remember the first website I found, but from there I found freeminds. org and many other websites and videos on youtube that I have been visiting since that night. I've checked everything that was said and compared it to what I found in my watchtower library at home. Everything I found was exactly where they said it would be and it said exactly what they said it would say. At first I was shocked, then I was angry! Now, I am sad because I am 22 years old and I feel like my life up until this point has been a lie! I have been so sad and confused for so many years and my life could have been completely different than what it is now. I have wasted my teen years. I wanted to be a cheerleader, I could have finished college by now. I chose not to be friends with some good people who still check up on me. They don't care about what I did. They care about me and they know how depressed I have been.
Reading this post makes me angry all over again, esp. the part about stoning! Oh, how loving of this so-called "God's visible organization". I tried to share some of what I was learning, like the real date of Jerusalem, and she went online to see what I was talking about and she said I was reading "apostate" information. I tried to tell her that there were other religions around 1919 who had already using God's name, not celebrating birthdays and holidays. She wouldn't let me look it up on her laptop. I guess she thinks the information will corrupt her hard drive or something. The only thing she cold tell me is that they are imperfect men, but we still need to listen to them because they are the "faithful and descrete slave". I asked even if they are wrong? At the point she just said we can't talk about spiritual matters and so the discussion ended. She came to me a week later, after talking with one of her friend that lives in NC. At the end of January, we will be going to the two day circuit assembly and she will see her friend there, who's daughter was also disfellowshiped and reinstated. She aksed me to think about writign a letter to be reinstated so that I wil be able to associate withe everybody. I told her I couldn't do that because it wouldn't be sincere. In my mind, I was thinking, why would I want to be around people who abandoned me in my time of need? I wanted to kill myself, while they almost broke their necks trying to get away from me. I felt dirty and that God hated me. But after I started learning about the real truth about God from the Bible, all the pain and hurt I felt just went away. Even that first night, I felt like a huge burdon was lifted off of my shoulder. I just realized that I have consistantly been happy every since that day. I have been depressed at all! I will never go back and I hope one day my paretnts will found out the real truth about "the truth" and leave too. But in the mean time, I hope to get a job so that I can get out of here!