Yeah, I def. was terrified because the way I understood it was that it would be like what the JWs went throught during WW2. I didn't know what would happen to me or my family. Would we be separated? Would they burn our house down bc we had WTS magazine, books and bibles? Overall, it was just every scary to me. Now, I'm like whatever, lol!
JoinedPosts by Oceanblue
Does anybody else feel relieved that they won't be tortured during the great tribulation?
by doublelife ini grew up hearing about different ways people have been tortured in the past and was always scared of going through that during the gt.
it was always an unhealthy obsession of mine.
i always thought that i was more worried about it than other jws and that i would end up renouncing my faith to get out of it.
Were There Any JW Doctrines Or Beliefs That You Found Confusing?
by minimus inmost witnesses never could explain exactly who the "faithful slave" was (according to the society's explanation).
the resurection of the sodomites was another bewildering thing.
were they or weren't they going to be resurrected?
I was consfused about everything really, but esp. the dates. Trying to learn about the events surrounding 1914 last December is when things started unraveling for me. How the Gibeonites are the modern day "other sheep" of the JWs. I used to have so many index cards stuck in my Bible and Reasoning book to help my find scriptures to prove the trinty is false, b-days, holidays, ect. I could never keep it straight and I just ended up looking foolish anyway.
Twilight movies
by darnkid indoes anyone know exactly what the society has said on the twilight movies?
is it a matter of conscience or a real no-no?
my children are witnesses, i am df'd so i can't say anything, but one of them indulges in these movies and books-the baptized one who won't visit me or talk to me unless absolutely necessary.
Mom won't allow the books in the house. I've already read the whole series, but I haven't seen the movies yet. She says that since it invovles vampires, undead people, it is demonic. At first she let my little sister read the books and then later on, she had her in my dad's office with some WTS article. That was around May of last year. This past weekend I caught my sister reading the first book again. That doesn't surprise me because my little sister listens for awhile out of fear and then she does whatever she wants.
I've even heard my mom discourageing somebody's Bible study not to see the movies. Whatever happened to it being a personal matter?I bet the Bible student was confused because no scripture was used to support why she shouldn't see it.
I haven't heard of the Vampire series being banned like Harry Potter, but I'm sure it will be mentioned either at the assembly or at the DC this summer.
What's the logic behind 'Quick-build' KHs?
by african GB Member indo they really have to build khs in 2 days?.
how safe are those khs?.
In the area I live in, two kingdom halls were built and they definitly took more than 2 days. It was more like 8-10 days. Last year, the two kingdom halls were to be built and the one I attend was supposed to be remodeled. All of this was supposed to be done by the end of the year. I think they just finished this weekend on the second hall. I'm not sure if they really are finished, but I'm not going to bother to ask either. Who knows when they will get around to remodeling, especially since they made sure to say that with Jehovah's help (and donatations from the local congregations) the work would all be done in December 2009. On top of that, with Jehovah's help (more donations from the local congregations) work on the new assembly hall will began.
The kindom hall my family uses was first bulit in the early 80's. Then it was remodeled in the mid 90's. About a year or two ago, the bathrooms had to be redone because their was a major plumming problem. Both congregations using the hall have donated money for these other halls to be built, while their hall, which has been used to the max between the spanish, ASL, pioneer school, etc for the past several years is about to fall apart. What do they do? They keep pushing the project back and sending money to other projects. Then they come back for more money when they run into problems. I wonder how long it will be before the RBC comes back, and take up the portion for the service meeting, begging for more money in the name of Jehovah. A few weeks ago, they had the nerve to ask on a Thursday night for individually wrapped snacks for 500+ people, along with fruit and drinks, to be delievered to the site that Saturday. Even the PO seemed a little embarrased to be asking in their behalf. I was looking around, like are you guys serious!?!
What's with this borrowing money from the WTS on 0% interest to build kingdom halls? Do they even have that much money to spare after the pay offs to the pedofile's victim(s)?
It feels like the Ice Age and not Global Warming
by MsDucky init's cold!
are the ice caps still melting?
My mom and I were talking at this last night I had it seems more like global climate change instead of global warming. to me. I went to get a movie and pizza last night and it was 27 degrees. That is def. not a temperature I'm familiar with in the South.
Song Book changes - the 'real' reason behind them - EYE OPENING
by EndofMysteries init's very interesting comparing things that are removed.
for one, new world order and new world, new order, all being eliminated from everything.
just research nwo, "new world order", etc, to see.
Wow, I'm going to have a hard time singing these songs knowing that now my singing them will be outright worship to the GB
What translation of the Bible do you use?
by Miss Chievous inafter leaving the org i got a compemporary english version of the bible and although it is not a word perfect translation it is so easy to read, something i never found with the nwt.
it is the youth version of that translation and along side the scriptures it has small sections on bible history, major themes running through the scriptures, questions and answers on important issues, advice on real life situations and how to be christian.
makes bible reading much more enjoyable.
I use the true images NIV. It's the Bible for teenage girls, but since I'm in my early 20's, I can still relate to the In Focus Articles they have that show how the Bible can relate to real life. There are also other features that you find as you read along. Overall, reading the Bible in this verison is actually fun and enjoyable to me than it ever was reading the NWT Bible along with the Watchtower.
How can you test whether you have broken free of the mind control
by cantleave init's been less than a year but i think i am nearly there.. i can read through a mag or sit through a meeting and instantly see through the bs.. i can watch the news without thinking is this a part of the composite sign.. i see people for what they are without trying to pigoen hole them.. i'm not worried what the elders think.. however,.
i still show too much interest if i see something about a jw in the media.. i notice kingdom hall if driving through a new place.. i still want to stop and say hello if i see a group of witnesses on the street.. how do you guys and gals measure the progress of your exit from the cult?.
I also had no problem throwing away my very first NWT Bible I had the other day. I kept it all these years, even though pages are falling out. I had no problem throwing it away along with the now old song book. I even felt regret that I couldn't throw all my NWT Bibles out, since I still have to go to the meetings. The day I move out, I'm throwing everything away.
How can you test whether you have broken free of the mind control
by cantleave init's been less than a year but i think i am nearly there.. i can read through a mag or sit through a meeting and instantly see through the bs.. i can watch the news without thinking is this a part of the composite sign.. i see people for what they are without trying to pigoen hole them.. i'm not worried what the elders think.. however,.
i still show too much interest if i see something about a jw in the media.. i notice kingdom hall if driving through a new place.. i still want to stop and say hello if i see a group of witnesses on the street.. how do you guys and gals measure the progress of your exit from the cult?.
I sit through the meeting and find just about everything funny, from the talks on the platform, what is found in the publications, to the comments the Witnesses make.
On the other hand, when I am online, I make sure that I have more than one tab open, so that if anyone comes into my room, I can quickly switch from any JW related website of forum to something else. I am getting ready to prepare a letter stating why I will never be a JW again, complete with scriptures, to present to my parents and grandmother, as well as the elders, on a moments notice.
Like Farkel, I notice I still use those certain terms to like, "truth", "brother and sister", etc. But than again, it's only been a month for me, so I have a long way to go anyway. I'm sure once I move out of my parents house and get some much needed therapy, these things will disappear as the years go by. I believe it will always be there, but won't be such a big influence on my life anymore.
To Ex-JWs: Do You Regret Learning it Was a Lie?
by leavingwt inthis question was inspired by a question on another thread.
to the ex-jw community here,.
do any of you regret learning that wt is not god's organization?
No, from the moment I learned it was all a lie, I felt free at last, God Almight, free at last! I'm so glad I know now, while I am in my early 20's, instead of later on, because now I can go on with my life. I regret leaving my family behind, but I just hope that one day they also learn the "truth" about the truth also.